But, these platforms are constantly learning and improving. This topic describes how to understand, write, and use effective alt text in Microsoft 365 products. Alt text is an important part of making a website accessible to everyone. By following these steps, you can efficiently update the alt text for your WordPress images using our Bulk Alt Text Generator Tool and a custom PHP script. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. How can you ensure that your alt text is effective? Let the interesting and tricky parts begin! The alt text should describe what the button will do when activated, such as "Search", "Submit", "Register", "Place your order", etc. alt text is the text that appears along with an image, and it can be used to provide additional information about the image. And! This project uses an ML modal from Salesforce called BLIP on Replicate to generate relevant alt text for images. Without descriptions of the infographics, anyone with a visual disability cannot understand the infographic and misses out on key information. ALT Text. A