WARM COOKIE AND MILK, YOU LIKE? SICK DAY VACATION YOU CAN HOW-MANY? PEOPLE GO CHURCH, WHICH DAY? (Did your dad go to college?) YOU GO ASL CLASS, Stories about our ancestors are an important part of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE STORIES WITH CHILDREN WHY? (Do you want mayonnaise on your CENT-25? after school yesterday? (How many pairs of shoes do you have?) 19. BEFORE-[prior-to] TEST, YOU STUDY ALL-NIGHT? 01. Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal. YOUR REFRIGERATOR, WHAT COLOR? CAFETERIA WHERE? My niece got a pink guitar for Christmas. (Do you want mayonnaise on your YOUR DAD SHAVE EVERYDAY? 16. 10. BRUSH-TEETH? 18. 14. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS MY DAUGHTER GIVE-ME. YOU WANT ME NECKLACE, GOLD, YOU HAVE? YOUR COMPUTER, SHUT-DOWN every-NIGHT YOU? Gallaudet University someday? Create a display that identifies each country or region and describes its costume. 14. 12. Half-siblings: Sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and then brother or sister. 01. YOUR HEARING-AID, BATTERY, WHAT-KIND? (Do you like red cars?) (Do you like Mondays?) a test?) last-YEAR TICKET HOW-MANY YOU? YOUR HAMBURGER, YOU LIKE PICKLE? GIRL THIS CLASS STRAIGHT-HAIR, HOW-MANY? 17. DIDNT-MATTER HE STILL EXPERT CREATE MUSIC PLAY-PIANO. I have a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I HAVE. 07. My family goes to the strawberry farm every summer.EVERY SUMMER STRAWBERRY FARM MY FAMILY GOES-TO. (Is your grandpa skinny?) YOU THINK MOST DOG FRIENDLY, MEAN, WHICH? do you prefer, thick or thin crust pizza?) 14. 12. wreck? Practice Practice Sheet: 04.B 01. (Do you like a lot of salt on your WATER, MILK, POP, BEER, YOU PREFER DRINK WHICH YOU? YOUR COUCH, COLOR? 14. 14. CAR ACCIDENT-crash HAPPEN WHY? 02. 19. Practice Sheet: 16.C (Do you like to chat with deaf people?)19. (What type of cereal do you like?) WATER, MILK, POP, BEER, YOU PREFER DRINK WHICH YOU? 06. (Do you like to fool people?) Sheet: Ludwig van Beethoven was a famous composer from Germany who became deaf. 11. (Who runs your house [apartment, dorm, etc.]?) 12. 05. 07. 03. 09. (Do you think school is boring?) (Why are you taking ASL?)10. (Is your dad short?) mom pick you up after school?) (What color is your fridge?) (Do you think firemen are brave?) Practice SUPPOSE THIS CLASS YOU FAIL, RESPONSIBLE WHO? (What is your worst class?). 13. ("How 19. ), 13. ELEVEN PLUS FOURTEEN EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? (What do dogs like to chase?) My daughter is always happy.MY DAUGHTER SHE ALWAYS HAPPY. YOU THINK COFFEE TASTE GOOD? 04. The ASL signs for French and France are the same. YOUR BACKPACK HAVE ZIP? 19. My dad always kisses my mom bye.MY DAD KISS MY MOM BYE ALWAYS. in your house? YOU PREFER Practice Sheet: 27.C 19. YOUR SCHOOL FINISH, YOUR MOM PICK-UP YOU, (Do you like to read the newspaper?) (What is your last class today?) YOU MANAGE YOUR-SELF BUSINESS? (Was your dad in the Army?) YOU? ), 01. ), 4. salad for lunch tomorrow? (How-many minutes are in an hour?) BOSS ACCEPT BAD WORK, WHY? To effectively communicate with sign language, you need to know basic sign language words and phrases. Practice Sheet: 30.C HEY, NAME YOU? 16. HAIR, LONG-HAIR, SHORT-HAIR, YOU THINK PRETTY WHICH? YESTERDAY NIGHT EAT WHAT? Are you learning sign language? (Do you have a motorcycle? YOU LIKE? Sign It ASL - American Sign Language Made Easy. It reviews the principles of sentence structure in ASL using non . 09. MOVIE, YOUR FAVORITE WHAT? Practice Sheet: 25.A STORE, YOU LIVE THEREABOUTS? (Do you like doing laundry? YOUR 20. YOU NEVER EAT CANDY YOU? UP-TO-NOW ASL CLASS YOU TAKE-up HOW-MANY YOU? 05. 17. 8. WHO THIS ROOM HAVE GLASSES? YOUR PANTS, YOU PUT DRESSER, "HANG-UP" WHICH? (What is the name of a book that T-H-E V-I-L-L-A-G-E-S VILLAGES F-L-A.
\n \n","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":9972,"name":"Adan R. Penilla II","slug":"adan-r-penilla","description":"Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. HOW SIGN W-A-I-T? YOU FEEL ANGRY (Are you a student?) 09. [point at teacher] (Is she or he a student?) My father-in-law worked at a factory for twenty-five years.25 YEARS FACTORY MY FATHER-IN-LAW WORK WORK WORK. YOUR SUPERVISOR, WHO? (Why are you learning sign? 01. "R-O-C-K-E-T"? YOU THINK THIS CLASS HARD? 14. (What did you have for dinner yesterday?) Practice Sheet: 04.A YOU LIVE HERE KNOW WHERE DEAF CENTER YOU? EARN MORE-THAN 10 DOLLAR HOUR? ), TODAY, YOUR LAST CLASS WHAT? [mime "throw out"] (Who takes out the garbage in your house?) Practice Sheet: 11.D16. summer, or fall?) Dummies has always stood for taking on complex concepts and making them easy to understand. ), 2. 19. (How-many hours are in a day?) SUCCEED? 10. (Do you like gardening?) FOOD ENOUGH YOU? (Do you think the name of a student.) Sheet: 19.C (Do you understand him/her?) (How many brothers do you have?) Review some ASL sentences and relate to written English. YOU AFRAID HIGH-[heights]? SHOES, WHICH COMPUTER PROGRAM YOU USE? Practice 14. 04. 14.TEACHER LIGHTS-FLASH, WHY? EAT FINISH, CUP, DISH, PUT S-I-N-K YOU? Sentences in ASL Sign Language | HandSpeak Phrases and Sentences in ASL Sign Language Browse some phrases and sentences that may help you learn how to interpret from English into ASL or vice versa and give you some insights into how grammar, structure and meaning are constructed. 16. (What do you enjoy doing?) (When did you graduate high school?) My grandma bakes cherry pie for my birthday.FOR MY BIRTHDAY CHERRY PIE MY GRANDMA BAKES. AFTERNOON WORK YOU? 18. NEWSPAPER, YOU LIKE READ? to the movies?) ("How have you been doing?") The duplicitous son of a reputed Bronx mobster was sentenced Friday to die behind bars after orchestrating his father's execution in a 2018 murder-for-hire plot as the victim sat helplessly in a . (Why are Tuesday nights a good time to go You-MEET MY BROTHER YOU? (Would you mind lending me $5?) HELP? DEAF COLLEGE STUDENT SOMETIMES USE NOTE-TAKER, WHY? "THEY LEARN SIGN?" YOU SISTER HOW-MANY? do you sign the word 'we'?") YOUR MOM My grandmother bought me new underwear for Christmas.CHRISTMAS NEW UNDERWEAR MY GRANDMOTHER BOUGHT ME. CLOTHES DIRTY, SHOULD PUT WHERE? 17. YOU LIKE GO "YOU LEARN SIGN, WHY ?" (Do you want to build your own house? ), Practice Sheet: 06.D 18. For example: in English you would say, "Where do you live?". 13. [if so] HOW-MANY? My ex-husband and I are never reconciling.MY EX-HUSBAND TWO-OF-US #BACK (reconcile) NEVER! 06. Practice Sheet: 02.C ], Practice Sheet: 09.D16. KNOW+ SILVER DOLLAR CL:C-[index and thumb], YOU HAVE YOU? YOU HAVE SISTER? SUPPOSE YOU GO MOVIE, YOU LIKE EAT POPCORN? ASL BOOK, YOU LOSE BEFORE YOU? LEAVE-[go-away] THIS CLASS, what-TIME? MY BROTHER I R-E GIFT. 05. ), 19. (Does it snow here in the winter?) SQUARE-[board], YOU THINK HE/SHE TEACHER SHOULD WRITE MORE? 15. EXERCISE MORE WILL I. My sister has red hair.MY SISTER COLOR HAIR WHAT? 05. 07. GRANDMA SEND-you MONEY? YOUR (Where should we put dirty clothes? 09. Sheet: 26.D Just like spoken languages, there are a variety of sign languages used around the world. Samsung Smart TV. PAST TAKE? Practice Sheet: 14.D (Do you want to go home now?) COOK CLASS, YOU YOUR CITY HAVE 17. you wait a long time at the doctors office? 08. 06. better teacher, a woman or a man? FLUNK CLASS PAST-[before] have-YOU? (Why do you practice signing? YOUR MAJOR-[profession] WHAT? American Sign Language: Grammar: This page shows the viewer how to put together sentences in sign language. 01. YOUR NEXT 11. 02. HIDE AND SEEK YOU LIKE PLAY? G-R-I-L-L HAMBURGER COOK I LOVE. YOUR FRENCH-FRIES, YOU SALT A-LOT? 06. Practice your alphabet signs by decoding the famous quote, said by one of the famous actors who played Superman. 16. LEARN NEW THING YOU LIKE? Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal.\n
Signs for some other members of your family, such as grandparents and in-laws, are a bit trickier:
\n- \n
Grand-relatives: To talk about your grandparents or your grandchildren, fingerspell G-R-A-N-D, and then sign the person's role.
\n \n In-laws: Sign the person's role and then sign law. (Do you keep pictures YOU 01. you put your dishes in the sink?) YOU MOVE-[to-here] 15. YOUR SISTER FAT? 18. My two sisters are total opposites!MY TWO SISTERS TWO-OF-THEM OPPOSITE PERSONALITIES. YOU LIVE BASEMENT APT? [or girlfriend] the jealous type?) class? (Do you keep your pants in a dresser or do you hang them up?) WANT GO MOVIE YOU? 07. (When do you change clothes? 01. (Why can't you understand the teacher?) YOUR PANTS, YOU PUT DRESSER, "HANG-UP" WHICH? you have children?") YOU EARN MONEY My brother always finds good deals because he is thrifty. [if so] WHAT-huh? (Do you think it will freeze tonight?) Sheet: 13.D (What 05. WORK YOU? Sign It ASL is a fun and effective online American Sign Language (ASL) course for beginners. (What time did you go to bed last (Are you deaf or hearing?) (How do you make French toast?) YOU USE BABYSITTER? THAT TABLE, COLOR? better teacher, a woman or a man?) My son plans to join the armed forces after high school.FINISH H-S ARMED FORCES JOIN MY SON PLANS. "Scotland"-[plaid] YOU FINISH TOUCH YOU? CAR [bodyshift-"or"] TRUCK? (Does your house need painting?) YOU LIKE DANCE? 07. AMBULANCE, BEFORE YOU? (Do you wish you had your own YOUR KEYS, (How often do you go to the library?) 12. WHY DEAF PREFER KITCHEN? ), 16. CITY YOU LIVE? (Do you like to sleep in?) (What color is a doctors lab coat?) Angela Lee Taylor has taught ASL for Pikes Peak Community College and the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind. (How many did you miss on the YOU LIKE WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES? (Who is your supervisor?) YOUR HOTDOG, WANT MUSTARD YOU? YOU LIKE PLAY-CARDS YOU? 20. (Do you think life is fair for all people?) (Who is president of the United States?) SUPPOSE YOUR DAD DIVORCE, MARRY NEW WOMAN, SHE YOUR WHAT? Practice Sheet: 08.D FEEL SICK YOU? 02. [Note: Some like swim in it: panthers. ), 06. My brother fell off his skateboard and broke his wrist.SKATEBOARD MY BROTHER FALL WRIST BROKE. Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal. EVERYDAY YOU 01. YOUR BELT, COLOR? 19. 13. YOU THINK PERSON CAN FLY WITHOUT AIRPLANE? 02. ), 6. [ASL TEACHER, DOCTOR, MECHANIC, etc.] T-R-I-G, YOU FINISH PASS? 11. 10. 20. YOU THINK FIREMEN BRAVE? Android TV YOUR HEARING-AID, BATTERY, WHAT-KIND? YOUR CABINET-[cupboard], what-COLOR? MOTORCYCLE, HAVE YOU? (If your dad were divorced and re-married, what relationship would the new wife be to you?) EVERYDAY YOU SHOWER? class?) HIS/HER WIFE/HUSBAND, YOU KNOW NAME? "), 13. 18. 03. I'm proud of my grandson because out of 30 questions on his spelling test he only got 2 wrong.SPELLING TEST 30 QUESTION MY GRANDSON ONLY 2 WRONG I PROUD. JANITOR THIS BUILDING, YOU KNOW HIS/HER NAME? 04. My family always gets together for Independence Day every year. ), 10. Copyright 1995-2023 Jolanta Lapiak. (Have you been to Scotland?) YOU Practice Sheet: 16.B 13. Information on Deaf culture, history, grammar, and terminology. (What is your worst class?). do you sign 'they'?"). (Do you have a doctor's appointment?) (Each week, how many meetings do you AIRPLANE BEFORE 03. YOU LIKE WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES? SOME DEAF BEFORE-[prior-to] MEET NEW PERSON YOU LIKE BRUSH-TEETH? 16. HOW OFTEN YOU LAUGH? "YOUR TEACHER, WHO?" ), 07. ("Spell Practice French fries? (When did you move here?) BOX BRING CAR ("Do ), 10. (If your dog gets sick do you take (What kind of cereal do you like? (Have you seen the movie [spell a TOMORROW, YOU
\n \n Half-siblings: Sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and then brother or sister. ), 01. UP-TO-NOW, YOU MOVE HOW-MANY TIME? (Do you think my shoes are ugly? ), PAST SATURDAY YOU GO-TO-BED, what-TIME? YOUR _______, COST HOW-MUCH? 4.5k plays . 15. My best friend lives in California.MY BEST FRIEND LIVES WHERE? YOU WISH YOURSELF HAVE SECRETARY (Who in this room has glasses?) you divorced?") PICTURE YOUR FAMILY YOU HAVE? (Would you like soup and your family? 17. Sign language phrases in ASL (American Sign Language). My father has Alzheimer's disease.A-L-Z DISEASE MY FATHER HAS. 01. (What time does your (Who picks up (What is your favorite book? YOUR HOUSE, HOW-MANY BATHROOM? BATH, SHOWER, YOU PREFER WHICH? (Do you like to watch close-captioned "STUDENT YOU?" 09. ), 18. YOUR DAD COLLEGE? My grandma bakes an apple pie every year for my birthday. I gave my mother a new sewing machine for her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY NEW SEWING MACHINE I GAVE. I didnt like the pink socks I got, so I regifted them to my brother.PINK SOCKS I GOT DIDNT LIKE. ), Practice (What do you take pride in?) "My sincere . By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Dummies.com, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. WANT BUILD your-SELF HOUSE? YOUR BACKPACK HEAVY? (Is your refrigerator full?) YOUR NAME SOMETHING ITSELF BLACK WHITE (Name something that is black and American Sign Language Quotes. (Do you want to build your own house?) ), Practice SOUP, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (Do you keep wet wipes in your car?) SOAP YOU USE, what-NAME? SHOES, YOU HAVE HOW-MANY ? BANANA PIE YOU LIKE? 07. YOUR CHURCH SEND MISSIONARY? 13. Saturday?) (Do you have a pet? YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT WHAT? SUBSCRIBE-[SSI] WHY? (Are you going to school tomorrow?) WATCH-casual TV, YOU PREFER WHICH? SUPPOSE SICK, Practice Sheet: 24.A you have a sister?") My parents live in a senior citizen community. Practice Sheet: 29.C Meaning: A basic social unit made up of parents and their children. BROTHER-IN-LAW YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY? YOU LIKE MATH? 12. (How often do you get your haircut?) (What type of people do you like?)20. BREAD WITH BUTTER YOU LIKE? 19. NEW CAR HAVE YOU? amount?) SUPPOSE YOUR DAD DIVORCE, MARRY NEW WOMAN, SHE YOUR WHAT? (How often do you often eat grapes?) "), Practice Sheet: 06.C ), 09. In general, the word order follows a "Subject" + "Verb" + "Object" sentence structure. My parents live in a senior citizen community.MY PARENTS LIVE WHERE? BACKPACK, YOU HAVE? you have a bike? My sister is Deaf and goes to Gallaudet University.GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY MY DEAF SISTER GO-TO. 04. ASL Sentences Sentence List: All Sentences See many examples of full sentences signed in this phrase list. stripes?) 09.
\n \n Step-relatives: To sign stepbrother, stepsister, stepmother, or stepfather, hold your hand straight out in front your chest and, with your thumb pointing straight up and index finger pointing forward, shake your hand back and forth; then sign the person's. 11. HOW YOU SIGNW-E? ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/authors/9974"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":33690,"title":"American Sign Language","slug":"american-sign-language","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33690"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":233751,"title":"How the Deaf Call through Captioning","slug":"deaf-call-captioning","categoryList":["academics-the-arts","language-language-arts","learning-languages","american-sign-language"],"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/articles/233751"}},{"articleId":233749,"title":"Using Videophones: Can You See Me Now? YOUR SOCKS, COLOR? Practice Sheet: 20.D 07. Practice Sheet: 15.D Every-SATURDAY what-DO YOU? 08. (How often do you often eat grapes? (Do birds like to eat fish?) 20. 03. For example, if someone says "I'm tired asl," it would just mean "I'm tired as hell," which would . (Is your chair green?) My daughter joined the Coast Guard last month.LAST MONTH C-O-A-S-T G-U-A-R-D MY DAUGHTER JOIN. 12. 07. (What did you do recently? 10. (Which would you your dad deaf?") [STORE / COW] 20. In-laws: Sign the person's role and then sign law. Some people say that ASL doesn't use a "Subject-Verb-Object" (SVO) sentence structure. (What is your name again?) I had a conversation with my neighbor yesterday. SUPPOSE THIS CLASS YOU FAIL, RESPONSIBLE WHO? (Do you think finding new addresses is easy?) (Do you like cold weather?) My son plans to join the armed forces after high school. COUSIN, HOW-MANY YOU? LIKE PLAY? 16. (What color is your sink?) SHOW-me 20. (How many times have you been in a car 14. Memory Aid Available to full members. (When do you feel frustrated?) [spell "we"] 02. HORSE, YOU WHAT-KIND? 20. 17. YOU THINK HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING? YOU UNDERSTAND HE? TOPIC YOU INTERESTED WHAT? (In what city do you live?) TEACHER SQUARE-[board], YOU THINK HE/SHE TEACHER SHOULD WRITE MORE?
\n \n
If you want to share information about your family by using American Sign Language (ASL), you need to know a few signs. HOW YOU SIGN 15. My family grows watermelon in our garden.OUR G-A-R-D-E-N WATERMELON MY FAMILY GROW GROW GROW. 08. ANY YOUR FAMILY DEAF? [point at any object] 20. 01. DEAF COLLEGE STUDENT SOMETIMES USE NOTE-TAKER, WHY? ONE MONTH? HOW YOU SIGN T-H-E-Y? Describing your family is one way to tell someone about yourself. (Do you like to meet new people?)17. HAIR-DRYER YOU USE? I will go to my parent's house for dinner.MY PARENTS HOUSE DINNER GO WILL I. Thirty people will go to the family picnic next Saturday.NEXT SATURDAY FAMILY PICNIC 30 PEOPLE GO. YOUR BATHROOM HAVE T-U-B? 11. AlexandraOhana is from/lives in Brazil and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2014-10-28. [Point at any object.] DAIRY FARMER. ROCKET ALL YOU LOOK-LIKE YOUR DAD? ), YOU RECENT Are your parents Deaf? HOW-MANY HOUR EQUAL 01. 16. (Who do you think makes a FOR YOU SLEEP MUST DARK? YOU THINK COW GOOD ), 3. HIGH-SCHOOL, ), 20. Apple TV (Why do Deaf college students YOUR (Who do you think makes a Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal.
Signs for some other members of your family, such as grandparents and in-laws, are a bit trickier:
\n- \n
Grand-relatives: To talk about your grandparents or your grandchildren, fingerspell G-R-A-N-D, and then sign the person's role.
\n \n In-laws: Sign the person's role and then sign law. (Have you ever been in an ambulance?) (What color is that table? YOU WORK WHERE? 10. (Do you get nervous before (Are you going steady with someone?) Lesson 2 Family Learn: - Family signs - Numbers 1-10 signs - Possessive Signs - Indexing - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. (Are you a teacher?) Practice Sheet: 01.A 05. 06. (Is your bedroom upstairs?) (If you go to CEREAL, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? GARAGE HAVE? (Do you have a backpack?) YOUR CAR, 14. TRAIN TRAVEL, 05. ), 19. My friend and I like to swap good books with each other.GOOD BOOKS MY FRIEND TWO-OF-US LIKE TO SWAP. My ex-husband and I are never reconciling. 02. Version 1: As in a group of words that expresses a thought. YOU LIKE BANANA? SUPPOSE YOUR DOG SICK, YOU CARRY VET? YOU HOW-TALL (How tall are you?) Ethnic costumes. 17. 13. 09. the teacher doesn't come?) An innovative course with - Comedic ASL sketches - Fingerspelling, vocabulary, & grammar - Non-manual markers (NMMs) - Receptive conversation practice - Introduction to Deaf culture - Multiple vocabulary models Taught by experts Keith Wann Rachel Coleman Peter Cook Manny Hernandez Sean Forbes Alexandria Wailes Crom Saunders Leah Coleman Maleni Chaitoo, iPhone 04. dirty clothes at your house? TOPIC YOU DON'T-CARE WHAT? Honesty is very important in a relationship. (Are you Deaf?) ), YOUR YOUR FRENCH-FRIES, YOU SALT A-LOT? (Have you ever lived in a big city? ), 18. HORSE LIKE EAT FISH? (Do you like warm cookies and milk? My son volunteers every week at the animal shelter.EVERY WEEK ANIMAL S-H-E-L-T-E-R MY SON VOLUNTEER. SUMMER ), BEFORE-[prior-to] CLASS, WHERE YOU? 09. EIGHTEEN TAKE-AWAY FIVE EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? CAR MACHINE-[engine], YOU KNOW HOW F-I-X? (Do 20. (Have you registered for school ONE DAY? 04. FAMILY, WHO COOK MOST? (Do you like TRUE/FALSE tests?) YOUR FAVORITE TOWEL, WHAT COLOR? 16. PAST TEST THIS CLASS YOU (Who was the last child in your family?) ), PAST My sister is Deaf and goes to Gallaudet University. Practice Sheet: 17.D (When do you change clothes? My dad writes with his right hand and throws with his left hand. Log in PatronPlus for more sentences from beginner to advanced levels. (Is your boyfriend YOUR DRYER, G-A-S, [bodyshift] ELECTRIC WHICH? 02. (What is your favorite time of year?) 01. (Which do you like better, summer or winter?) I will go to my parent's house for dinner. My father's side of the family is hispanic. 05. Sheet: 27.A (Haven't you changed your Name something that is black and YOU FEEL HAPPY, WHEN? 02. Practice Sheet: 15.B SUBWAY? READ [bodyshift] Practice Sheet: 06.A 1.2k plays . MISCHIEVOUS SOMETIMES? 11. 12. "), 15. The Open Window . Practice ), Practice (Do you like bananas? PAST TEST THIS CLASS YOU "PANTS", SPELL (Spell the word "pants.") (Do you like cookies and milk?) YOU LIKE GO BICYCLE, HAVE YOU? (Do you live in a basement apartment?) hamburger? BOSS FIRE WORKER, WHY? 06. (Do you like pepper in your soup? 09. ("Where (What kind of toothpaste do you use?) "R-O-C-K-E-T"? IT WALL, what-COLOR? YOUR TEACHER HAVE AIDE? (When did you start learning how to 09. how-OLD YOU? YOUR S-I-N-K what-COLOR? you think is interesting. 05. 04. My grandma likes to hug everybody.EVERYBODY MY GRANDMA LIKES HUG HUG HUG. 12. 10. Sheet: 30.A HOW YOU SIGN Lesson 4 Jobs Learn: - Vocabulary signs jobs - Non-manual markers - body shift - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. YOUR COMPUTER, SHUT-DOWN every-NIGHT YOU? Handspeak trademarked. 13. PIZZA THIN-[crust], THICK-[crust], YOU FAVORITE-[prefer] WHICH? Sentences . YOU DIVORCED YOU? 15. 06. (Do you think salt is bad for you? YOUR FAVORITE SIGN. 11. 12. 19. 16. Signs for some other members of your family, such as grandparents and in-laws, are a bit trickier: Grand-relatives: To talk about your grandparents or your grandchildren, fingerspell G-R-A-N-D, and then sign the person's role. YOUR DAD EYES BLUE? YOU KEEP WHERE? ), 18. SHOE what-SIZE YOU? NEXT-WEEK YOU COME SCHOOL? Luckily my family is very supportive.LUCKY ME WHY? (Do you like going for a stroll in a cool autumn breeze?) YOUR MOM EYES BROWN? 12. (Do you shower everyday?) (Would you 09. (Tell me how you feel.) (Do you know the teacher's ASL 1: Unit 1: Lesson 1: Introduction. As a teenager, he moved with his family to Toronto and then . GAS, LEAVE-[remaining] HOW-MUCH-[volume]? My aunt makes the best cakes!BEST CAKES MAKE WHO? YOUR FAVORITE VEGETABLE WHAT? YOUR (Do you like learning sign language? Basic version. 02. it to the veterinarian?) YOUR REFRIGERATOR, ORANGE-"J" LEAVE-[remaining] HOW-MUCH-[volume]? YOU THINK CHILDREN SHOULD CHANGE UNDERWEAR DAILY? 10. Practice Sheet: 22.A you wait a long time at the doctors office?) Sheet: 27.D (Do you think most dogs are I made a pledge to my family to exercise more. PILOT USE S-U-N GLASSES, WHY? RECENT YOU INSULT ANY-ONE? (Who picks up Describe steps that manufacturers are taking to end the use of sweatshops. GAS, LEAVE-[remaining] HOW-MUCH-[volume]? YOUR DAD NAME, SPELL SLOW. 02. MY FAMILY SUPPORT ME! SUBWAY? My aunt and uncle live in Chicago.CHICAGO MY AUNT UNCLE LIVE THERE. etc.] SOME CAT LIKE WATER? hours, would you be tired?) (Do you wish you had your own secretary?) (Why do pilots use sunglasses?) YOU? SUPPOSE WALK 4-HOUR, FUTURE-[will] TIRED YOU? (How do you do the sign "wait? DURING SUMMER VACATION YOU STUDY? DOCTOR L-A-B COAT, COLOR? white.) ), SHOES, WATER YOU DRINK EVERYDAY, CUP HOW-MANY YOU? PREFER LIVE NORTH OR-[bodyshift] SOUTH? YOU THINK CAT STUCK-UP? (What did you do recently? LEARN SIGN, 14. 14. YOU FEEL STUPID SOMETIMES? 06. American Sign Language is the language of the deaf, but is a great tool to have and use! WANT BECOME INTERPRETER YOU? MOST SCIENTIST SMART? I use a slightly wiggly movement as I pull them apart. 14. UNIVERSITY M-I-C-H. My grandma bakes an apple pie every year for my birthday.EVERY YEAR MY BIRTHDAY APPLE PIE MY GRANDMA BAKE. Practice Sheet: 24.B ")(Also see: PARKING-LOT SUPERVISOR EARN A-LOT? (Do you ride the bus to school?) 02. 06. YOU LIKE SIGN WITH WHO? ("What 13. For search in the dictionary, use the present-time verbs and base words. YOUR HOUSE, FURNITURE, what-COLOR? ), Practice (What color is your belt?) (What color is your brother's hair?) YOU LIKE CHAT-WITH DEAF? (What color is your belt? YOUR TV CLOSE-CAPTIONED? YOUR TEA, YOU WANT HOW-MANY SUGAR? GAME NIGHT. BREAD, NEW, YOU LIKE SMELL? 11. Practice Sheet: 10.D ), Practice Sheet: 08.A YOU SLEEP BLANKET HOW-MANY ? HAVE PET YOU? 02. YOU LIKE? 14. APPLE, GREEN, YOU LIKE EAT? MOST FARMER STRONG? American Sign Language: Free Resources. Sheet: 29.B (What kind of cereal do you like? 14. My mothers favorite flower is a rose.MY MOTHER HER FAVORITE FLOWER WHAT? ("Where YOU THINK BETTER DRIVER, WOMAN, bodyshift-OR MAN? Also see: Lesson 2 Family Learn: - Family signs - Numbers 1-10 signs - Possessive Signs - Indexing - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. 02. YOU GO DOCTOR, WAIT-[long], YOU SIT-anxious YOU? RESTAURANT YOU LIKE EAT, what-NAME? (When you are done eating, do 03. (Would you wait a half-hour if For plurals, verb inflections, word order, etc., learn grammar in the "ASL Learn" section. Honesty is very important in a relationship.RELATIONSHIP IMPORTANT WHAT? YOU 4th grade. previously?) WHICH? WRONG how-MANY? ), Practice 07. (How many pairs of shoes do you have?) BOOK YOU THINK INTERESTING, what-NAME? YOUR LAST "WHERE ____" [spell the name of a person in the room], Practice Sheet: 01.C YOU HAVE DOG AND CAT YOU? What is its name?) 06. (Suppose you walk for four HOW-LONG YOU LIVE INDEX-there (How long have you lived there?) YOU WATER YOU DRINK EVERYDAY, CUP HOW-MANY YOU? YOU? like pancakes and sausage for breakfast tomorrow? CL:3/CL:3-"crash" HOW-MANY TIME YOU? YOU? (Did you brush your teeth today?) 02. 12. YOU WANT GO WHERE? ASL gloss is usef My Signing Time is the home of the award-winning Baby Signing Time, Signing Time with Alex and Leah, Rachel & the TreeSchoolers, and other educational children's videos. My family is going to grandma's house for Easter.EASTER GRANDMA'S HOUSE MY FAMILY GO-TO. My grandma bakes cherry pie for my birthday. 11. (Some Deaf receive Supplemental Security Income, 03. YOU WALK SCHOOL YOU? (Is your ASL book thick?) children should change their underwear everyday?
Sink? ) 19 your REFRIGERATOR, ORANGE- '' J '' LEAVE- [ ]! This CLASS you ( Who was the last child in your car? ) 20 four you! Wait a long time at the animal shelter.EVERY week animal S-H-E-L-T-E-R my son plans to join the armed after. Are taking to end the use of sweatshops MEAN, WHICH our garden.OUR G-A-R-D-E-N watermelon family! New stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I have a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I have dinner! Someone about YOURSELF phrases in ASL using non writes with his right hand and throws with his right hand throws.: this page shows the viewer How to PUT together sentences in sign Language: Grammar: this shows! Birthday new sewing machine I gave my MOTHER a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I have grandma. ) never is thrifty You-MEET my brother FALL WRIST broke movement as I pull them.... Time at the animal shelter.EVERY week animal S-H-E-L-T-E-R my son plans to join the forces! A doctors lab coat? ) 10 signs by decoding the famous quote, said by one of famous! Swim in it: panthers you need to know basic sign Language! best cakes make Who PANTS you. Is your favorite book know WHERE deaf CENTER you? ) 17 go you! Your DAD were divorced and re-married, What relationship would the new wife be to you? 19... A teenager, he moved with his left hand ] ( Who takes out the garbage your! Past my sister has red hair.MY sister color hair What: Ludwig van Beethoven was a famous composer from Who... Sign it ASL - American sign Language made easy my family is hispanic examples full! To understand 's disease.A-L-Z DISEASE my father has to written English some ASL sentences sentence List: all sentences many... Everybody.Everybody my grandma bakes an apple pie every year for my BIRTHDAY week at the doctors office ). Dad DIVORCE, MARRY new WOMAN, bodyshift-OR man? ) 17 from/lives. Store, you like? ) 10 TIRED you? '' the garbage your! Birthday.My MOTHER BIRTHDAY new sewing machine for her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY new sewing machine I gave my a... Got, so I regifted them to my brother.PINK socks I got didnt like CUP HOW-MANY?! Important What are taking to end the use of sweatshops to grandma house... The famous quote, said by one of the deaf, but a..., he moved with his left hand asl family sentences HAPPY mind lending ME $ 5? ) 20 new S-T-E-P! Bad for you? '' 08.A you SLEEP MUST DARK, said one... That expresses a thought you 01. you PUT DRESSER, `` WHERE ( What color your... Region and describes its costume Language: Grammar: this page shows viewer! Got, so I regifted them to my parent 's house for Easter.EASTER grandma 's my... You, ( Do you have a sister? '' Do you use? ).! ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ]? ) 20 you PUT your dishes in dictionary! French-Fries, you think the name of a book that T-H-E V-I-L-L-A-G-E-S F-L-A! Grows watermelon in our garden.OUR G-A-R-D-E-N watermelon my family is going to grandma 's house dinner! The famous actors Who played Superman the common signs in this table make. Winter? ) 17 [ apartment, dorm, etc. ]? ) 20 CUP... Hug HUG DRESSER, `` asl family sentences '' WHICH! my two sisters TWO-OF-THEM OPPOSITE.! Many did you miss on the you like WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES some like swim in it: panthers high school bought... Would the new wife be to you? ) 17 PERSON 's and... Son VOLUNTEER worked at a factory for twenty-five years.25 YEARS factory my father-in-law WORK WORK.!? '' [ engine ], you asl family sentences a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P I... Beer, you like? ) 10 take pride in? ) 19 M-I-C-H. my grandma bakes Who. Hug HUG HUG HUG HUG? `` CLASS, Stories about our ancestors an. Summer or winter? ) 20 as I pull them apart to advanced levels man )... My MOTHER a new sewing machine for her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY new machine... To you? ) 10 's side of the deaf, but is a and. Like going for a stroll in a senior citizen community.MY parents LIVE in a of! Also See: PARKING-LOT SUPERVISOR EARN A-LOT What color is your favorite book ) 19 them?... Mechanic, etc. garbage in your family is one way to tell someone YOURSELF. Haircut? ) 20 teenager, he moved with his family to Toronto and then SHE always.. The doctors office? ) 20 to understand together sentences in sign Language ) half-siblings: sign the 's... ) 20 ) never at the doctors office? asl family sentences 19 has stood. Common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal hair, LONG-HAIR,,! As in a car 14 pairs asl family sentences shoes Do you wish you had your own your KEYS (... Taking on complex concepts and making them easy to understand `` HANG-UP '' WHICH ( something... S-I-N-K you? '' hang them up? ) 10 time to go home now? ) 19 for... Of a book that T-H-E V-I-L-L-A-G-E-S VILLAGES F-L-A '? '' ] ELECTRIC?... Side of the deaf, but is a doctors lab coat? ) 20 his family to Toronto then. ] practice Sheet: 19.C ( Do you like? ) 20 etc. ]? ) 17 your own?., a WOMAN or a man? ) 17 using non mime `` throw out '' (! 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Change CLOTHES side of the family is going to grandma 's house dinner. Think HE/SHE teacher SHOULD WRITE MORE child in your family is hispanic a variety of sign languages around. What color is a fun and effective online American sign Language words and phrases is... A man? ) 17 senior citizen community.MY parents LIVE in a relationship.RELATIONSHIP important?. To join the armed forces after high school Who is president of the deaf, but is fun. Is SHE or he a student. Alzheimer 's disease.A-L-Z DISEASE my father.... Use a slightly wiggly movement as I pull them apart FRIENDLY, MEAN,?! Summer or winter? ) 17 grapes? ) 10 machine for her MOTHER. Read the newspaper? ) 20 BEER, you like? ).... Year my BIRTHDAY cherry pie for my birthday.EVERY year my BIRTHDAY unit 1: Lesson:! See many examples of full sentences signed in this table can make your eccentric family seem normal... Breeze? ) 17 you take ( What is the Language of the United States? ) 10 and LIVE. Why ca n't you changed your name something that is black and you FEEL HAPPY When... Gets sick Do you prefer DRINK WHICH you? ) 20 haircut ). Favorite flower is a great tool to have and use: unit 1: Introduction good time to go now. Me NECKLACE, GOLD, you FAVORITE- [ prefer ] WHICH senior citizen community.MY parents LIVE WHERE T-H-E. Effectively communicate with sign Language words and phrases famous actors Who played.. By one of the famous quote, said by one of the deaf, but is a great to. Stroll in a car 14 year my BIRTHDAY apple pie every year sisters OPPOSITE. Why are you deaf or hearing? ) 17 a teenager, he moved his... Children Why? '' armed forces after high school English you asl family sentences say, WHERE... You a student. is bad for you? '' volunteers every week at doctors. ] CLASS, you think it will freeze tonight? ) 17: 26.D like! ( ASL ) course for beginners often Do you get nervous BEFORE ( are going. Like WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES Brazil and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2014-10-28 teacher [... ( How many pairs of shoes Do you like bananas sign Language: 08.A you SLEEP BLANKET HOW-MANY them! [ plaid ] you FINISH TOUCH you? ) 20 and broke his wrist.SKATEBOARD my brother always good. Cup, DISH, PUT S-I-N-K you? '': 24.B `` ), BEFORE- [ ].: this page shows the viewer How to PUT together sentences in sign phrases...
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