best place to find antler sheds in colorado

Smaller antlers can be sold by the pound to be used for dog treats and ground for supplements. Thats typically what runs through my mind when I see a buddy walking towards one of those spots while shed hunting. Look for gentle slopes that face south or west Most years, big mule deer are going to drop their antlers during the last couple weeks of January. I've found that single trees and patches of conifers specifically attract mature bucks, so make sure to hit each isolated pocket of evergreens you see. Deer antlers loosen, so obstacles in their path a branch, a patch of brush, a fence can knock them off. The best shed hunters know to only burn across certain low-odds areas, while slowing way down in more likely locations. Theres gold in them hills! Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. Here's four places where whitetail antler sheds like to hide. A deer might also lose its antlers when it jumps over a fence, so look around near fences. However, it is unlawful to collect sheds on private property unless a person has lawful access to that private property. While you might be able to find young growth areas on your property, they will likely be scattered around and hard to pinpoint a specific location. In addition, to further protect the Gunnison sage-grouse, the new regulations include a time-of-day closure in the Gunnison Basin May 1 - 15 from sunset to 10 a.m. Gathering as much information as you can before planning when you should take that walk through the most promising spots you have found on the map is going to be the key to maximizing your success. Walk every muddy deer trail that you can, and youll find bone. He also spends a lot of time with deer conducting research, promoting quality deer management, reaching out to hunt clubs, writing about deer, thinking about them. I never bypass a location when I watch her stop to investigate. Deer will bed down in the same general area for the majority of the day. Elk are vulnerable in the early spring after enduring a long, cold winter. In addition, to protect sage-grouse, shed hunts in Gunnison Basin (Management Areas 54, 55, 66, 67, and 551) are restricted May 1-15 from sunset to 10 am. The Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) has created some excellent fact sheets that help explain the impact of shed antler collection and winter range disturbance on mule deer health. Son of a bitch. Roaming his Iowa farm one April day, Don Kisky stepped on what felt like a stick. The cows uncover and kick up fresh antlers from this year, and chalky ones that are a year or two old. Routes mysteriously converge. In 2018, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously to prohibit shed antler and horn collection on all public lands west of I-25 from January 1 through April 30, annually. These tall grasses shield deer from icy winds and stay upright through ice accumulation and heavy snows. If you dont have any fields, you can also try supplemental feeders. I realize this is an old blog but theres actual scientific documentation of bears chewing on antlers, ostensibly as a source of calcium and phosphorus: see, for instance No restrictions for private property. I have found antlers as early as mid-January, but Ive found that March and April are the best time to find white-tailed deer sheds. Cover lots of ground in a slow, methodical manner and youll find twice as many sheds as you might have in the past. Deer Jump Areas Bumping into the ground, fences or trees can loosen the antlers. But finding those needles of bone in the haystack of the wild is just as exciting and. Note where you discover concentrated overwintering deer activity. (Photo by Ryan Rothstein) Most deer hunters have spent years by now reading about the basics of shed hunting - you know, food sources, heavy trails, bedding areas, etc. This year no overnight parking will be allowed on the Refuge road on April 30, nor will visitor use will be allowed on the Refuge after sunset. My friend Charlie glassed up this nice 6 point side in a secluded basin on a south-facing, grass covered slope. If you hinge-cut the trees, it will become a thick area that can act as both a bedding and feeding area. The best places to find shed antlers are areas that hold deer during certain parts of their daily routine, which increases the likelihood of you finding antlers. There may also be some young or fallen cedar or pine branches to browse on while in this type of bedding area. Ben McCanna/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images 1. Unfortunately, too many shed collectors are focusing on financial gain rather than protecting wildlife, creating the need for new regulations. The method is pretty simple: Drive every inch of the roads that the elk or deer travel and glass any possible location where they could have lost an antler. Some habitat types to accomplish this goal include tall grass plantings or frozen, thick cattail swamps. How to get a better chance of finding antlers. Bigger bulls and elk in general, prefer seclusion and will not tolerate human interaction, which is why you also find them at higher elevations. When youre glassing a mountainside, stare a little deeper at the edges of game trails. Deer will often rub their antlers on trees or other objects to shed them. Stay on the Trail. Yesterdays blog explored the enthusiasm some of us have for finding shed antlers and how that enthusiasm can turn into an obsession that threatens wintering mule deer and elk. This is important since deer hooves sink right through deep snow; this sheltered spot offers a break from the otherwise difficult travel conditions. Mule deer and elk often gather in wintering areas making finding sheds easier but also increasing the threat to these animals. Whitetails essentially do just two things . But before you get to that level, youve got to start with the shed hunting basics. Well never be able to go on a simple stroll through perfect shed hunting land and scoop antlers up left and right. According to a 2013 article in Montana FWPs Montana Outdoors, an elks seasonal migration averages around 15 miles to a suitable winter range. That is where they may jar them loose. Im going to be trying these this season, thank you for the great tip ill be looking this shed season, Your email address will not be published. wilson combat magwell p320 I recommend starting with the works of biologist Valerius Geist and photographer Leonard Lee Rue III. Antlers are easier to see when you look straight down from a horse. Michael Hanback. In these spots, like winter feeding or bedding areas, it pays to search for antlers from multiple positions. Since they are usually located in close proximity to agricultural fields and make for a convenient bedding area, its always worth checking out one of these fields. Comparatively to both whitetails and mule deer, elk antlers always seemed to elude me while deer antlers were relatively easy to find. Good spots to search for sheds include heavy cover near food plots, feeding fields, swamps, conifer stands, brush-choked hollows, saddles in ridges, benches, draws, creek bottoms and islands in rivers. All Rights Reserved | Powered by SKT Themes, {"slides_column":"1","slides_scroll":"1","dots":"true","arrows":"true","autoplay":"true","autoplay_interval":"2000","loop":"true","rtl":"false","speed":"1000","center_mode":"true"}, 4 New-School Tips For The Beginner Colorado Shed Hunter, April Fools Shed Hunting Adventure (VIDEO), 4 New School Tips For The Beginner Colorado Shed Hunter, Podcast 75 Mid-Season Recap with Fred Bohm, Podcast 74 My 2020 Archery Muley Hunt Recap. Deer are adapted to have reduced metabolisms in the winter, and their digestive tracts even adapt to include the microorganisms to efficiently digest fibrous browse. Well, its more of a slightly faded, brownish gold. If your mind says bear left, go left. The intention is to encourage elk antler collectors to find more appropriate places to park or have them seek lodging for the evening rather than parking in front of homes and potentially causing disturbances for local residents in surrounding neighborhoods, said Town Manager Bob McLaurin. Most older bucks shed antlers earlier than younger bucks do. These are preferred bedding areas by deer. Routes mysteriously converge. Get out early, you don't want to find a half chewed antler or even worse the tracks and imprint of a shed recently picked up by a trespasser in your favorite spot. With all the deer gathering in these fields, you have a much better chance of finding a shed. Bulls just hate the imbalance when one antler is off. My hiking partner and coyote dog, Sage, also doubles as a shed antler hunting dog when she feels the urge. The CPW Commission chose to align its restrictions more closely with Wyoming, where Colorado gets its biggest influx of both shed antler hunters . The CPW Commission chose not to include private lands in its decision to enact a shed antler collection closure in Colorado. Testosterone levels in elk peak during their fall breeding season and an earlier or later rut may determine the timing of their antlers falling off. And thanks for the reference! Pick it up. As a pup I included shed antler hunting training into her role as an all-around outdoor dog. He dug through the leaves and uncovered a 5-point shed that scored 75 inches. But shed hunting can be a fun springtime pursuit and you can easily do it in a way that doesnt bother wildlife. If it's steep country there's usually more snow and glassing is a good strategy. Parking in the Town of Jackson near the entrance to the Elk Refuge on April 30 will be extremely limited. They were lying there side by side, and it was obvious the buck tried to slip under the fence. Eckley spends a lot of time in the forest. As a result, a growing number of people are participating. The deer might be close, or hanging out a couple miles away. Take a look through and see if any places come to mind on the land you shed hunt. Ohio Hunter Finds a Massive 233-Inch Deadhead Buck. Its not only fun, but great exerciseespecially when youve been shut in for days. By keeping this information in mind, it will help you locate potential feeding areas that elk will utilize on a regular basis. Conservation science, field reporting, and cool creatures. Between the bedding and feeding areas, there will often be pretty dominant travel corridors the deer use. Save yourself steps., Go for a matched set. Walk each grid and look straight down around your feet for sheds, then move on to the next grid. The act of shed antler hunting, as well as the illegal possession of each shed antler, are now viewed as separate offenses subject to individual fines. Hazel or dogwood thickets offer a similar benefit on undisturbed upland sites, while alder or willow swamps are the equivalents for wetland sites. I once found a perfect matched set lying in the shape of a cross.. Diehard whitetail hunters pride themselves upon collecting the same bucks sheds, year after year. Or you could look at where stags squeeze under a low branch. Moose Shed Hunting - A Beginner's Guide. OK, thats enough. Weve listed some of the best places to find shed antlers below. Windblown Hilltops. Its also where I have found many of my sheds. The Land of Lincoln is another classic deer hunting state where scores of giant sheds are found each season. 1. Please note that all comments are moderated and may take some time to appear. If you find one antler, especially a big one, there should be another nearby, explains Schaufler., (just ask homeless hermit crabs!) Top 3 Places to Find Deer Sheds. Since deer would typically drop their antlers in a feeding area during the night, youd have a great chance at finding a fresh deer antler before anyone else if youre up against other public land shed hunters. As you walk, look, think and get a feel for the lay of the land, says Kirsch, who is one of the most accomplished shed hunters I know. For additional shed hunting tips and helpful information, be sure to check out 4 New School Tips For The Beginner Colorado Shed Hunter. Using a dog to hunt antlers is the fastest growing dog sport in the U.S. says Minnesota trainer Tom Dokken, Americas foremost authority on shed dogs. Say you find 30 or so more sheds this spring and add them to your growing collection. Assuming the bucks other antler taped 75 and that he had a decent rack spread, that giant would have pushed 170. Yet another way to get outdoors, improve your hunting skill set, and scout new lands. Tread softly. Northern bulls typically shed earlier in the year than their counterparts in southern herds. When an antler is ready to drop, pushed off by the new growth from below, any . If you are hiking in an area where there is currently a shed antler and horn collecting closure and you see an antler or horn, you should leave it alone. John and I have watched countless seasons of people hunting for "moose sheds", antlers that are dropped (shed) sometime in January. Wear thin, lightweight hiking gaiters with your low tops to keep the weeds and thorns out. Ask a local wildlife biologist or game warden for help. That way, you can give them a call during the work week and check the status of horn droppage. Aron Snyder, Ive got another rancher friend, this one who lives on the Milk River in Montana, who saddles up his horse and rides for miles along the river banks and through the adjoining woodlots and points. As an elk hunting guide for almost half of my life, Ive cultivated this land into my office. If that is on the same ground where you hunt, great. Elk will shed close to 6 months after the peak of the rut. Maybe you know what Im talking about. For many years the Refuge allowed people interested in accessing the National Forest on May 1 to line up on the Refuge Road beginning April 30. Most deadheads have small to medium-size racks, but each year a few people chance upon a monster. They seem to hold more of a consistent pattern for longer periods of time, while an elk herd has a much larger range and can be found in a completely different area from one day to the next. Restoring any closed widgets or categories. These regulations protect the health of Colorado's big game herds and other wintering wildlife. Its no secret that quality destination food sources are an ace in the hole for piling up sheds on hunting property. OnXMaps shows you exactly where public and private land boundaries are located and allow you mark spots and utilize different overlays much like a handheld GPS. Looking at maps prior to entering an area lets you visualize the terrain without wasting time and energy scouring areas that are unproductive. Harassing wildlife is a $137 violation that also includes 10 license suspension points. Its a work of art, isnt it? Whether covered in grass or mixed shrubs and tree cover, the south side of ridges can create dynamite winter bedding areas for bucks. Antlers are hardest to pick out in full, harsh sunshine. Michael Hanback Whitetails are habitual, and youll find more antlers there next year if crops and cover in the area remain the same. Protecting our wintering wildlife is something we have to do together. As long as theres minimal pressure, bucks bed close to the food sources and keep movement to a minimum during this Sign in to access your profile, save content and more. Look in a wooded area that was recently grazed by a herd of cattle. Shed antlers or shed horns are still considered "wildlife" based on the statutory definition, which includes any parts thereof and whether alive or dead. Elk are tough to pattern because they seldom follow a daily routine, but they do value a simpler path up and down the mountains, especially during the winter. Colorado prohibits shed antler hunting west of Interstate 25 from January 1 through April 30. Opinions expressed on Cool Green Science and in any corresponding comments are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Nature Conservancy. You need to pretty much stick to trails and beds to find them. Many hunting dog trainers now add shed antler training to their list of services. Shed antler hunters focus their efforts on specific areas where big game are wintering with a very high likelihood of disturbing and displacing those animals. You may also find antlers on paths frequented by deer. If you seek out these three locations and are able to fast walk quicker than your buddy, then youll be piling up antlers this year. Big woods areas are arguably the most challenging places to find sheds due to the miles of timber with not many areas that You found a shed! Bone will shine and catch your eye. But if you have any recent clear-cut areas from the year before, there is sure to be an abundance of young growth for deer to browse on. Just be sure to respect the animals - and please stay out of their wintering areas. Luckily, there are several great places to find shed antlers that you can pinpoint before you even leave the house. This option will reset the home page of this site. But the odds are good; 90-percent or more of the antlers you discover are going to be found in one of three locations. Listen to your subconscious. Before bombing over to retrieve it, keep glassing from that vantage point. The best place to find shed deer antlers is anywhere that's isolated in the forest. Hunting dogs are particularly good shed finders because they quickly zero in on the calcium-phosphorous odor of antlers. If your area has an early rut, bucks testosterone levels will decrease earlier and, as a result, some deer will cast their racks two to four weeks earlier than usual. The most accurate way is to use trail cameras for shed hunting. Frozen cattail swamps offer a similar level of protection as they will grow extremely densely to protect deer from any cold winds. I cant tell you how many sheds Ive found that I walked right by days and weeks before, he says. The problem with these closures was that it was moving the antler collection pressure to other areas of the state with important winter range habitats. Unfortunately, Moose died due to another bowhunters mistake, and Drew recovered his skull and antlers the following spring. And in the spring, he hunts sheds. While you might spot an antler or two out in the open, be sure to walk and check brushy and grassy field edges. Well never be able to go on a simple stroll through perfect shed hunting land and scoop antlers up left and right. Public land elk are exceptionally wary animals, so they will follow the ascending spring snow line to stay away from harm and to feed on fresh vegetation. The key thing to remember is that elk typically shed their antlers much later in the Spring than deer, so it is important to pay attention to snow accumulation. Possession of antlers or horns on private property without lawful access is prohibited. Make sure to check out any of these areas for shed antlers. According to . My name is Carl Pelletier from the Town of Jackson, Wyoming. Elk are vulnerable in the early spring after enduring a long, cold winter. All of these factors make an area with evergreen cover preferred winter bedding for deer, and thus a great place to scoop sheds. Ive found that single trees and patches of conifers specifically attract mature bucks, so make sure to hit each isolated pocket of evergreens you see. No, Im not making a 420 reference here; Im talking elevation. Anyone that observes illegal activity is urged to contact their local wildlife office. All Rights Reserved. Whether its an old antler or a lion-killed deer, shell zero in on it, sniff it and then continue on her way. It's big business for a lot of people and with the introduction of mountain snowmobiles, many shed hunters can get into moose territory . To keep from wandering aimlessly the woods, it helps me to mark off grids with trees, rocks, logs, and other landmarks. Shawn PanickOur 20/20 vision will find antlers, but normally within a limited range. Loud, fast-moving OHVs and snowmobiles are major sources of wildlife stress. Son of a bitch. Aron Snyder, Check your area as often as possible. This is independent of other bucks cycles and is probably centered on birth date. But when they are harvested each fall, deer need to instead scavenge waste grain on the ground. Wildlife Officers and biologists continue to educate the public about the negative impacts to wildlife caused by irresponsible shed collection and recreational activity, however, violators of these regulations may now face a $137 fine per violation. Grade C: Antler faded and weathered to white and chalky, maybe with some green color, likely on the ground for 2 or 3 years. We anticipate that between 100 to 200 vehicles, many with horse trailers, will be looking for a place to park as close to the Elk Refuge Road as possible in order to access the National Forest, said Police Chief Todd Smith. Wanted ad today in a circular was money for deer horns(actually) Wildlife collecting habits on any level; are habits to lose. Yes, porcupines do indeed devour antlers (and other unusual things) but this is a topic for a future blog. You might want to bag the hunting boots and wear sneakers or soft-soled trail runners so you can feel those big sticks you step on. Matching sets, especially from a large or unique buck, are prized finds but can be notoriously difficult to get your hands on. Look for deer sightings or tracks in the snow to get you in the right place. Gary Lewis / For The BulletinA pair of mule deer bucks on winter. Matthew L. Miller is director of science communications for The Nature Conservancy and editor of the Cool Green Science blog. yes I will try looking in places where it good to find em! If you find several good-sized sheds on a ridge or in a creek bottom, mark those spots on a map or drop a pin on Google Earth or an app like onX Hunt. This closure applies to public lands in Game Management Units 54, 55, 66, 67, 551. Winter can be extremely difficult on wildlife as body weight is down and access to food is very limited. As bulls drop their antlers, they leave the gang. Wardens watch social media, as they should, so dont get jammed up. Here are some tips to get you started. For more information on these temporary No Parking zones and public parking locations please contact the Jackson Police Department at (307) 733-1430 or visit the Town of Jacksons website at With a little practice, you can find some nice sheds for your collection. Just make sure its still frozen before you venture out into the swamp. But the winter had been milder than usual, and elk were shedding their antlers early. They make up the majority of a deers diet during certain parts of the year, and are full of carbohydrates and protein, respectively. Shed Antler Hunting Tip #4 - Use high quality optics. 4. Bull elk are seeking solidarity out of eyesight over the next mountain top. Whitetail antlers are definitely hitting the ground across the country, as you can probably tell from social media updates. You need to find where the deer gather and feed from January until this time of year.. Its a warmer-than-average winter in many parts of the country, the snow has mostly melted, and its the perfect time to get out there and check the woods. They are an important source of minerals for rodents of all sizes who then recycle the nutrients back into the soil. I found a Roe shed in my back yard and wondering if that would belong to me or the mice? If not, branch out, locate the herds and try to get permission to shed hunt those lands. After the rut, decreasing testosterone levels cause an abscission layer to form between the antlers and their pedicels. Scott Wait is a senior biologist with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Kelly notes that in South Dakota this time of year, deer are attracted to winter wheat several miles from the farms he hunts, and around those fields is where he starts his annual shed search. As the connective tissue dissolves, the bucks antlers become loose and fall off.

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