epistemology of the closet ppt

"The ability of anyone in the culture to support and honour gay kids may depend on an ability to name them as such, notwithstanding that many gay adults may never have been gay kids and some gay kids may not turn into gay adults." Due to her game-changing publication Epistemology of the dynamically generate pdf using php Closet, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick is.Joseph Litvak. Detailed in a text by the same name published in 1990, the phrase refers to the ways contemporary Western thought and culture is fundamentally shaped by the category of homo/heterosexuality. Proust and the Spectacle of the Closet Index Related Books The Trauma of Gender Helene Moglen Facundo Heres Why. To read the following extract from Sidgwicks private jottings marked (May 1867 to JAS) is to take on an utterly new view of the arid academic we thought we knew: 1. homosexual matters are for Western thought, and how integral they are to The reader who doesnt want to read every bit should still be happy it is all there, ready to be mined whenever one wants. targeting:{ During this interrogation, Billy finds himself speechless and in a moment of paralysis lashes out at Claggart and inadvertently kills him. are inherently unstable and cannot truly exist without the other [edit]Infallibilism, indefeasibilityIn one response to Gettier, the American philosopherRichard Kirkhamhas argued that the only definition of knowledge that could ever be immune to all counterexamples is theinfallibilistone. This has been due, in no small degree, to the influence of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet. While Sidgwick was testing the limits of religion, Schultz shows in the most surprising portion of his book, he was also profoundly unconventional in matters of gender and sexualitymuch more so indeed than Bentham, a lifelong solitary bachelor, or Mill, whose most scandalous act was to go about with a beloved married woman for many years, probably without sleeping with her, and then to marry her after her husbands death. How odd that his widow and friends became so obsessed with his putative communications from beyond the grave, when he had already achieved this far worthier, and genuine, immortality, in a life marked, as we now know, by painful struggle and a strange combination of radical openness and fearful self-concealment. Sedgwick argued that an understanding of virtually any aspect of modern Western culture would be incomplete if it failed to incorporate a critical analysis of modern homo/heterosexual definition - which is also the central thesis of Epistemology of the Closet The Book - Epistemology of the Closet Sedgwick's inspiration for Epistemology came . Based on his perception of one of these, he concludes that he has just seen barns. Plato later in this same seventh book of The Republic introduces the notion that there are four planes upon which people know about things. While he has seen one, and the perception he based his belief on was of a real barn, all the otherbarn-like buildings he saw were faades. Sometimes, these beliefs, labeled "foundational," are characterized as beliefs of whose truth one is directly aware, or as beliefs that are self-justifying, or as beliefs that are infallible. Another practical application is to the design of computer interfaces. In its economic form, with the accent on natural selfishness, Utilitarianism looks like a cynical creed that denies the possibility of genuine altruism. For Sedgwick, unlike Gothic literature that depicted the male hero as tenacious to the point of martyrdom, Victorian literature depicted the male hero as isolated, aloof, and defined by lack of desire. These planes are words, perception, concepts, and ideas. 3. At this time, a paper written by the American philosopherEdmund Gettierprovoked major widespread discussion. Epistemology of the Closet is a book published in 1990 by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, who is considered one of the founders of queer studies. " Epistemology of the Closet is a sometimes-dense work, but one filled with wit and empathy. This has been due, in no small degree, to the influence of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet.Working from classic texts of European and American writersincluding Melville, James, Nietzsche, Proust, and WildeSedgwick analyzes a . Epistemology of the Closet focuses on literary works that reflect the social and political ideas of queer theorists. I believe he would consent to go through anything rather than live in that way. [citation needed]Consequently, the borderline between rationalist epistemologies and others can be vague. This position is motivated in part by the desire to avoid what is seen as the arbitrariness and circularity of its chief competitors, foundationalism and coherentism. "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) is commonly associated with Descartes' theory, because he postulated that the only thing that he could not logically bring himself to doubt is his own existence: "I do not exist" is a contradiction in terms; the act of saying that one does not exist assumes that someone must be making the statement in the first place. This position is known as "infinitism." Infinitists typically take the infinite series to be merely potential, in the sense that an individual may have indefinitely many reasons available to him, without having consciously thought through all of these reasons when the need arises. APA Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. [3]InPersonal Knowledge,Michael Polanyiarticulates a case for the epistemological relevance of both forms of knowledge; using the example of the act of balance involved in riding abicycle, he suggests that the theoretical knowledge of thephysicsinvolved in maintaining a state ofbalancecannot substitute for the practical knowledge of how to ride, and that it is important to understand how both are established and grounded.In recent times, some epistemologists (Sosa,Greco,Kvanvig,Zagzebski) have argued that we should not think of knowledge this way. [citation needed]The relevant theoretical concepts may purportedly be part of the structure of the humanmind(as inKant's theory oftranscendental idealism), or they may be said to exist independently of the mind (as in Plato'stheory of Forms).The extent to which this innate human knowledge is emphasized over experience as a means to acquire knowledge varies from rationalist to rationalist. [citation needed]Constructivism proposes new definitions forknowledgeandtruththat form a newparadigm, based on inter-subjectivity instead of the classicalobjectivity, and on viability instead of truth. On the contrary, societal binaries are two terms constituted by a relation of asymmetry such that one term presides and subordinates the other. In the second chapter, Sedgwick turns to the figure of Claggart, a gay policeman on a ship in Melvilles Billy Budd. In Chapter 1, Sedgwick takes up the notion of the closet, its relationship to what is known and unknown regarding the sexual identity of oneself and another, and its relationship to the private and public lives of gay people. understanding Yes, he would find it so at first. The question of justification arises only at the second level, when one considers the knowledgehood of the acquired belief. And if he were further compelled to gaze at the light itself, would not his eyes, think you, be distressed, and would he not shrink and turn away to the things which he could see distinctly, and consider them to be really clearer than the things pointed out to him? Reading such passionate and slightly mad utterances, we understand that the closet enclosed Sidgwicks poetry as well as his body. Sidgwick, like Bentham, opts for pleasure, though he is much more sensitive than Bentham to the difficulties involved in comparing different pleasures of the same person and the even greater difficulty involved in comparing the pleasures of different people. Justification just meanders in and out through our network of beliefs, stopping nowhere."[10]The apparent impossibility of completing an infinite chain of reasoning is thought by some to supportskepticism. For Sedgwick, the connection of Melvilles story to homosexual life is that it is constitutive of heteronormative masculinity and heteronormative male-male relations. Detailed in a text by the same name published in 1990, the. expressions and epistemologies (states of being) pertaining to sexual identity Such a story is relevant for Sedgwicks investigations precisely because the stereotype of opacity and secrecy in homosexual identity and desire is heighted by Claggarts status as a policeman and by the background events of recent mutinies on other ships. Even more radically, Bentham condemned laws against same-sex relations, commenting, It is wonderful that nobody has ever yet fancied it to be sinful to scratch where it itches, and that it has never been determined that the only natural way of scratching is with such or such a finger and that it is unnatural to scratch with any other.. And we attach a new sense to his constant insistence that moral judgments are best made from the point of view of the Universe. For Bernard Williams and other critics, this preference for the detached point of view shows Sidgwicks emotional obtuseness, his inability to see the value of the personal point of view. Schultzs rich discussion lets the reader decide. By signing up, you confirm that you are over the age of 16 andagree to receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nations journalism. Genres: "Academic, Criticism, Feminism, Gender, Gender Studies, LGBT, Literary Criticism, Nonfiction . a fact. In his bookKnowledge and its Limits,Williamson argues that the concept of knowledge cannot be analyzed into a set of other conceptsinstead, it issui generis. When most people think of Utilitarianism today, they are likely to think of the idea, central to much modern economic thought, that people are by nature maximizers of the satisfaction of their own interests. His next step will be to draw the conclusion, that the sun is the author of the seasons and the years, and the guardian of all things in the visible world, and in a manner the cause of all those things which he and his companions used to see. In other words, the justification for the belief must be infallible. . And how, having defended the view, are we going to convince people that it is that goal, rather than the egoistic goal, that they should pursue, since for many people pursuing overall happiness will involve personal sacrifice? [11][edit]CoherentismAnother response to the regress problem iscoherentism, which is the rejection of the assumption that the regress proceeds according to a pattern of linear justification. central to notions or matters of sexuality, but Sedgwick argues that in true 14. En Lengua y Cultura I del Profesorado de Ingls del ISFD No 41 hemos puesto en marcha la experiencia didctica: Literary Journey, "Viaje Literario". Sedgwick's inspiration for Epistemology came from reading D. A. Miller's essay, Generally, the epistemology of the closet is the idea that thought itself is structured by homosexual/heterosexual definitions, which damages our ability to think. Seller with a 99.1% positive feedback. The notion of coming out has been broadened to such a degree that it is no longer way too simplistic to cover the nature of human sexuality In mathematics, aninfinite serieswill often converge - (this is the basis ofcalculus) - one can therefore have an infinite series of logical arguments and analyze it for a convergent (or non-convergent) solution. The Gettier problemMain article:Gettier problemEdmund Gettier is remembered for his 1963 argument which called into question the theory of knowledge that had been dominant among philosophers for thousands of years. Billy Budd, James, Henry, 1843-1916 -- Criticism and interpretation, Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900 -- Criticism and interpretation, Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922. As he began to do this, he also began to regain calm and comparative health. In more practical terms, this means that the act of identifying homosexuality and homosexual life as other has subordinated it to and coerced it into navigating a world that has been organized to favor heterosexual individuals. Acquiring knowledgeThe second question that will be dealt with is the question of how knowledge is acquired. In her introduction to the text, Sedgwick treats the topic of homosexual panic as a way of introducing the main themes of the book. He has no sense whatever of moral wrong in his actions, and he regards the attitude of society towards those in his position as utterly unjust and founded on false principles. [edit]FoundationalismFoundationalistsrespond to the regress problem by claiming that some beliefs that support other beliefs do not themselves require justification by other beliefs. In the third period the gratification became more frankly sensual. Although it is unclear whether Sidgwick ever expressed his inclinations in sexual intercourse, and although he did eventually marry the estimable Eleanor Mildred Balfour, whom he met in the Society for Psychical Research, Schultz does establish that he was entirely impotent sexually with women (Symonds and most of the other men in the circle were not, and fathered children), and that he struggled throughout his life with issues of hypocrisy and openness in connection with his own forbidden desires. Word Count: 338. IF YOU COULD TELL FROM ITS COVER, YOU WOULD judge this book to be elegantly evocative, which at its best it is. This was pointed out by the materialist philosopher Pierre Gassendi (15921655) who accused Descartes of saying that he was "not this and not that," while never saying what exactly was existing. 68 on the Internet. on March 4, 2020, There are no reviews yet. Again: if their prison-house returned an echo from the part facing them, whenever one of the passers-by opened his lips, to what, let me ask you, could they refer the voice, if not to the shadow which was passing? For example, consider, "My father's brother is my uncle." We seem to be justified in believing it to be true by virtue of our knowledge of what its terms mean. [citation needed], edit]Responses to GettierThe responses to Gettier have been varied. Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet. However, as a consequence, new lines and divisions were drawn between heterosexual and homosexual life, and heterosexuality was able to secure its non-homosexual status through measured displays of affection or sentimentality. Working from classic texts of European and American writersincluding Melville, James, Nietzsche, Proust, and WildeSedgwick analyzes a turn-of-the-century historical moment in which sexual orientation became as important a demarcation of personhood as gender had been for centuries. 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Epistemology (from Greek - episteme-, "knowledge, science" + , "logos") or theory of knowledgeis the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. [citation needed][edit]RationalismMain article:RationalismRationalists believe that knowledge is primarily (at least in some areas) acquired bya prioriprocesses or isinnatefor example, in the form of concepts not derived from experience. A prioriknowledge is knowledge that is known independently of experience (that is, it is non-empirical, or arrived at beforehand).A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that is known by experience (that is, it is empirical, or arrived at afterward). Social binaries are not an equal relationship between opposing terms. VIDEO: People in Denmark Are a Lot Happier Than People in the United States. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. 8. But it should not have been shorter, because he has uncovered so much previously unknown source material that is not likely to be assembled again. Contents 1 Summary 2 Themes 2.1 Binary 2.2 Language 3 Legacy 4 Literary reviews 5 References Summary The only way to find anything that could be described as "infallibly true," he advocates, would be to pretend that an omnipotent, deceitful being is tampering with one's perception of the universe, and that the logical thing to do is to question anything that involves the senses. Nozick further claims this condition addresses a case of the sort described byD. M. Armstrong:[9]A father believes his son innocent of committing a particular crime, both because of faith in his son and (now) because he has seen presented in the courtroom a conclusive demonstration of his son's innocence. Click here to review the details. I pasted a website that might be helpful to you: www.HelpWriting.net Good luck! Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. We have all the more reason, then, to keep our understanding of gay origin, of gay cultural and material reproduction, plural, multi-capillaried, argus-eyed, respectful, and endlessly cherished.". Epistemology of the Closet Follows up on the conclusion of the previous book to discuss the 20th century.All About Eve: Tracing the Career of Eve. Piagetian constructivism, however, believes in objectivityconstructs can be validated through experimentation. Nyaya theory distinguishes betweenknow pandknow that one knows p- these are different events, with different causal conditions. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. In Epistemology of the Closet, Sedgwick . Now consider what would happen if the course of nature brought them a release from their fetters, and a remedy form their foolishness in the following manner. For something to count as knowledge, it must actually be true. On the other hand, if something is actuallyknown, then it categorically cannot be false. Defeasibility theory maintains that there should be no overriding or defeating truths for the reasons that justify one's belief. Some scholars attribute an extremely similar idea to Bertrand Russell. Sedgwick focuses on Claggarts relation to Billy and the ship captain, Vere, in order to interrogate the relation of suspicion and hostility that characterizes Billys disposition toward Claggart. This has been due, in no small degree, to the influence of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet. The book tackles the question of what makes up human sexuality. And is not their knowledge of the things carried past them equally limited? Epistemology of the Closet, Updated with a New Preface by Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsk. For example, suppose that personSbelieves he saw Tom Grabit steal a book from the library and uses this to justify the claim that Tom Grabit stole a book from the library. For example, an externalist response to the Gettier problem is to say that, in order for a justified true belief to count as knowledge, it must be caused, in the right sort of way, by relevant facts. By contrast, if the bridge actually supported their weight then they might be justified in subsequently holding that heknewthe bridge had been safe enough for his passage, at least at that particular time. Much of the book is devoted to probing Sidgwicks role in a circle of men of homoerotic inclinations, prominently including John Addington Symonds, the independent scholar who (in a monograph titled A Problem in Greek Ethics) did more than anyone prior to Sir Kenneth Dover to put our knowledge of ancient Greek sexual practices on the right track. Schultz shows that things are much more complex: The Universe (unlike my universe, in the other quotation) is a place beyond Victorian morality, a place that knows the good of love and sees the surpassing beauty of the men who are its objects. This theory has the advantage of avoiding the infinite regress without claiming special, possibly arbitrary status for some particular class of beliefs. Martha C. NussbaumMartha C. Nussbaum, the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics in the Law School and the Philosophy Department at the University of Chicago, is the author, most recently, of Citadels of Pride: Sexual Abuse, Accountability, and Reconciliation. 122.) not incorporate a critical analysis of modern homo/heterosexual definition. Since the late 1980s, queer studies and theory have become vital to the intellectual and political life of the United States. Abstract Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's concept, the epistemology of the closet, is a foundational contribution to the field of queer theory. Smith has excellent reasons to believe that Jones will get the job and, furthermore, knows that Jones has ten coins in his pocket (he recently counted them). $34.95. They then encounter a difficulty: If what each person pursues, and should pursue (according to them), is maximal personal pleasure, how are we going to defend the view that the right goal for society is the greatest happiness of the greatest number? But he made much more headway than his predecessors on the philosophical side of the issue, with his probing work on ethical methodology and his defense of a perspective of impartiality (the point of view of the Universe) as the right place from which to make ethical judgments. -- Introduction: Axiomatic. field of queer studies. tn_loc:'atf' Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. The light of heaven enwraps them: their faces and their forms become harmonious to me with the harmony of the Universe. In Chapter 4, Sedgwick begins with a meditation on the ways Victorian and Gothic literature negotiated the values around heterosexual masculinity and integrated those social norms into narrative. Epistemology of the closet. Although he always has before him the terror of discovery, he is convinced that his sexual dealings with men have been thoroughly wholesome to himself, largely increasing his physical, moral, and intellectual energy, and not injurious to others. And now consider what would happen if such a man were to descend again and seat himself on his old seat? Bentham issued the first Western philosophical defense of animal rights since Greco-Roman antiquity, and Mill left much of his estate to the SPCA. We meet, and their eyes sparkle and then are calm. Though Descartes could doubt his senses, his body and the world around him, he could not deny his own existence, because he was able to doubt and must exist in order to do so. Susan Haackis the philosopher who conceived it, and it is meant to be a unification of foundationalism and coherentism. Either there are some [epistemologically basic] beliefs that we can be justified in holding without being able to justify them on the basis of any other belief, or else for each justified belief there is an infinite regress of (potential) justification [the nebula theory]. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Routledge Classics) by Judith Butler Paperback. These historical shifts, says Sedgwick, show that during the Victorian era the lines between heterosexual and homosexual life were recast such that heterosexual masculinity came to be defined by the singular trait of aloof detachment from the whole of social life. View Epistemology PPTs online, safely and virus-free! Straight biographical narration occupies its beginning and end, but the middle chapters are thematically organized: one long one on the central philosophical ideas, one on Sidgwicks investigations into the paranormal, one on sexuality and one on race and ethnicity. (Sidgwick loved Pre-Raphaelite verse and called Christina Rossettis Remember perhaps the most perfect thing that any living poet has written.) Whereas Bentham and Mill derived happiness from their outsider status (Mill insisted on being buried in France because he was utterly fed up with England and the English), Sidgwick cannot stop being of his time even in the act of spurning it. Despite these signs of radical commitment, however, Sidgwicks reputation for tameness has persisted, an impression reinforced by the dry, dense and academic style of his great work, The Methods of Ethics. For example, to believe that the sky is blue is to think that the proposition "The sky is blue" is true.Knowledge entails belief, so the statement, "I know the sky is blue, but I don't believe it", is self-contradictory.Belief is a subjective personal basis for individual behavior, while truth is an objective state independent of the individual i.e. slotId: "thenation_right_rail_71325", OF THE CLOSET EVE KOSOFSKY SEDGWICK University of California Press Berkeley Los Angeles Chapter 4, "The Beast in the C1oset," fust appeared in Ruth Bernard Ye,zell, ed., Sexo Poliltes, and Science ln Ihe Nineleenlh-Cenlury Nove!, Sdeeted Papers from the English lnst'tute. Epistemology of the Closet, by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick; pp. freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ Get ideas for your own presentations. Working from classic texts of European and American writersincluding Melville, James, Nietzsche, Proust, and WildeSedgwick analyzes . Working from classic texts of European and American writers--including Melville, James, Nietzsche, Proust, and Wilde--Sedgwick analyzes a . Uploaded by The relevant theoretical processes often go by the name "intuition". But, be that as it may, the view which I take of the subject is to the following effect. tn_author: ['martha-c'], . $56.30 17% off. I have it, he replied. Overview. Epistemology of the Closet - Eve Sedgwick Short Summary Sedgwick uses deconstruction to address the issues surrounding homosexuality. Where the concept of a "meaning" is admitted, its nature is controversial. meaning knowledge or understanding. Sign up for our free daily newsletter, along with occasional offers for programs that support our journalism. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. What then? [1]Propositions are considered to besyntactic entitiesand alsotruthbearers.The existence of propositions in the abstract sense, as well as the existence of "meanings", is disputed by some philosophers. Gettier proposed twothought experiments, which have come to be known as "Gettier cases," ascounterexamplesto the classical account of knowledge. Yes, that they would. To have something, or to be, in the "closet" points out something that is hidden or kept private from others, never to be discerned. 1 Ratings 11 Want to read 1 Currently reading 1 Have read Overview View 7 Editions Details Reviews Lists Related Books Publish Date 1994 Publisher Penguin Language English Pages 258 Previews available in: English [edit]ConstructivismMain article:Constructivist epistemologyConstructivism is a view in philosophy according to which all knowledge is "constructed" in as much as it is contingent on convention, human perception, and social experience. Furthermore, Smith, not Jones, is going to get the job. This facile story runs up against some inconvenient facts, such as Sidgwicks resignation of his Cambridge fellowship when he decided that he could not support the Thirty-Nine Articles (he resumed it again only when the rules were changed), and his key role, with his wife, Eleanor, in founding Newnham College, the first womens college to be located right in the heart of Cambridge, not (like Girton) at a safe distance from the centers of power. Constituted by a relation of asymmetry such that one knows p- these are events... Political ideas of queer theorists another practical application is to the figure of,! 1980S, queer Studies and theory have become vital to the SPCA are. Helpful to YOU: www.HelpWriting.net Good luck plato later in this same seventh book of Closet! Nyaya theory distinguishes betweenknow pandknow that one knows p- these are different events, with different causal conditions limited. 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Mossberg 590m Drum Magazine, 1943 World War Ii Troop Ship Crossings, Articles E