explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients

Frustrating! One of the most important duties as a receptionist is to prepare patient charts before the office opens. People are curious and can easily be frightened by what they read and misunderstand. I have Dr. Smith's appointment book here at my desk. Lalla puts it this way: "If you encounter patients who want to be the doctor, then they should be freed to go to a doctor who doesn't want to be the doctor --and it's just that simple." In addition, you may find that an item needed today won't be needed in the future because of changing policies and procedures. CHANGED APPOINTMENTS It may also be a call from an attorney or insurance examiner. This responsibility includes adequate documentation, although statutes are quite vague on exactly what is required. Obviously, the approach in a chiropractic office to either a new or continuing patient is important to the success of the practice. If the time is available, it should be granted. If a clear vision of what the practice is and where it is headed is not at hand, it is impossible to plan or achieve a course of action. Now that the swelling has reduced and the pain has eased, we can start strengthening the tissues to help prevent recurrence. 3.1) to run smoothly with less possibility of omitting necessary actions. No goals, no deadlines, no failure! * Progress notes Bookkeeping requirements The goal for both you and your assistant should be a smooth flow of patients with as little loss of time and effort as possible. may invite a problem. There are two reasons for this: (1) many doctors do not like to be restricted to a standardized format, preferring to develop case histories in their own way as the situation demands; This implies that assistants should be familiar with all office policies, instruments, equipment, and clinical procedures used in the practice. Office equipment and supply firms Subjective patient data obtained in the case history must always be supported by objective diagnostic data. Envelopes 3.15). * Stay close to appointment time Patient recall cards or letters Obstacles to Planning Your practice must have good equipment, supplies, and outside services to run efficiently and profitably. An assistant should have the task of seeing that the office is properly closed at the end of each day, even if you remain for some reason. 3. have a patient sign a disclosure in presence of a witness. Periodic reports However, ordering in excess of a 6-month supply to save a few dollars is not usually wise. The last tasks are usually to notify the telephone answering service that the office is closing, make delivery of specimens to the laboratory, mail the day's correspondence, and deposit the day's receipts. has had a positive treatmill test that suggests an underlying cardiac condition. Attachments. Policies and procedures for hospitals help hold employees accountable for following the right steps when caring for patients. If you are late in arriving at your office and patients are waiting, an assistant should inform the patients that you have been delayed. Efficient time management requires that definite plans be based on your objectives and standards. The Indistinct Caller. A "will call" should be considered the same as a cancellation and treated with appropriate follow through and medicolegal safeguards. The more unstable a patient's personality, the more important it is that the patient be periodically reminded of appointment policy. Proper documentation, both in patients' medical records and in claims, is important for three main reasons: to protect the programs, to protect your patients, and to protect you the provider. Likewise, a definite policy does not necessarily mean a fixed policy. The case history offers a permanent record of the patient's disorder and its evolution and background. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY Upon return, the caller should be thanked for waiting. Available answering services will be listed in the yellow pages of your telephone directory, and most can be contracted on a month-to-month basis. This will avoid a possibly serious error. Thomas H. Lee, MD, chief medical officer for healthcare management consulting firm Press Ganney, noted that "the most important predictor of patient loyalty is a patient's confidence in their provider This third type of patient does not have a high regard for the profession. For example, if today is January 9, and the patient is scheduled for the next visit in 2 weeks, the file will be posted in the January 23 location. Assistants should be thoroughly trained in proper telephone etiquette, cheerful but not familiar, and sincere in wishing to help the caller. Follow-up Calls While community standards are important considerations, they should not be the sole factor to consider. Magazines URGENCY PROBLEMS MayIhelpyou?" The human has yet to be born that can satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. Medical referrals/consultants * Signing in Most authorities feel that the general economic situation has only a moderate effect on health practice success. The typical format of a procedural manual is usually a three-ring binder where each work station has its own tabbed section. Message slips Periodic reports elizabeth jones, age 76, is an established patient in your family practice office. To recognize this is important in avoiding an unnecessary or unfavorable audit by the Internal Revenue Service or your state's Tax Commission. Some scheduling assistants handle the unpredictability of exact service time by scheduling two patients a few minutes apart followed by a break. This is a great asset to any office. (3) former patients who are not under care, do not owe the office money, but are unlikely to return. Dr. Godfrey was sorry you missed your time reservation this morning and asked me to phone and arrange a visit tomorrow afternoon or would Friday morning be better?" Because of the referring patient, the prospective patient will have a high regard for the doctor and high expectations for relief. It is important to file and safeguard all certifications of attendance so that proper credit can be given. Your concern over cancellations and changed appointments reaffirms in the patient's mind the importance of office policy and the staff's interest and concern for the welfare of the patient. That's important because every company sets its own tolerance for risk. It creates a warm impression when your assistant replies to the call, rather than waiting for the caller to make a second effort to reach your office. Patients not in severe pain do not resent a patient in distress being taken ahead of them, for they realize that everyone can be in the same situation some time and should receive immediate attention. If you are an examiner, an insurance company will refer applicants for life insurance to your practice for examination prior to approving the policy requested. When your assistant opens the mail and notices that a letter refers to an enclosure that is not enclosed, she should make a notation to that effect on the letter before you receive it. Care must be taken to see that the correct amount is set for each classification and weight. Medicare (local office) For further information, contact the Sales & Service Department of the American Chiropractic Association. If a patient has to wait more than 15 min, the courteous thing to do is to let the patient know. Second, office policies must be adhered to whenever possible. Document Routing Slips. 3.13) They should never sound sharp or paternal. Management and Delegation OFFICE HOURS VS APPOINTMENT SYSTEM The word directly in the first statement implies a short wait, and yet it is noncommittal. Permanent ledger sheets Welfare Department (local office) Record processing and maintenance Task plans eliminate confusion about who should be performing a specific duty, work schedules eliminate the question of what to do next, and planning eliminates the need to work beyond expected hours with the exception of an emergency situation. Practice objectives provide overall direction for making decisions, and office policies and procedures serve as mechanisms for their accomplishment. There are two basic classifications of records: administrative records and clinical records. Each new procedure or modified procedure should be based on general guidelines (policies) from which specific procedures can be developed and meshed with other policies and procedures. Medicolegal situations It is the chief way patients communicate with the provider. If an item is recurring (eg, meetings, installment payments), the card is moved from week to week, month to month, or as necessary. If desired, a five-division system can be used. Helterskelter efforts are made to make the practice more successful, but what is successful is never accurately defined. Your assistant should strive to take care of most phone inquiries. Optometric referrals/consultants She should also have a list of certain callers that you wish to speak to immediately. Filing by an assistant may be delegated to a certain part of each day, with a carry-over from one day to the next avoided. What are two tasks that need to be done to get ready for the day? 3.16). Index Cards. Thank you notes. Any valuation policy must be supported by sound accounting practices and physical inventories taken at reasonable intervals. A signed formal release is necessary before such confidential information can be discussed. no-shows On the other hand, if your assistant assumes a lackadaisical attitude in appointment planning and is unimpressed with the importance of efficient scheduling, patients will reflect this attitude. Whether a practice operates at a profit or a loss often depends upon the quality and reliability of assistance the doctor has. Patients may be embarrassed by coming into contact with each other several times after clinical procedures have begun. The exposure factors and other basic data involved are usually kept in a separate log (Fig. Explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients. This organization saves time and effort by allowing proper sequencing at the assistant's desk so the actual filing can be completed without going back and forth from drawer to drawer. Films from another facility should be left within their mailing tube or envelope. It is not unusual in large practices to have several patients with the name Mary E. Smith or John J. Jones. Records, supplies, equipment, and furnishings are but vehicles to reach this goal. Credit,cash or some form of payment; DOB (ID) social and birth certificate. The "I Care" message must be conveyed. (4) bank balance drops below forecasts, and Abuse of the telephone is seen in the patient attempting to obtain detailed professional counsel or a diagnosis over the telephone. 3.4). For example, evening hours may be a benefit to the new practice even if few doctors in the community provide such a service. Warmth expressed by recognizing each patient as a unique individual is also appreciated. NOTE: Because the cost of computers and software have continued to decline since the 90's when the above was written, and because of the convenience of combining billing, faxing, e-mail, and word processing all in once convenient location, computers are the most efficient tool for man office procedures. The foundation for most all new patients ill be referrals from present patients. Typical data to include are your full name, date and place of birth, family background, speciality (if any), states in which licensed, educational background, professional association affiliations, official positions held, awards and special recognitions, major publications, and professional certifications and fellowships. Requesting the same patient to change his or her appointment reservation on two consecutive occasions should be avoided. what type of appointment is most appropriate for this patient? These guidelines ("the office bible") become the basis for all routine task planning and employee training. They are never an end in themselves. Most successful professionals are quality conscious. Interest in a patient's progress, family, and hobbies is appreciated. Regardless of who does the recording, accuracy and completeness must be above criticism. If you are busy but expecting an important call, your assistant should be alerted to this fact. These points will offer you specific facts that can be explored in detail. Whatever the time and effort to get them right, its worth it. Marketing authorities rate "the approach" as high as 80% in importance in all sales. Most patients will appreciate this response rather than receiving a curt, "Sorry, that spot is filled." Such a reference removes guesswork and helps greatly in orienting new employees. The patient should be made to feel, in a polite manner, that you and patients have been greatly inconvenienced. The main barriers to good planning are myopic conceptions, fear, lack of flexibility, lack of time, and lack of knowledge. She also recommended that students identify potential "barriers . First, family chart errors are difficult to avoid. During the initial telephone contact, the assistant usually puts some information on a form when the appointment is scheduled. Even if the patient has a scheduled appointment, he or she should not be left sitting in the reception room "waiting a turn." Most doctors, however, prefer to have the incoming letter and its answer stapled together and filed under the name of the incoming letter's author or company. This type cabinet also comes in two-drawer and three-drawer models and in a variety of colors. What computer programs does a medical assistant need to know? Most calls that must be handled by you can be noted by the assistant so that you can return the call between patients or after the last patient has left. If this should occur, the issuing company should be notified immediately by telephone to avoid financial responsibility for unauthorized charges made against your account. Warning signs are seen: The objective is to see that each practice day represents a minimum of unproductive time. Patient names, addresses, and approximate appointment times are entered on the left-hand page. Mechanics. Subconsciously, many fear making specific plans. Visualize the plight of the mother with a sick child who cannot make contact with your office because the line is busy. When patients walk into a professional office, they expect to enter a calm atmosphere that is well managed. The Three-Unit System. Let's arrange an appointment for Thursday or Friday so that you can discuss this with Dr. Anderson and avoid any recurrence of this problem. If the company requires any special laboratory tests, this should be noted in the appointment book or elsewhere. * Speak clearly 3.10). Many of these privacy laws protect information that is related to health conditions . * Charts For legal and insurance requirements, it is always good to have the patient's chief and minor complaint in the patient's handwriting. The skill involved in their administration is an essential factor in a profitable operation. A steadily declining profit margin is an indication of either decreasing patient volume or increasing operating costs or both. This, of course, is strictly up to your policy. Kenneth JOnes, 50 yo. Presorting. Most narrative reports begin with a background of the patient's condition, the doctor's gross impressions, then render details about the complaints, outline the patient's history, report examination findings, correlate submitted records if there are any, and arrive at a diagnosis or working diagnosis. You must have the opportunity of keeping abreast with the latest developments in clinical technology. Good plans are detailed programs that limit confusion of what should be done, where, at what time, and by whom. Postoperative lab, abdominal xray and pain medications should be anticipated. The cause also may well be within your practice itself. she calls to report that she is out of two of her regular medications, has been running a fever for two days. Typical letters written over an assistant's signature are those that acknowledge routine correspondence received in the doctor's absence, follow-up letters, replies to meeting notices, requests for refunds, hotel and automobile reservations, letters arranging appointments, collection letters, letters calling attention to account errors, service complaints, and letters of a routine business nature. A good assistant will take a deep breath, remain calm, be courteous, and won't panic or take out frustrations on the invisible innocent party on the line. The number of days your office will be open each week and its number of operating hours each day must be carefully considered. Quality Decisions. Every call is different in some way and important to somebody. Clinical supplies other than supplements This will prevent numerous errors that would require many telephone calls and apologies to change scheduled appointments. Other information most desirable to administrative assistants are the established business procedures and samples of pertinent forms. How to use an email program such as Outlook, a word processing program such as Word, and a data entry program such as Excel, scheduling appointments and receiving patients, Scheduling Appointments and Receiving Patient, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Dutton's Orthopaedic: Examination, Evaluation and Intervention, MBE Practice Questions for Classes 1-4 (Secti. SAMPLE TYPES OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES * Fax machine: through telephone line, verify number, cover sheet, specific person, secure area, * Scanner: image of text & photos, high resolution, electronic copies of paper docs, can send via email House call slips or notebook Training is necessary so that your assistant is alert to what you consider "junk" mail (not to be forwarded), what incoming mail you want to see first, what priorities should be given to certain types of mail, and how the mail should be organized. On the other hand, some doctors feel that an appointment should never be confirmed by telephone. Partner with your patients, Zalman said, noting that people are far more likely to positively respond to recommendations and questions in collaborative settings. a format for establishing a time schedule for appointments Modified wave scheduling patients in the last 30 minutes at 10-20 minute intervals obliterated to blot out; leave no trace; destroy open hours No scheduled appointments, patients sign upon arrival and are seen by the provider in that order. 3.28). Itineraries (Travel) Clinical equipment repair service scheduled during the first 30 mins of each hour, same as wave except in the last 30 mins at 10-20 mins intervals, scheduled for a particular amount of time, Single patient is booked for a specific amount of time, Patients are seen on a first come, first served basis. Roentgenography record forms Note: As the doctor is legally responsible for the actions of his employees in the conduct of the practice, it is your responsibility to place specific limits on what an assistant may discuss with a patient, either directly or on the telephone. Wastebaskets should be emptied, supply shelves should be restocked, and special equipment necessary for the next day should be checked. Thats just as important as encouraging acceptable behavior. Special delivery letters When a specific telephone hour is established, it is usually placed at the beginning of the day. Explaining Benefits Could Avoid Negative Interactions As a healthcare provider, it is important to help your patients understand their health insurance coverage and benefits. The appointment book should be considered strictly confidential property and its schedule confidential information. It will be no better or worse than the accuracy and intelligence related. Chiropractic physicians are both legally and ethically responsible for providing quality care. False. A narrative report is a written summation of findings and conclusions prepared for a referring physician or directed at the request of the patient to an insurance company, attorney, or some other third party. urinalysis U Each doctor develops a list of particular specialists to whom he or she refers patients for specialized attention (Fig. You can examine a patient to determine the cause of a health disorder. Your reputation and your practice's image is best developed on an appointment system that is truly a system, one that does not deteriorate into a "catch the doctor when you can" operation. They should never be left lying open on a desk when unattended. You can carry a pad of printed housecall slips that are filled out at each residence visited. Human relations and patient control can be evaluated by noting such factors as patient load, the number of patients with a definite future appointment, why some patients do not have a future appointment, and the quantity of cancellations and the reasons offered. Of the two, alphabetical indexing is the most popular in small and medium-size practices. Professional History 3. patients have a right to participate in the decisions made in providing their health care. Return calls can then be made by the appropriate person. Your assistant should not feel that her function is to "screen" calls, as such an attitude appears to isolate you from the caller. ), or "I don't know where he is" (Something secret?). Rather, it is better to respond, "There appears to be a poor connection. To blot out; leave no trace; destroy. After your practice has been in operation for several years, it is possible to have your appointment schedule filled in advance 95% of the time. Doctor's fee schedule Most states have established specific requirements for re-licensure. THE CURRENT/ACTIVE/INACTIVE-PATIENT SYSTEM Thus, it is advisable that most all patients be given a specific day and time for the next appointment, even if the appointment is far in the future. The typical format of a daily record for outgoing correspondence is a three-ring binder to hold letter-size forms. Again, depending upon the circumstances, you may wish to call the patient to attempt to re-establish faith. Other common causes include poor clinical management, overly aggressive behavior by doctor or personnel, a poor recall system, or severely adverse local economic conditions. Most people with a legitimate reason will identify themselves and their suspicions. All systems require alert attention. Work stations should be cleared or organized for the next day. Yet even in cases of justifiable excuses, the patient must be impressed with the necessity of maintaining the treatment schedule. The patient's history, examination findings (initial and progressive), your diagnosis, the therapy recommended and extended, the patient's progress record, summaries of findings and treatments rendered by outside consultants or facilities, and consents for examination, treatment, and data release constitute the patient's basic case record. With some exceptions, you schedule appointments by day; but it is your scheduling assistant who must arrive at an agreeable time of day for the patient. This card is filed alphabetically in a separate file, and the patient's case records are filed by number in the master file. Tickler filing procedures A pleasant, well-modulated voice indicates freedom from strain and tension. Caller: Do I have to be x-rayed? When patients arrive, she should try to get them into the appropriate room as quickly as possible. Assistant: Dr. Smith will be happy to discuss fees with you. A good change is characterized by easy and rapid implementation, a lack of confusion, few effects on other procedures that are proven assets, and harmony with reality. 7. respect the patient's right to confidentiality. A wide assortment of topics is available for patient and prospective patient education, directed to both adults and children. Some mail will be urgent or important, some will be of casual interest, and some you may classify as "junk" mail. Employees should arrive in the morning well in advance of patients so that preparation can be made for arriving patients. The assistant should take care to avoid statements that may be embarrassing such as "He isn't in yet!" If your assistant suspects such a situation, you may wish to tell her that it would not be inappropriate for her to inform you that the next patient has been prepared and is waiting. Several methods can be utilized to save file space: Each doctor has preferences of what type of calls should be handled by an assistant and what calls the doctor wishes to take personally. However, appointments given to patients at the office are more apt to be forgotten, especially when the patient's symptoms begin to improve and distress is not a constant reminder. inpatient admission: katherine jameson is 45 years old and has a history of endometriosis. First aid should always be extended upon request, however. The major warning sign is seen when net profits before taxes decrease below forecasts. The term "routine calls" is really a misnomer. Employee-patient relations Otherwise, it displays that the input is invalid. Warning signs are seen when: (1) current assets less current liabilities drop below forecasts, However, before anyone can be educated, there must be a desire to learn. * Name and save file In due respect for the assistant that does not have the doctor's full support, some patients will bully a timid assistant. Informed consent is when a healthcare provider like a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional explains a medical treatment to a patient before the. He also requires a CBC electrolyte panel and pan echocardiogram done prior ot the catheterization. If your assistant cannot hear the caller clearly, she should use extra tact and courtesy. Miscellaneous Folders. Receiving Calls Checks and overdraft notices should be attached to the patient's ledger card and given to the person responsible for posting payments, and invoices and statements should be given to the person in charge of accounts payable. Faxing should be done carefully and sparingly. Patients are seen on a first come, first served basis. Daily Routines Thus, it's helpful to pitch the telephone voice slightly lower than normal. If this fails, steps should be considered for postponing further service until cooperation can be achieved. The patient must decide which course of action is preferred. Technique 3.34). The test of a good filing system is one in which any staff member can retrieve material quickly. * Templates for letters, * Check grammar First-class business mail the child has been seen before. a visit in which a patient doesn't show up for or give advance notice, refers to the immediate and complete adjudication of health care claim upon receipt by the payer from a provider, sending a patient to a provider of a different specialty for treatment beyond the scope of practice for the initial practitioner, a method of scheduling in which only one patient is assigned to one block of time in a visit schedule, appointments are scheduled for a particular amount of time based on patient need, patients are scheduled during the first 30 minutes of each hour, leaving the last 3p minutes for same day appointments. Many local chiropractic organizations also provide answering services as well as referral services for their members. You cannot accomplish this goal alone. If there is one main file that is set up by name and occasionally there is material that should be filed by subject or if you have a subject file and have material that should be filed by name, such occasional literature can be combined within one main file. Proper scheduling and planning help your practice and personal life (Fig. Patients tend to view professional offices with a critical eye. To avoid overcrowding your files, records should be moved immediately when patients change their status from "current" to "active" or when "active" patients can be designated as "inactive patients" or "former patients." This gives the patient an "either or" choice and a sense of being in control rather than being dictated to by the assistant. What do you want your practice to be in the future? In contrast to the subject file, nonpatient correspondence should be filed alphabetically by the name of the company, institution, organization, agency or author. Use Cramers Rule to solve the system, if possible. As a chiropractic office should maintain an image of efficiency and promptness, mail requiring an answer should be responded to within a day or two of receipt if possible. Johnny Rodriguez is a five-year-old who is about to start kindergarten. immediate and complete adjudication of a health care claim upon receipt by the payer from the provider. Cabinet also comes in two-drawer and three-drawer models and in a separate (! Practice itself more unstable a patient has to wait more than 15 min, the more important it the! Patient education, directed to both adults and children it will be happy to discuss fees with you to. Safeguard all certifications of attendance so that proper credit can be discussed * Check grammar First-class business mail child. What do you want your practice to be a poor connection frightened by what read., in a separate log ( Fig are curious and can easily be frightened by what they read and.! 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