michelle obama commencement speech transcript

Ive experienced a little bit of it myself. Graduates, anger is a powerful force. But most of all, I want to acknowledge all of you - the brilliant, talented, ambitious, accomplished, and all-around outstanding members of the class of 2016! Were seeing the consequences of that right now. (Applause.). City College of New York No, of course not. (Applause.). Her opponents declared that letting women vote was unnatural, would lead to child neglect and all kinds of social ills. (Applause.). You can learn them together as a cohort of young people ready to take on the world, no matter how tumultuous it may be. What inspires you? And they also understood that often, the biggest, most dramatic change happens incrementally, little by little, through compromises and adjustments over years and decades. Theyre rooted in decades of structural challenges that have made too many folks feel frustrated and invisible. So while the Airmen selected for this program were actually highly educated -- many already had college degrees and pilots licenses -- they were presumed to be inferior. Meet the change Inside Takes on the Latest Stories . Next, Ive always felt a deep sense of obligation to make the biggest impact possible with this incredible platform. Its okay if you dont understand exactly what youre feeling, were all sorting through this in real time. I was in my late 20s. (Applause. You see, in his speech to those Oberlin graduates 50 years ago, Dr. King urged them, as Julia said, not to sleep through the civil rights revolution that was raging across this country. It's a hard time, and everyone's feeling. So dont ever, ever let anyone tell you that youre too angry or that you should keep your mouth shut. Now, the process of democracy might not always be as fast or as smooth as wed like. And today, it is no longer remarkable to see two beautiful black girls walking their dogs on the South Lawn of the White House lawn. 1. And when he was up in the sky, Charles sometimes looked down to see black folks out in the cotton fields not far from here -- the same fields where decades before, their ancestors as slaves. Its the news, without the news. I want you to ask those basic questions: Who do you want to be? And you have as much responsibility and just as much power to wake up and play your part in our great American story. Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart. Because while weve come so far, the truth is that those age-old problems are stubborn and they havent fully gone away. Probably not. What kind of person do you want to be? But as you all know, instead of being defined by the discrimination and the doubts of those around them, they became one of the most successful pursuit squadrons in our military. (Applause.) And so many of those folks, for them, this school was the gateway to actually realizing that opportunity in their lives, founded on the fundamental truth that talent and ambition know no distinctions of race, nationality, wealth, or fame, and dedicated to the ideals that our Founding Fathers put forth more than two centuries ago: That we are all created equal, all entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. City College became a haven for brilliant, motivated students of every background, a place where they didnt have to hide their last names or their accents, or put on any kind of airs because the students at this school were selected based not on pedigree, but on merit, and merit alone. Michelle Obama: (02:44) So we thought we'd take a look at some of the best celebrity commencement speeches that aren't just - believe it or not - 1) monosyllabic words 2) comments about the size of the crowd or 3) attacks against the press and "pathetic" haters. Build great lives for yourselves. ), I should be here today. As the President eloquently said, at this school, you represent more than 150 nationalities. And with the education youve gotten at this fine school, and the experiences youve had in your lives, let me tell you, nothing - and I mean nothing - is going to stop you from fulfilling your dreams. I love you all. (Applause.) It can hard but you have to keep on going. Michelle Obama: (09:57) (Applause.) And its the story of my family, too. It does not work if you disengage from the process. And as the years pass, youll feel the same freedom that Charles DeBow did when he was taking off in that airplane. No, no, I had my share of bumps along the way. Oberlin is likely the only college in America that I could have attended nearly two centuries ago, and I am honored to be part of the extraordinary legacy of this great institution. And that is why I wanted to be here today at City College. (Applause.). Just one. May 16, 2020 at 9:59 p.m. EDT. It can feel isolating. I did my research. If youre living in a constant state of fear, how much farther behind will you be after months in quarantine and without a job. And your salutatorian, whose Yemeni roots inspired her to study Yemini womens writing and to advocate for girls in her community, urging them to find their own voices, to tell their own stories. Over the years, Ive occasionally run into the noise myself. And I decided to tackle them in the way that felt most authentic to me -- in a way that was both substantive and strategic, but also fun and, hopefully, inspiring. Transcript of First Lady Michelle Obama's Commencement Address May 25, 2015 Communications Staff For immediate release May 25, 2015 Remarks by the First Lady of the United States 11:05 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA: Hi! Its your story and the story of those who came before you at this school. We can take on those deep-rooted problems, and together -- together -- we can overcome anything that stands in our way. (Applause.) Michelle Obama gave her final remarks as First Lady on Friday, choking up as she urged young Americans to remain hopeful and engaged in the country's future. During training, they were often assigned to menial tasks like housekeeping or landscaping. Congratulations again on your graduation. She appealed directly to the youth facing the incoming . Those Airmen who rose above brutal discrimination -- they did it so the whole world could see just how high black folks could soar. Graduates, you all are exactly what we need right now and for the years and decades to come, youre learning so much so quickly. They were leading civil rights marches and sit-ins, organizing exchange programs with historically black colleges and universities, and so much more. Transcribe your audio files to find high-impact insights in minutes. MRS. OBAMA: Thank you all. Then there was the first time I was on a magazine cover -- it was a cartoon drawing of me with a huge afro and machine gun. You all have come here from all across the country to study, to learn, maybe have a little fun along the way -- from freshman year in Adams or Younge Hall -- (applause) -- to those late night food runs to The Coop. First of all, it is beyond a pleasure and an honor to be here to celebrate the City College of New York Class of 2016! And I know you worked hard to make it to this moment, didnt you? So what does that mean for your time? What ideas are we missing? Thank you so much. Michelle Obama: (11:00) Transcripts & captions for a better media workflow. So we need to invest in and strengthen our public universities today, and for generations to come. You see, its wonderful to volunteer at your local homeless shelterplease do thatbut you also need to attend the city council meetings and make sure the zoning laws dont shut that shelter down. Look, Ive been there many times in my life. Thank you so much. And in the years before Dr. King addressed those Oberlin graduates in 65, he and his colleagues faced fire hoses and dogs in Montgomery, beatings on a bridge in Selma, insults and assaults as they sat quietly at lunch counters and marched peacefully down public streets. He became a high school English teacher and a college lecturer. And, graduates, with a degree from this amazing school, and all the status and connections that degree confers, you dont get to have no hands. Transcript of Michelle Obama's commencement address Chicago Tribune Jun 10, 2015 at 9:37 pm MRS. OBAMA: Wow! Pursue your own version of happiness. Graduates, today -- today, you can mentor a young person and make sure he or she takes the right path. (Laughter.) First lady Michelle Obama gave a commencement speech at Tuskegee University's graduation ceremony Saturday in which she discussed the school's importance in African American history . Are you sure? But in the end, FDR realized that 60 percent was a whole lot better than zero percent. Be great. Now whats happening right now is the direct result of decades of unaddressed, prejudice, and inequality. I want to recognize Major General Williams; Congresswoman Sewell; Zachary; Kalauna; to all of the trustees, the faculty, the staff here at Tuskegee University. It did not define me. If you listen to them, then nothing will ever change. And your amazing salutatorian, Orubba Almansouri. Youre looking good! I'm so proud of you all. Public education is our greatest pathway to opportunity in America. Ive seen you marching with peace and with purpose and that is why even in tough times like these, you continue to be what gives me hope. More than anything else, graduates, that is the American story. And heres what I really want you to know -- you have got everything you need to do this. Because we all know that public universities have always been one of the greatest drivers of our prosperity, lifting countless people into the middle class, creating jobs and wealth all across this nation. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. The tough part is nobody has all the answers. (Applause.). First Lady Michelle Obama will deliver the commencement address during the 170 th. So get out there and volunteer on campaigns, and then hold the folks you elect accountable. And Im so proud of you both -- and to your families, congratulations. A path, fortunately, more focused on meaning and service. Youll have unreasonable bosses and difficult clients and patients. I am confident in your ability to do amazing things. And let me tell you, you should feel so proud of making it to this day. So if you hear people expressing bigoted views or talking down to those people, it is up to you to call them out because we wont solve anything. (Applause.) Read the full transcript of Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech Posted: Jul 26, 2016 / 08:02 AM CDT Updated: Jul 26, 2016 / 02:45 PM CDT MRS. OBAMA: Wow! And I know that these little indignities are obviously nothing compared to what folks across the country are dealing with every single day -- those nagging worries that youre going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason; the fear that your job application will be overlooked because of the way your name sounds; the agony of sending your kids to schools that may no longer be separate, but are far from equal; the realization that no matter how far you rise in life, how hard you work to be a good person, a good parent, a good citizen -- for some folks, it will never be enough. They lost it, because they were ill-equipped to handle their first encounter with disappointment or falling short. If were only willing to do whats easiest, weve got to make hard choices and sacrifices in our own lives. Michelle Obama kicked off her "Dear Class of 2020" graduation speech with a list of uncomfortable questions and truths. King's Arkansas speech came a year after federal troops protected nine black students attending all-white Little Rock Central High School. Graduation from college or high school is a culmination of years of hard work. Now, will this be easy? And no matter what path you choose, I want you to make sure its you choosing it, and not someone else. The most accurate AI-powered transcription on the market. Michelle Obama: ( 00:00) Hi, everyone. Today, I want to urge you to actively seek out the most contentious, polarized, gridlocked places you can find. Beautiful song. Despite . (Applause.) All right? Obama touched on the background of the school, the background of her own family and how it will inform the future of the graduates. Are you thinking of teaching in an under-served school? Michelle Obama's commencement speeches: a compendium of excerpts. And I know that these days, that can seem counterintuitive, because we live in such an instantaneous age. There Is Nothing New Under the Sun Writing on the Wall Transcript of Michelle Obama s commencement address June 10th, 2015 - Michelle Obama returns to her South Side home to deliver the commencement bespoke.cityam.com 1 / 10 (Applause.) They knew that our laws matter. Because we know that our greatness comes when we appreciate each others strengths, when we learn from each other, when we lean on each other. Transcribe Your Own Content Try Rev for free and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. Michelle Obama: (14:05) Michelle Obama: ( 00:07) Hey everybody. How are you all doing? And please, please, always, always do your part to help others do the same. Today, you can help your younger cousin fill out her college financial aid form so that she could be sitting in those chairs one day. Not when women still make less than men for the same work. See, this is my very last commencement address as First Lady of the United States. Michelle Obama: (07:10) This is historical material frozen in time. Michelle Obama: (11:51) Think about how just 10 years ago, gay marriage was legal in just one state in this countryjust oneand today, it is legal in 37 states and Washington, D.C. Do you know when your primary elections are held? That is your story, graduates, and that is the story of your families. First lady Michelle Obama addressed a crowd of graduates and their families at the 2015 commencement ceremony at Tuskegee University, in Alabama, describing her personal battle with . What happens at every school board meeting, every legislative sessionthat is your concern. No, here in America, we dont let our differences tear us apart. Dont be afraid. He said " this pandemic has fully finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing .". Because heres the thing -- the road ahead is not going to be easy. On Saturday evening, May 16, Barack Obama delivered a commencement address to the high school Class of 2020, whose graduations were cancelled due to coronavirus. The founders of this school didnt just decide to admit women and African American students and then pat themselves on the back and say job well done. No, even in those early days, folks here at Oberlin were attending anti-slavery meetings, shivering on rough wooden benches in unheated, unfinished buildings. They wont know how hard you worked and how much you sacrificed to make it to this day -- the countless hours you spent studying to get this diploma, the multiple jobs you worked to pay for school, the times you had to drive home and take care of your grandma, the evenings you gave up to volunteer at a food bank or organize a campus fundraiser. No, really, who am I? (Applause.). (Laughter.) We always have been. Maybe your family has been in this city for generations, or maybe, like my family, they came to this country centuries ago in chains. Well, after facing all kinds of opposition, he eventually agreed to a Social Security plan that covered only 60 percent of workers. The world wont always see you in those caps and gowns. We can do that all day. Become a freelancer and work on your own terms. Former First Lady Michelle Obama gave a commencement address online to the graduating class of 2020. Michelle Obama: (00:07) I want you to listen to those thoughts. Heres the thing, I know you can do it because over these many years, Ive seen exactly who you are. They had every material possession a college kid could want - cars, computers, spending money. It is a lesson that most of us get the chance to learn over the course of years and years, even decades, but one that youre learning right now. If we dislike someones Facebook post, we just un-follow them, we un-friend them. I asked folks across the country to wear their alma maters T-shirts for College Signing Day. And, more importantly, you embody the very hopes and dreams carved into the base of that iconic statue not so far from where we sit -- on that island where so many of your predecessors at this school first set foot on our shores. The two-hour event, "Show Me Your. See, graduates, this is what happens when you turn your attention outward and decide to brave the noise and engage yourself in the struggles of our time. And dont let anybody tell you differently. (Applause.) ), And of course, let us not forget Elizabeth Aklilu for her amazing performance of the National Anthem earlier today. New York, New York, MRS. OBAMA: Wow! (Applause.) They sat down with leaders they disagreed with because they knew that if they wanted their vision to be made real, it needed to be made law. (Applause.). Because talent and effort combined with our various backgrounds and life experiences has always been the lifeblood of our singular American genius. City College of New York (June 3, 2016) In her final commencement address as first lady, Michelle Obama spoke to the City College of New York's graduates about how differences make us. Former President Barack Obama gave the virtual commencement address at a ceremony for graduates of historically black colleges and universities on Saturday. Just the opposite, because what we finally do have is focus. So nakedly exposed for all of us to grapple with. Maybe they just arrived here recently, determined to give you a better life. -- Below is the full text of Michelle Obama 's speech to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 25, 2016. Well done! It is such a -- you all, rest yourselves. This is a transcript of Michelle Obama's Commencement Address at King College Prep High School from 2015. (Laughter.) Historic agreements to fight climate change. So Im here today because Im proud of you all. Go further, send all your friends a link to register to vote, text everybody you know to join you in exercising, their constitutional right to protest. Political News Video amp Analysis. You will follow alums like many of your parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles -- leaders like Robert Robinson Taylor, a groundbreaking architect and administrator here who was recently honored on a postage stamp. Youve got families up in the stands who will support you every step of the way. Treating people right will never ever fail you. Heres the thing, you have the opportunity to learn these valuable lessons faster than the generations before you. Traitors to their cause? So for those Airmen, the act of flying itself was a symbol of liberation for themselves and for all African Americans. I worked with Congress on legislation, gave speeches to CEOs, military generals and Hollywood executives. There is no substitute for it. It means adding your voice to our national conversation, speaking out for our most cherished values of liberty, opportunity, inclusion, and respect - the values that youve been living here at this school. Read his full commencement address here. Maybe it feels like youre supposed to go to law school -- but what you really want to do is to teach little kids. In her last commencement speech as first lady, at City College of New York in 2016, Obama said, "Our greatness has never, ever come from sitting back . We want everything right awaywhether its an Uber or your favorite TV showand we want it tailored to our exact preferences and beliefs. And you dont have to be President of the United States to start addressing things like poverty, and education, and lack of opportunity. You all, I mean, this has been the most fun I think I've had at a commencement ever. Graduates this is how you can finish the work that the generations before you have started, by staying open and hopeful, even in the tough times. And I know, as President Krislov understands, that electing the right folks mattersit matters a lot. So, graduates, thats what I want for all of you. The obligation to use the opportunities youve had to help others. Youre here! Love you all. And think about President Roosevelts struggle to pass the New Deal a few decades later. Its never come from folks who climb the ladder of success, or who happen to be born near the top and then pull that ladder up after themselves. But that experience gave me a kind of clarity with everything and pieces around me, I had to forge a new path. Michelle Obama has addressed millions of young people across America with a moving 2020 graduation commencement speech addressing the Black Lives Matter protests and the impact of the coronavirus . And I want to be very clear: Every city ordinance, every ballot measure, every law on the books in this countrythat is your concern. Because so often, throughout our history, those have been the places where progress really happensthe places where minds are changed, lives transformed, where our great American story unfolds. (Applause.) ), Before I begin, I just want to say that my heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Eric Marks, Jr. (Applause.) It deadens your spirit and it hardens your heart may seem like a winning strategy in the short run. ), Are you planning to rally for marriage equality on the steps of the Supreme Court? Michelle Obama: (08:23) I really am. Instead they will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world. Speech-to-Text API for pre-recorded audio, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition engine. Now, some folks criticized my choices for not being bold enough. Michelle Obama Video screenshot Democratic leaders such as Michelle. We dont build up walls to keep people out because we know that our greatness has always depended on contributions from people who were born elsewhere but sought out this country and made it their home - from innovations like Google and eBay to inventions like the artificial heart, the telephone, even the blue jeans; to beloved patriotic songs like God Bless America, like national landmarks like the Brooklyn Bridge and, yes, the White House - both of which were designed by architects who were immigrants. (Applause.). And most of all, youve got yourselves -- and all of the heart, and grit, and smarts that got you to this day. "I want our young people to know. (Laughter.) I can tell you that our democracy is sturdy and yes, it still works, but it doesnt work if you silence yourselves. The first is this life will always be uncertain. But that has only happened because folks like all of you left their comfort zones and made their voices heard. Ask yourself, do you know where your polling place is? (Applause.) Its up to you to couple every protest with plans and policies, with organizing and mobilizing and voting and thats my final piece of advice. Read the full transcript of her speech here. It was also Michelle Obama's first commencement address as First Lady. Generation after generation, students here have shown that same grit, that same resilience to soar past obstacles and outrages -- past the threat of countryside lynchings; past the humiliation of Jim Crow; past the turmoil of the Civil Rights era. People screamed at her. (Applause.) And finally, most of all, I want to congratulate the men and women of the Tuskegee University Class of 2015! Michelle Obama calls for sticking to the personal individuality. If you cant even approach the police without fearing for your life. (Applause.) I want you to act with both your mind, but also your heart. MRS. OBAMA: Oh, I. (Applause.) How do you want to give back? They spat on her. Its you. Michelle Obama's commencement address at Bowie State) Because no matter what happened, I had the peace of mind of knowing that all of the chatter, the name calling, the doubting -- all of it was just noise. Let's let our graduates rest themselves. And somehow, you still found time to give back to your communities - tutoring young people, reading to kids, volunteering at hospitals. (Laughter and applause.) SOAPStone Speaker: Michelle Obama Occasion: City College . Obama grew up near the school, and during her emotional commencement address, she said she wanted to share "the real story" about the South Side, a story about resilience and courage in the face of . And I have to join in recognizing all the folks up in the stands -- the parents, siblings, friends -- (applause) -- so many others who have poured their love and support into these graduates every step of the way. I am so proud to honor these American heroes todayand every dayfor their extraordinary service to our nation. Michelle Obama: (01:41) It made me wonder, just how are people seeing me. But when some of them got their first bad grade, they just fell apart. Michelle Obama actively used pathos in the commencement speech because her key message was that Spelman graduates needed not only to develop their personalities but also help others. (Laughter and applause.) As many of you know, I grew up in a working class family in Chicago. That is the power of our differences to make us smarter and more creative. And on top of all of that, you spent thousands of hours giving back to this communitytutoring kids, playing music for seniors, serving food to folks in need, and of course, mentoring the local young people back thereI see you allthrough the Ninde Scholars Program. Our graduates rest themselves and all kinds of opposition, he eventually to... Your audio files to find high-impact insights in minutes am so proud of making to. A deep sense of obligation to use the opportunities youve had to forge a New path of unaddressed,,... To make it to this day United States strengthen our public universities today, and inequality of years hard! United States strategy in the short run anything that stands in our way and links to external and!, it still works, but also your heart may seem like a winning strategy in the end FDR. May seem like a winning strategy in the stands who will support you every step of the world wont see! 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