senator joseph mccarthy rose to prominence by alleging

McCarthy referred to Smith and her fellow senators as "Snow White and the six dwarfs". Eisenhower refused, saying privately "nothing would please him [McCarthy] more than to get the publicity that would be generated by a public repudiation by the President. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. b. the Grand Coulee dam project. I have here in my hand a list of 205a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. McCarthy was ruinedand within three years he was dead from alcohol abuse. We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. b) criticize Israel's foreign policy. Although he failed to make a plausible case against anyone, his colourful and cleverly presented accusations drove some persons out of their jobs and brought popular condemnation to others. c. Rosa Parks d. supporting racial justice over social harmony. c) engaged in sabotage against pro-Soviet governments in the region. Alternate titles: Joseph Raymond McCarthy. "[129] [96] [174], As his fame grew, McCarthy increasingly became the target of ridicule and parody. Wisconsin is a U.S state located in the North central United States. Prospects for a Democratic victory in the 1952 presidential election were poor for all of the following reasons except d. believed that the civil rights movement needed his personal involvement if it were to He volunteered to fly twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer. a. actually produced second-rate verse. Marshall had been Army Chief of Staff during World War II and was also Truman's former Secretary of State. a) began to attack the personal integrity of General George C. Marshall. c) condemn its allies for their actions in the Middle East. During the early 1950s, McCarthy launched a series of attacks on the CIA, claiming it had been infiltrated by communist agents. b) the federal government began spending millions of dollars to improve American science and language education. [141] This response did not go over well with viewers, and the result was a further decline in McCarthy's popularity. As the controversy mounted, however, and the majority of his own subcommittee joined the call for Matthews's ouster, McCarthy finally yielded and accepted his resignation. c. he was unhappy with Vice President Nixon's unbending anticommunism. He also claimed La Follette had made huge profits from his investments while he, McCarthy, had been away fighting for his country. Joseph McCarthy, in full Joseph Raymond McCarthy, (born November 14, 1908, near Appleton, Wisconsin, U.S.died May 2, 1957, Bethesda, Maryland), American politician who served in the U.S. Senate (194757), representing Wisconsin, and who lent his name to the term McCarthyism. c) Lebanon and El Salvador. His father, Timothy McCarthy, was born in the United States, the son of an Irish father and a German mother. [68], At the time of McCarthy's speech, communism was a significant concern in the United States. When World War II began, McCarthy volunteered for the Marine Corps . e. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). [115], The subcommittee first investigated allegations of Communist influence in the Voice of America, at that time administered by the State Department's United States Information Agency. in the security reviews of 108 employees. In a June 1 speech, Flanders compared McCarthy to Adolf Hitler, accusing him of spreading "division and confusion" and saying, "Were the Junior Senator from Wisconsin in the pay of the Communists he could not have done a better job for them. Eisenhower was widely criticized for giving up his personal convictions, and the incident became the low point of his campaign. b. legal attacks on underpinnings of segregation in the courts. This concern was exacerbated by the actions of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, the victory of the communists in the Chinese Civil War, the Soviets' development of a nuclear weapon the year before, and by the contemporary controversy surrounding Alger Hiss and the confession of Soviet spy Klaus Fuchs. [183] Archival footage of McCarthy himself was used in the 2005 film Good Night, and Good Luck about Edward R. Murrow and the See It Now episode that challenged McCarthy. That detailed television exposure of his brutal and truculent interrogative tacticswhich famously prompted Joseph Nye Welch, special counsel for the army, to ask McCarthy, Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? In January 1957, McCarthy and his wife adopted an infant with the help of Roy Cohn's close friend Cardinal Spellman. d) a buildup of unconventional and guerrilla-warfare forces. The Tydings Report labeled McCarthy's charges a "fraud and a hoax", and described them as using incensing rhetoric -- saying that the result of McCarthy's actions was to "confuse and divide the American people to a degree far beyond the hopes of the Communists themselves". b) Bay of Pigs. These hearings are a part of our national past that we can neither afford to forget nor permit to re-occur. d) developed close cooperation with Israeli intelligence agencies. d. mobilization of black churches on behalf of black rights. "[64] Tye cites three quotes from European historian Steven Remy, chief Malmedy prosecutor COL Burton Ellis JAG USA, and massacre victim and survivor Virgil P. Laru, Jr: Both willfully clueless and supremely self-confident, McCarthy impeded but did not derail a truly fair and balanced investigation of the Malmedy affair, Steven Remy[64], It beats the hell out of me why everyone tries so hard to show that the prosecution [team] were insidious, underhanded, unethical, immoral and God knows what monsters, that unfairly convicted a group of whiskerless Sunday school boys. b) Iraq and Nicaragua. McCarthyism has become a synonym for witch-hunting, Star Chamber methods, and the denial of civil liberties. [170][171] Bradbury said that he wrote Fahrenheit 451 because of his concerns at the time (during the McCarthy era) about the threat of book burning in the United States. A Wisconsin attorney, McCarthy served for three years as a circuit judge (194042) before enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II. the issue. "Longines Chronoscope with Sen. Joseph McCarthy (June 25, 1952)", "Longines Chronoscope with Sen. Joseph McCarthy (September 29, 1952)", Documents on McCarthyism at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library,, That McCarthy had "failed to co-operate with the Sub-committee on Rules and Administration", and "repeatedly abused the members who were trying to carry out assigned duties", That McCarthy had charged "three members of the [Watkins] Select Committee with 'deliberate deception' and 'fraud' that the special Senate session was a 'lynch party. With little support from organized labor or the state Democratic Party, the roughly organized recall effort attracted national attention, particularly during the concurrent Army-McCarthy hearings. He rose to fame in 1950, but was ultimately censured for his practices in 1954. In 1946 he was elected to the U.S. Senate, and in 1950 he publicly charged that 205 communists had infiltrated . Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, became aware of McCarthy's addiction in the 1950s, and demanded he stop using the drug. For those of us who have been around the . [122] Unable to expose any signs of subversion, McCarthy focused instead on the case of Irving Peress, a New York dentist who had been drafted into the army in 1952 and promoted to major in November 1953. d. Johnson v. Little Rock School District. Where McCarthy got the money to invest in the first place remains a mystery. [104] When Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. asked Kennedy why he avoided criticizing McCarthy, Kennedy responded by saying, "Hell, half my voters in Massachusetts look on McCarthy as a hero". McCarthy was at first a quiet and undistinguished senator. Dorothy Rabinowitz. [185] In Lee Daniels' 2020 film, The United States vs. Billie Holiday, McCarthy is portrayed by actor Randy Davison. [179] The character of Senator John Iselin, a demagogic anti-communist, is closely modeled on McCarthy, even to the varying numbers of Communists he asserts are employed by the federal government. We will not walk in fear, one of another. a) Suez crisis. Their smear campaign attracted allies in anti-Semites and extremists like Gerald L. K. Smith, who falsely claimed Rosenberg, who was Jewish, was a communist. d. Dwight Eisenhower's commitment to civil rights. b. publicly endorsed the 1954 Supreme Court school desegregation decision. This page was last edited on 7 April 2023, at 19:59. a) began seeking alternative sources of energy. He was buried in St. Mary's Parish Cemetery, Appleton, Wisconsin, where more than 17,000 people filed through St. Mary's Church in order to pay him their last respects. Shortly after this, a 1950 poll of the Senate press corps voted McCarthy "the worst U.S. senator" currently in office. "[111] On several occasions Eisenhower is reported to have said of McCarthy that he did not want to "get down in the gutter with that guy. d. the airport construction program. In fact, by the time of McCarthy's speech only about 65 of the employees mentioned in the Byrnes letter were still with the State Department, and all of these had undergone further security checks. c) alleged that there were communists in the Foreign Service. "[155]Indiana Senator William E. Jenner, one of McCarthy's friends and fellow Republicans likened McCarthy's conduct, however, to that of "the kid who came to the party and peed in the lemonade. b) Ngo Dinh Diem. In Gallup polls of January 1954, 50% of those polled had a positive opinion of McCarthy. The press that had once recorded his every public statement now ignored him, and outside speaking engagements dwindled almost to nothing. Lodge lost despite Eisenhower winning the state in the presidential election. c. National Defense Education Act [184] In the German-French docu-drama The Real American Joe McCarthy (2012), directed by Lutz Hachmeister, McCarthy is portrayed by the British actor and comedian John Sessions. [82] As historian David M. Barrett would write, "Mixed in with the hysterics were some logic, though: homosexuals faced condemnation and discrimination, and most of themwishing to conceal their orientationwere vulnerable to blackmail. William Bennett, former Reagan Administration Secretary of Education, summed up his perspective in his 2007 book America: The Last Best Hope: The cause of anti-communism, which united millions of Americans and which gained the support of Democrats, Republicans and independents, was undermined by Sen. Joe McCarthy McCarthy addressed a real problem: disloyal elements within the U.S. government. Many in the audience saw him as bullying, reckless, and dishonest, and the daily newspaper summaries of the hearings were also frequently unfavorable. [77] [20], In 1939, McCarthy had better success when he ran for the nonpartisan elected post of 10th District circuit judge. The Supreme Court began to advance the cause of civil rights in the 1950s because Numerous eyewitnesses, including Senate aide George Reedy and journalist Tom Wicker, reported finding him drunk in the Senate. Senator Joseph McCarthy sent this telegram to President Truman two days after claiming that he had identified "205 card-carrying . Ultimately a "bill of particulars" listing 46 charges was added to the censure resolution. a. antiwar movement of the 1960s. Senator Joseph McCarthy rose to national prominence by initiating a probe to ferret out communists holding prominent positions. McCarthy hid the source of his list, stating that he had penetrated the "iron curtain" of State Department secrecy with the aid of "some good, loyal Americans in the State Department". [123], Early in 1954, the U.S. Army accused McCarthy and his chief counsel, Roy Cohn, of improperly pressuring the army to give favorable treatment to G. David Schine, a former aide to McCarthy and a friend of Cohn's, who was then serving in the army as a private. His colleagues in the Senate avoided him; his speeches on the Senate floor were delivered to a near-empty chamber or they were received with intentional and conspicuous displays of inattention. During his second term, President Eisenhower He was traditionally depicted in a negative light, normally pertaining to McCarthyism and his accusations. [93] Unlike other women targets of McCarthyism, Rosenberg emerged with her career and integrity intact. d) invoke the Eisenhower Doctrine. c. endorsing the concept of using laws to compel people to change their opinions and actions. McCarthy, his credibility in tatters and now starved of witnesses, hit a brick walland his fellow senators turned against him. e. the Constitution clearly prohibited any segregation. [161] The basic military strategy of Eisenhower's and Dulles's New Look foreign policy in the 1950s aimed at c. more simplistic in nature. c) support bloody dictators who claimed to be fighting communism. d) Dean Acheson. ", "Transcript See it Now: A Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy", "Transcript Senator Joseph R. McCarthy: Reply to Edward R. Murrow, See It Now", Joe Must Go: The Movement to Recall Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, "Senate Resolution 301: Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy", "The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)", "Senate Report 104-137 Resolution For Disciplinary Action", "Joseph McCarthy Photographs: The Funeral", "In 1957, a McCarthy-free morning in America", "Not satisfied with U.S. history, some conservatives rewrite it", "First Spark: Ray Bradbury Turns 90; The Universe and UCLA Academy Celebrate", "Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 Misinterpreted", "Peter Boyle, 71, Character Actor Played Psychotics and Monsters", "Newsman Challenges a Powerful Politician", "Exchange with Arthur Herman and Venona book talk", "Senator Joseph McCarthy's Lists and Venona", "Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy (1954)", "Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum", "Senate Committee Transcripts, 107th Congress", "Transcripts, Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations", "Judge Joe: How the youngest judge in Wisconsin's history became the country's most notorious senator", Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Learn more. Later, McCarthy also hired Gerard David Schine, heir to a hotel-chain fortune, on the recommendation of George Sokolsky.[63]. This served as the basis for Fahrenheit 451 published in 1953. Dwight Eisenhower's policies toward Native Americans included Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in the United States in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread communist subversion. [173] In 1953, playwright Arthur Miller published The Crucible, suggesting the Salem witch trials were analogous to McCarthyism. a) use the threat of nuclear war to win concessions. [165] He was given a state funeral that was attended by 70 senators, and a Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass was celebrated before more than 100 priests and 2,000 others at Washington's St. Matthew's Cathedral. His death certificate listed the cause of death as "Hepatitis, acute, cause unknown"; previously doctors had not reported him to be in critical condition. Marshall had been involved in American foreign policy with China, and McCarthy charged that Marshall was directly responsible for the loss of China to Communism. These missions were generally safe, and after one where he was allowed to shoot as much ammunition as he wanted to, mainly at coconut trees, he acquired the nickname "Tail-Gunner Joe". [16][17] His mother, Bridget McCarthy (nee Tierney), was from County Tipperary, Ireland. Finding himself in the spotlight, McCarthy held hearings in the Senate, relying on innuendo and hearsay to condemn members of the State Department of . a. not inclined toward promoting integration. b) alleged that there were communists in Hollywood. He recommended that McCarthy turn his attention to the worldwide encroachment of Communism outside North America. e) established a permanent division of Vietnam. How Did Joseph McCarthys Anticommunist Rhetoric Impact the LGBTQ+ Community? We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful mennot from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular. The Democratic chairman of the subcommittee, Senator Millard Tydings, was reported to have said, "Let me have him [McCarthy] for three days in public hearings, and he'll never show his face in the Senate again."[78]. Many Democrats were incensed at McCarthy's attack on the State Department of a Democratic administration, and had hoped to use the hearings to discredit him. b) charging that there was extensive communist influence in Hollywood and the media. d) provide encouragement to Fidel Castro's communist government in Cuba. [13] Doctors had not previously reported him to be in critical condition. b. Landrum-Griffith Act a. nonviolent direct action. This subcommittee would be the scene of some of McCarthy's most publicized exploits. The era of McCarthyism was over. At the same time, some Catholics opposed McCarthy, notably the anti-Communist author Father John Francis Cronin and the influential journal Commonweal. [136], Even before McCarthy's clash with Welch in the hearings, one of the most prominent attacks on McCarthy's methods was an episode of the television documentary series See It Now, hosted by journalist Edward R. Murrow, which was broadcast on March 9, 1954. He rose to prominence in February 1950 when his public chargein a speech given in Wheeling, West Virginiathat 205 communists had infiltrated the State Department created a furor and catapulted him into headlines across the country. a) unified the two Vietnams. [163], Anslinger decided to give McCarthy access to morphine in secret from a pharmacy in Washington, DC. The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, usually chaired by McCarthy himself, was given the task of adjudicating these conflicting charges. c. rejected desegregation. c) the State Department lost a number of Asian specialists who might have counseled a wiser course in Vietnam. In an incident for which he would be widely criticized, McCarthy lobbied for the commutation of death sentences given to a group of Waffen-SS soldiers convicted of war crimes for carrying out the 1944 Malmedy massacre of American prisoners of war. "Papa" Prell's radio broadcast on "Tail Gunner Joe", including taped segments from the trial. Hope continued to offer McCarthy jokes as they were well received by most people, although he did receive some hate mail. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who rose to prominence in the early 1950s by trumpeting allegations of a vast conspiracy by alleged Communist agents whom he claimed had infiltrated the U.S. government, media, film industry, labor unions and . [124] McCarthy claimed that the accusation was made in bad faith, in retaliation for his questioning of Zwicker the previous year. In Salt Lake City, Utah, a few days later, he cited a figure of 57, and in the Senate on February 20, 1950, he claimed 81. [40][41] However, his commander revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, probably while preparing award citations and commendation letters as an additional duty, and that he had signed his commander's name, after which Nimitz signed it during the process of just signing numerous other such letters. d) Libya and Costa Rica. Learn more. [178], A more serious fictional portrayal of McCarthy played a central role in the 1959 novel The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon. e) Nguyen Cao Ky. Joseph McCarthy is also known as Joseph Raymond McCarthy, who was as a politician and US senator belongs to the state of Wisconsin. McCarthy, who admitted the assault, claimed he merely "slapped" Pearson. In response to the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 e. Orval Faubus. According to the historian David Talbot, Dulles also compiled a "scandalous" intimate dossier on the Senator's personal life and used the homosexual stories to take him down. c) Israel and Turkey b. Truman's refusal to seek another term. [166] Three senatorsGeorge W. Malone, William E. Jenner, and Herman Welkerhad flown from Washington to Appleton on the plane that carried McCarthy's casket. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Joseph McCarthy was a US Senator from Wisconsin who rose to national prominence in the early 1950s through his aggressive pursuit of supposed communists and subversives in the US government and society. e) sponsored the CIA-directed coup in Guatemala. [56], Senator McCarthy's first three years in the Senate were unremarkable. e) the United States achieved a stronger settlement in Korea. d. less realistic. Which one of the following is least related to the other three? In addition to the TydingsButler race, McCarthy campaigned for several other Republicans in the 1950 elections, including Everett Dirksen against Democratic incumbent and Senate Majority Leader Scott W. Lucas. Debt ceiling impasse: McCarthy presses Biden to negotiate. The Suez crisis marked the last time in history that the United States could McCarthy was largely ignored by his colleagues and by the media thereafter and died before he had completed his second term in office. e) did nothing to help to defeat the communists. In 1950, the little-known senator, searching for an issue that would grab the public's attention, declared that he had a "list" of names of communists working in government. With this background and due to the sensational nature of McCarthy's charge against the State Department, the Wheeling speech soon attracted a flood of press interest in McCarthy's claim. On December 2, 1954, the Senate felt secure enough to formally condemn him on a vote of 67 to 22 for conduct contrary to Senate traditions, thus ending the era of McCarthyism. "McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled," McCarthy said in a 1952 speech, and later that year, he published a book titled McCarthyism: The Fight For America. e) Britain and France. [42][41] A "war wound"a badly broken legthat McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire had in fact happened aboard ship during a raucous celebration for sailors crossing the equator for the first time. A recording of the show became popular in the United States, and was reportedly played by President Eisenhower at cabinet meetings. The elections, including many that McCarthy was not involved in, were an overall Republican sweep. Oshinsky disputes this, stating that "Eisenhower was known as a harmonizer, a man who could get diverse factions to work toward a common goal. McCarthy's allegations shocked the nation. '"[107], McCarthy won reelection in 1952 with 54% of the vote, defeating former Wisconsin State Attorney General Thomas E. Fairchild but, as stated above, badly trailing a Republican ticket which otherwise swept the state of Wisconsin; all the other Republican winners, including Eisenhower himself, received at least 60% of the Wisconsin vote. Though few people paid him much notice at first, he repeated, expanded, and varied his charges in succeeding speeches. Several comedy songs lampooning the senator were released in 1954, including "Point of Order" by Stan Freberg and Daws Butler, "Senator McCarthy Blues" by Hal Block, and unionist folk singer Joe Glazer's "Joe McCarthy's Band", sung to the tune of "McNamara's Band". succeed. In 1956, when Hungary revolted against continued domination by the Soviet Union, the United States under Dwight Eisenhower McCarthy then recited the list of supposedly pro-communist authors before his subcommittee and the press. Wisconsin's constitution stipulates the number of signatures needed to force a recall election must exceed one-quarter the number of voters in the most recent gubernatorial election, requiring the anti-McCarthy movement to gather some 404,000 signatures in sixty days. c. ban-the-bomb movement of the 1950s. Thousands of people viewed his body in Washington. a) John Bricker. Our long-term objective must be the eradication of Communism from the face of the earth." Republicans were outraged by the Democratic response. Although there were many in the Senate who believed that some sort of disciplinary action against McCarthy was warranted, there was no clear majority supporting this resolution. e. compassionate conservatism. [92], In December 1950, McCarthy teamed with right-wing radio star Fulton Lewis Jr. to smear Truman's nominee for Assistant Secretary of Defense, Anna M. Rosenberg.  . He then went on to complain that John Paton Davies Jr. was still "on the payroll after eleven months of the Eisenhower administration," even though Davies had actually been dismissed three weeks earlier, and repeated an unsubstantiated accusation that Davies had tried to "put Communists and espionage agents in key spots in the Central Intelligence Agency." With Paul Newman, Roy M. Cohn, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mamie Eisenhower. In the same polls, those with a negative opinion of McCarthy increased from 29% to 45%. Joseph McCarthy was a United States Senator from Wisconsin whose crusade against suspected communists created a political frenzy in the early 1950s. President Dwight Eisenhower's attitude toward racial justice can best be described as However, it is generally agreed that he produced a piece of paper that he claimed contained a list of known Communists working for the State Department. McCarthy became a close friend of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., himself a fervent anti-Communist, and he was also a frequent guest at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. The factor that may well have tipped the electoral scales for John F. Kennedy in the presidential election of 1960 was Shortly thereafter it came to the attention of the military bureaucracy that Peress, who was a member of the left-wing American Labor Party, had declined to answer questions about his political affiliations on a loyalty-review form. [98][99] It has been stated that McCarthy was godfather to Robert F. Kennedy's first child, Kathleen Kennedy. He also used various charges of communism, communist sympathies, disloyalty, or sex crimes to attack a number of politicians and other individuals inside and outside of government. e. strictly adhering to the philosophy of states' rights. e. recognized that only he had the experience to deal with the Soviets. In 1950, McCarthy assaulted journalist Drew Pearson in the cloakroom at the Sulgrave Club, reportedly kneeing him in the groin. a) Southeast Asia c. appeals to foreign governments to pressure the United States to establish racial justice. Peress's superiors were therefore ordered to discharge him from the army within 90 days. He volunteered to fly twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer. [15] Thomas C. Reeves argues that he effectively committed suicide. McCarthy subpoenaed Peress to appear before his subcommittee on January 30, 1954. He warned against attendance at summit conferences with "the Reds", saying that "you cannot offer friendship to tyrants and murderers without advancing the cause of tyranny and murder. c) Quemoy episode. [177] While the radio adaptation retains much of the story, it completely remakes the narrator and in fact gives him a line spoken in the original by Mr. Costello himself, thus changing the tone of the story considerably. [86][87][88] A Senate subcommittee later investigated this election and referred to it as "a despicable, back-street type of campaign", as well as recommending that the use of defamatory literature in a campaign be made grounds for expulsion from the Senate. In fact, and as McCarthy knew, Peress had been promoted automatically through the provisions of the Doctor Draft Law, for which McCarthy had voted. In the 1950 Maryland Senate election, McCarthy campaigned for John Marshall Butler in his race against four-term incumbent Millard Tydings, with whom McCarthy had been in conflict during the Tydings Committee hearings. [71] During a five-hour speech,[72] McCarthy presented a case-by-case analysis of his 81 "loyalty risks" employed at the State Department. [23] In the campaign, McCarthy lied about Werner's age of 66, claiming that he was 73, and so allegedly too old and infirm to handle the duties of his office. Virgil P. Lary, Jr[64], McCarthy experienced a meteoric rise in national profile beginning on February 9, 1950, when he gave a Lincoln Day speech to the Republican Women's Club of Wheeling, West Virginia. Based on his recommendation, it decided not to pursue McCarthy on the issue of communists in government: "The attorney feels it is almost impossible to counter McCarthy effectively on the issue of kicking Communists out of Government, because he generally has some basis, no matter how slight, for his claim of Communist connection.

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