WebPlayer's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to D&D Characters. +4 Proficiencies:The juggling, cobbling, pottery, rope use,seamstress/tailor, musicalinstrument,forgery, and gem cut-ting proficiencies all use Aim as their base number.Balance A character possessinga high Balance score may be anacrobat or a tightrope walker. Charisma.9 Character points also can be used in the course of play, Method II: Roll 3d6 twice for each ability. Priests and wizards can spend points to gain extra spells. The thinnest of the subraces, gray dwarves almost Hill dwarves are not accustomed to traveling over water.appear emaciated. WebSkills & Powers presents several new ways of rolling a character's six ability score statistics, and then provides extra rules to enable the player to alter them. Leon chooses to use these Dexteritysubabilities for his character:19 +3 +7 640 16(8) Strength 16 Dexterity 14 50 Stamina 15 Aim 12 11+3 +8 700 17(id) 60 Muscle 17 Balance 6 Constitution 12 Wisdom 8 Intelligence 12 Charisma 1strong. Merely passingwithin 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to smell is sensitive enoughto give a +1 bonusto surprise notice it f actively searching an elf$chances improw to a rolls. StreamOfTheSky Adventurer. Immunity to: forget, holdperson, ray of enfeeble- ment, and scare. If this is purchased as a 10-point ability, the fighter can attract fol- lowers whenever he establishes a stronghold, regardless of level. the character is forced to live by his wits. 44Character Classeswarriors Warriors make their way in the world by Fighter the strength of their muscles and theswiftness of their swords. 4. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door(most often as a player character), the elf's discomfort isvisible. WebThe 2.0 version added for inclusion Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns, Player's Option: Combat & Tactics, Player's Option: Skills & Powers, and Player's Option: Spells & Magic . Humans receive 10like huge humans. No score can be lower than Intelligence 123, and none can be higher than 18. Four new schools of magic are introduced, as well as an updated psionics system.[2]. . Half-ogres can be fighters or clerics, and bonus character points. They prefer to dress in white,leavesfresh water, the dehydration process starts again. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. 1 s and 2s rolled on hit dice are considered 3s. . . It might be a case of mistaken The character managed to escape, perhaps just barely.identity, or the character could have been framed for a Without a home to return to, the character becomes ancrime. Chapter Nine (pages 142-175) details psionics in the Player's Option system. If hernod IX A player rolls 2d6 to randomly determinenot, there is a mistakesomewhere. . These halflings are the tallest and slimmest of their kind,They are a practical people, and there are many bakers, averaginga l i e over 4' tall. Powers system will put number of choices av s complexity. Characters withhtened'lei AisnthaadtdtihtioenDalMbecnaenfist eoft tphaisrtiscyuslatermly high Balance scores may, by the numbers, seem to be better at thieving skills than someDiPlculties difficult checks for characters with rogues, especially low-level ones. Each ability score must have at least 5 74 173d6, but no more 6d6, devoted to it. or choose community law or religious taboo. Leon records this on his character's !35record sheetStrength 16 Constitution 12 485Stamina 15 Intelligence 12 535Muscle 17 Wisdom 8 II 18/01-50Dexterity 14 Charisma 11 Subabiliies are used as the base numbersfor many pro- 19 ficiencies in the PLAYER'SOPTIONsystem. Consequently, enemies are likelyto Orc + ++1 Strength, -2 Charismadismiss the character as a negligible Satyrthreat and concentrate their attacks on Swanmay 1 Dexterity, 1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charismaother, more impressive, members of Thri-kreen +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom Wemic +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma Strength, -1 Dexteritythe charactets party unless the charac- +1ter displays some unusual prowess,powerhl magic, or skill.1. scores some chance of success at feats similar to thieving abilities could require multiole successes for such charirr- For those occasions when a lone adventurer cannot ters to succeed.succeed at an ability check due to insufficient dice, addi-tional characters might be able to help. Common bully- wugs are scarcely able to wield a stone spear or club, but Aarakocra are strong and swift fliers, and they can make advanced bullywugs are able to wear armor and use mosta special divingattack with a drop of 200 feet or more. Multi-class combinations are: cleric (or druid)/fighter, open a door.cleric (or druid)/fighter/mage, cleric/ranger, cleric (or Sword bonus (5): +1 to attacks with long swords ordruid)/mage, fightedmage, fighter/thief, fighter/mage/thief, short swords.and mage/thief. 8 Found or stole a valuable item 9 Homeless Fell in h e : The character becomes attracted to some- 10 Ideologicaldifferences one, and their relationship propels the character toward an 11 Joined the circus adventuring career. Leon rolls 1d6 and gets a 4, so his character's Strength/ Muscle score will be higher than Strength/Stamina. See the Animal Master kit forical debates and the study of magic. If the roll fails, the character 6 2 cannot attempt the same feat again. . This is the book where it reached critical mass and sped up on an even steeper slope - the book where 2nd edition itself began to fall apart. It wasn't exactly inspiring, but it was a good buy for my project. Stealth (10): When the elf is alone and is not wearing metal armor, he gains a bonus to surprise opponents. . were a dek Wo levels k w x F a example, a 6th level#gl- Healing (5): The abilityto heal himselfor another by the adin would turn undead as a 4th level deric. Their features arethe ability to see heat patterns given off by living warrn- angular and fineiy chiseled, and although elves may appearblooded creatures in the d a k thin and weak, they are actually quick and strong. halfelves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden Active sense of smell (5): The character's sense of entranceways. WebPlayer's Option - Skills & Powers (3rd Printing) - AD&D 2nd Ed - Noble Knight Games Role Playing Games Board Games War Games Minis & Games Magic & CCGs More Contact Back Role Playing Games All RPGs Recent Arrivals Publishers Sub-Categories Dungeons & Dragons Pathfinder Storyteller (World of Darkness) Call of Cthulhu Shadowrun RPG Magazines . Their necks are thick and short, and their heads but they're especially fond of oaken clubs, longbows, andtend to be broad and flat with wide jaws. When cir-Mace bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with the footman's cumstances dictate, elves can be fierce warriors, taking any steps necessary to protect themselves, their homes, andmace. Distarttkousins of the yeti, alaghi are forest-dwelling They are a strong and proud race, easily offended andhumanoids with barrel chests, short legs, and long, power- impulsive. SuggestedNWPs: Hunting, fishing, set snares, fire- Apprenticeship: The character entered into an appren- building, and survival.ticeship-an arrangement where a practiced craftsmantaught him a skill in exchange for money or services. . . Gray Eml Aquatic elves can move about on land for a number of Character point cost: 45days equal to their Fmess scores. The lower the negative value, the more difficult the character will be to strike. However, the longer they Gray elves are considered the most noble and reclusive ofspend out of water, the weaker they become. Halfling characters can be of the followingclasses: cleric, fighter, or thief. The paladin likely must findhis mount in a memorable way, such as on a quest. All other elves hate dark elves, resultingin an initial reaction roll penalty of -2.out of the water. ld20 Event 1 Accused of a crime Failed business venture: Perhaps the character was a 2 Apprenticeship cobbler and opened a shoe store. n. Spell immunity: Minotaurs havethe unique power of s. Magic resistance: The character is magic resistant.immunity to maze spells, due to their familiarity with Ciff have a flat 10% magic resistance, while githzerai have a magic resistance of 5% per level-for example, a 6th-labyrinths and other such places. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. The chance of success is 1-4 '16. . usually live apart from human societies, choosinginsteadtoHalflings Most halflings are about 3' tall and weigh live near dwarves. For every two elvenkind, devoting time to improvingtheir minds. Rock gnomes stand about 3%'tall and weigh about 70 Determine approximate direction underground, 1-3pounds. Hurled 1 d6.weapons are limited in tunnels, and other bows requirelarge pieces of wood which are not readily accessible. The average aarakocra swamps, marshes, and other dankstands about five feet tall, with a wingspan of nearly 20 feetAn aarakocra's feet are powerful talons that can be used to ered with smooth, mottled green hide, with huge froglikegrasp and manipulate objects, and it also has small wing- faces and bulgingeyes. Another common example of such a contest is an arm- wrestling match. These powerful and noble creatures have the torso and upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. Abilities cost either 5 or 10 cDeeptteibcltesteocreexttrdeomoerste(m5)p: ebraetcuaruesse. good at solving riddles and puzzles, and would be talented System Shock: This is the percentage chance (on a at using deductive, logical thinking. Eye color is predominately blue, although green or on ld6.brown are seen occasionally. Cec-of curiosity. 1 d6.Constitution/Health bonus (10): A Constitution/Health score bonus of +I, because the dwarf is accus- Detect any grade or slope in the passage they aretomed to the cold and often damp Underdark passingthrough, 1-5 on 1 d6.crossbow bonus (5): Because dwarvesfavor crossbows, Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls, 1-3 onthey gain a +1 attack bonus with any crossbow. CharismaCharisma is split into the subabilities of Leadenhip, which measures forcefulness Proficiencies: intuition is the base number for such of personalityand how willing others are to follow the char-diverse proficienciesas tracking, artistic ability, healing, acter's lead, and Appearance, which gauges physicalattrac-direction sense, weather sense, religion, and hunting. . Their ears are large and prominent, and their Gnolls look upon flinds as leaders, heroes, and championsmouthsare full of sharp fangs. This mechanic Similarly, character points are used to purchase non- allows characters a second chance to accomplish impor- weapon proficiencies. They are covered with Bugbears are the largest variety of goblinkind, standing mangy brown or reddish-brown fur, with bestial muzzles andabout seven feet tall with muscular frames. They have light long, muscular limbs. If actively searching, the character's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6)Half-Ogre customized half-ogre character, he can Abilities pick and choose from the list of half- to find secret doors, and a threeinsix (1,2, or 3 on 1d6) ogre abilities listed below. dwarf is at least 90feet ahead of a party of charactersAnything he purchases costs 10% less than the listed without this ability, or accompanied only by charactersprice. . or adventuring io the forest, high elves typically cover them- Languages: Dark elves begin play with: drow, elf, gray selves in a doak of forest green in the spring and summerdwarf, illiiid, undercommon, kuo-toa, bugbear, and orcish. TheyCharacter point cost: 40 +can be within 5.Sylvan elves, or wood elves as they also are known,descended from the same stock as other elves. players, and more OPTION":Skdk L? Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance and others. on ld6. Or, the fighter might have a 20 Sta-mina or Muscle, with the other subability having a score of16-r any combination in between. These creatures g. Leap: The character's powerful leg muscles enableappear in The Complete Book of Humanoids and The him to make astoundingleaps, boundingup to 30 feet for- ward or 10 feet into the air. But I am not really vouching for it. .113Weapon Groups 113 Clairsentient Powers 158Nonproficiency and Weapon Familiarity ..114 Psychokinetic Powers 161 Psychometabolic Powers 164Weapon Group Proficiencies ..115 Psychoportive Powers ..168Shield Proficienq .. 115Armor Proficiency .. 115 Telepathic Powers .. 172 Psionic Powers Summary ..175fighting Style Specialization . The particulars are leftfor the player and the DM.SuggestedNWR: Any. . Several monstrous mores. Second, the player assigns the base score to one of the subability scores; Leon assigns his roll of 13 to his character's Strength/Stamina score. Even the best orcs are quick to take offense and constantlyroam their territory. Chapter Four (pages 4663) presents details on how the various character classes work in the Player's Option system. feats. Like many Most alaghi live as semi-nomadic huntergatherers.They woodland creatures, they have a great respect for nature'stend to be shy and peaceful creatures, with a driving sense balance, and try not to disturb the world they live in. the number of points that can be divided among his char- acter's six abilities and the maximum score of each ability. . If the reroll failed, Leon's character still misses and play continues. The charac- subability score, due to his hardy heritage. Players "buy" abilities for their characters, assuming that the character has the required number of points and that the group to which an ability belongs is available to the class and race of that character. . Lycan- in a particular weapon. 111 yield characters with few scores of 15 or above. Strength 9 Point Generation Dexterity 15 Constitution 15 2d6 roll Points Maximum Intelligence 18 2 68 18 Wsdom 9 70 18 Charisma 9 3 72 17 Method VIII: The player assigns 24d6 among a charac- 4 72 18ter's six ability scores. Resurrection Chance: This is the percentage chance It 19 +2(+5j (on a 1 d100)that a dead character has of being success- 100% rfualilsyebdreoaudghstpbealclsk. Also, gnolls, bugbears,gnome, treant, dryad, brownie, satyr, and pixie. or embarrassed. The most distinguishing feature are their wear cool tones that reflect their stony underground habi-noses, in which they take great pride. A new magic memorization and casting system is introduced in Chapter 6, providing new ways to customize a character's spell selection. The numbers in parenthesesare acharacter's chances to open a locked, barred, or magicallyheld door. Minotaursin brightly colored outfits. This allows a dwarven character to have more than a 4 point difference in the Dexteritysubabilities.Chapter 3Brewing (5): +2 to the Brewing proficiency score. ): This dwarf drives a hard bargain. Orphaned:The character'sparents died when the charac-ter was young. . At 7th level,Racial Reuuirements 1 that they suffer damage as large crea- tures.Humanoid tlnd Monstrous Chartlcter aa. Howwell?Howfast, and r how long?And if their characterscouldn't swim, could they float forawhile?F i how maiy gold pieces could you carry before you sank like a stone? They are generallyplump, with round, broad, and often florid faces. The kidnappers could be evil relatives, people wan- Anv.deringthrough the character's homeland, monsters, or sim-ply strangers who want to raise a family and can't have chil- it to sea: The character is from an ocean-goingdren of their own. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, AD&D, MYSTARA, BOXED SET, COMPANION RULES, RED, BLUE, DARK BLUE, GREYHAWK, FORGOTTEN REALMS, RAVENLOFT, DRAGON, CASTLES, SPELLJAMMER, DUNGEON MASTER'S, RUINS OF UNDERMOUNTAIN, GOBLIN'S, MENZOBERRANZAN, MYTH r's Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and Spartacus are real-Can attract followers at 9th level. This gives them a 60% Forest gnomes cannot have infravision. Some elvesdon't want to bother getting close tohumans when those friends will die ofold age so soon. Itcharacters can enter into apprenticeshipswith other adven- could be gold; jewelry or gems; a minor magical item; aturers. . Their com- ate woodlands. Abili- Languages: Hill dwarves can speak their own tongue aswell as other dwaiven dialects. This is as per the bard ability-see The Player's Hund-Sylvan Elves' Special Abilities book for more information. mina subabili score. appear to be poorly constructed combinations of various humanoid races, with misshapenlimbs of different shapesKobold and proportions. However, turningfletcher, and weaponsmithing. The principal attribute of a fighter is Strength, as heCan become proficient in "shield," which grants them needs to heft and use his weapons and carly the weight of his armor for long periods. Also, certain smaller races may have the a b i l i to spot concealed doon and hiddenenjoy combat bonuses against half-ogres. Leonchooses to place the points he rolled on the 7d6 as such: Strength 5,2,5,4 Dexterity 6, 5, 3, 1,3,4 Strength 8+5=13 Dexterity 8+4=12 Constitution 6,1,2 Constitution 8+3=11 Intelligence5,4, 3,3 Intelligence8+3=1 1 Wisdom 8+5+1=14 Wisdom 4, 4,2 Charisma 8+1=9 Charisma 6,4,2,4 Leon need not add any of his 7d6 results to an adlity Takingthe three highest resultsfrom each sscore if he is willing to accept an 8 in one or more abilities. . than their hill dwarf cousins', and their skin tends to have a reddish tintGray Dwarves' Special Abilities Mountain dwarves are often wary of hill dwarves, as theyInfravision, 120' SavingThrow Bonuses are suspicious of their cousins' dealings with the outerMelee Combat Bonuses* StealthMiningDetection Abilities world. Players who choose gnomes for their characters Spell Abilities (15): Once a day the elf can cast faerie have 45 character points to spend on other racial abili- fire, dancing lights, and darkness as a priest or wizard ties. Perhaps the weather sense.character is obsessed with finding his natural parents ordiscovering where he is from and who he really is. Spear bonus Resistance (10): 90 percent resistant to sleep andResistance chum-relatedspells.Sylvan Elf Radal Penalties Secret doors (5): because of their acute senses, elves On rare occasions when a sylvan elf leaves his forest are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entrance ways. Or, if the player wishes to create hisabove and below ground. When the character reaches 4th the general skill list below, or they can be used to purchase level, he can add levitate, detect magic, and know a subrace's skill package. Some disadvantages are:allergies, clumsy, colorblind, greedy, lazy,unlucky, and a number of phobias. Characten like these fighter is capable of lifting the heavy block of stone, and may surprise others-not because they can lift four hay another Strength check to see if the fighter can hold the . For example, because Muscle check resultsare 11, The charactershave matchedLeon's fighter has a 17 Muscle,the character can make up power for power.to three checks-the initial check, plus two more. But most especially theylove gems and jewelry and are considered by many to be Dart bonus Miningdetection abilitiesthe best gem cutters and jewelers in existence. As a race, Centauraarakocra are extremely claustrophobic, and dislike beingindoors or underground. These points can be spent to customize a gnomefrom of the same level. * Hide (10): the ability to hide in woods with a chanceRock Gnomes equal to a thief of the same level's hide in shadows ability.Character point cost: 40 lnfravkion (10): 60' infravision range.Rock gnomes are the most common gnomes, and they can Mining Detection Abilities (10): A character with thisbe encountered in a variety of climates and environments. Sling bonus (5): +1 bonus "to hff when using a sling. Generally, lizard men are dim savages who have not Goblin society is fairly savage, and each tribe has an even mastered the use of the most basic tools and weapexact pecking order. Centaur society is generally pastoral and peaceful, but they can be fierce warriors when the need arises. If the check is passed, theitem works until it is turned off, putaway, or its duration expires. 'Tomas, check if your 6 Muscle wizard can do it." Or, if the player wishes to create his own tchuestloismt oizfeedlveenlvaebnilcitiheasralisctteedr,bheelocwa.nApbiiclitkieasncdosctheoitohseerBow bonus Secret doors fromInfravision, 90' StealthResistance Sword bonus 5 to 15 character points; refer to the dexriptions below.High Elf Racial Penalties Airn bonus (10): +1 to the Airn subability score. The pipesthemselves are eas-chance of success. discardingthe results of the other dice, Leon's rogue char- acter has the following ability scores: Here are rnree new mernods of aerermining a cnarac-tel's six ability scores. . Most characters with above average Balance For example, if the iron chest Leon's fighter wants to lift scores would have a relatively simple time climbing ahad been welded in place, the DM could claim that two or craggy rock face or cliff, but only thieves can climb brickeven all three of the fightets d20 rolls be successful for the walls or sheer surfaces.chest to come free. . Bugs These Playercharacters can spend points on acquiringclass abil- methods are best for campaigns in which the heroes arise ities, such as the paladin's capacity to lay on hands. The spine is good. Most mountaindwarves are lawful good, but player* No attack bonus applies, the character receives only the characters can be any alignment Languages: Mountain dwarves can begin with their own defensive benefits. Being a longtime gaming nerd, I was reluctant to try out the rules offered in the player's option system, being totally happy with 2nd Edition in its original published form. Proficiencies: One example of a proficiency that uses the Muscle score as a base number is jumping-an ability that utilizes the muscles'18 +1 +3 255 1 1 16 which represents hand-eye coordination and18/01-50 +1 +3 280 12 20 manual acuity, and Balance, which denotes reflexes and overall agility. For more Limits on classes, see chapter four. Marshall and Brian roll ld20, and bothfor checks against that subability. Big emphasis on character customization: lots of feats and selectable class abilities, complex fine-tunable multiclassing, and numerous playable races, including detailed rules for playing monsters as characters. fighter, cleric, or thief. Players can continue to spend cies. PLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. The updates they made did help to improve character versitility which AD&D was lacking. SuggestedNWPs: Dancing, etiquette, gaming, 19 Went to sea musical instrument, and so on. These pages hold the keys to humans who spot secret doors as easily as do elves, thieves who sense illusions, half-ogre sword masters, and a The character's Balancescore may be up to 5 points higher than his Aim subabili score.Half-Ogre Standard Racial Abilities (10) Experience bonus (10): +5% experience point bonus.Infravision,60' This is cumulative if the human meets the dass requireLanguages* ments to gain a 1Wo experience point bonus.Tough Hide Health bonus (10): +1 bonus to the character's Health subabili xore. Are used to purchase non- allows characters a second chance to accomplish impor- weapon.. % Forest gnomes can not attempt the same level the best orcs quick! Point cost: 45days equal to their Fmess scores ; jewelry or gems ; minor. Alone and is not wearing metal armor, he gains a bonus to opponents! 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