black snake with blue spots

18. 1. Many young North American Racers are confused with the highly dangerous and venomous Pygmy rattlesnake as a result. . Its important to note that some individual snakes may vary in their coloration due to different factors. - Spiritual connection. Mexican specimens may have black dots or flecks or blue patches. Still have questions about snakes or identifications? Some snakes have yellow- or cream-colored bodies with large black blotches and a bright red line running down the middle of their backs. A medium to large, shiny black snake covered with small yellow spots. This . They have also caused fascination in the exotic pet world. Photo courtesy of Luke Smith. Pygmy rattlesnakes have very small rattles at the end of their tails that make a soft buzzing sound when they feel threatened. This new world species lives in southern Mexico, Peru and parts of Brazil. Snakes near limestone tend to be light gray to blue in color, while those at higher altitudes have darker coloration. Blue is not a common color you would find in snakes, which makes them very interesting. Unlike many black snakes, the Eastern Indigo Snake looks similar both as a juvenile and as an adult. The head is only slightly distinct from the neck. The Keystone State doesnt have the highest diversity of snakes, but youll still find an impressive variety for its northeastern location. There are three endangered snake species in PA; The Eastern Massasauga, Kirtlands Snake, and Northern Rough Greensnake. The dorsal scales are keeled (each scale has a prominent raised ridge) and in 19 dorsal rows at midbody. Appearance: Dark background color somewhere in the region of brown-blue or glossy blue-black. They grow to an average length of 30 inches while the largest examples to have been found measure more than 60 inches. However, its commonly difficult to distinguish an adult North American Racer from a young North American Racer. Found in Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky, and other warm states, these snakes are also nocturnal which further decreases the chances of actually seeing one out in nature. This snake species is native to Mexico. Theyre also natures pest control, helping keep mice, rats, and insect populations in check. The belly is uniform whitish-green or whitish-blue and without any markings. and E.M. Ernst. Instead, they may press the pointed tip of their tail into the hand of whoever has picked it up. They can vary slightly in appearance with some having an orange or red head. Some black snakes are wrongfully associated with venomous snakes and even misidentified with venomous snakes as they share the same den. Night snakes live in North America, from Mexico through the western United States and up through Canadas British Columbia. On occasion, however, they may also eat small fish and frogs. . These snakes are sometimes seen together, but only in cold climates when they need to share a den to stay warm. Gartersnakes are not constrictors and overpower their prey by simply grabbing it in their jaws and quickly swallowing it alive. The Black Rat Snake ranks as the most wide ranging of the species. Western Ratsnakes dont back down from attacking hawks such as the red-tailed hawks. Positive Theme. The stripes vary in color and are typically yellow, green, brown, blue, or white. It is a stunning snake with sleek black scales. For example, Eastern Kingsnakes share the same nesting areas with Copperheads which makes some people believe these snakes are also venomous. However, these snakes are also known to eat slugs, snails, leeches, small mammals, young birds and eggs, small snakes, and various arthropods. Snakes are essential features of the PA ecosystem. The colors start at the vertebral stripe and go down the body in blue, black, red, black, and blue again. Most groups are made out of members of the same family as well as by unrelated snakes. Studies show the Arizona Black Rattlesnake is one of the social species of black snakes. A smaller percentage of juveniles are black with a red tail tip. All three species of venomous snakes in Pennsylvania are members of the Viperidae family. The Western shovelnose snake is a smaller nonvenomous snake, measuring between 11-17 inches long with smooth scales. Mudsnakes spend almost all of their lives in water where they consume plenty of aquatic animals such as aquatic salamanders. The eastern black racer grows fairly large, up to 73" long. As suggested by their common name, these snakes are aquatic and are not typically found away from water bodies. For example, they vibrate their tails before an attack. Scientific name:Craspedocephalus malabaricus. These non-venomous snakes have cream to white colored ventral scales with brilliant blue to gray lateral scales and a brown to dark gray dorsum. Mudsnakes eventually make their way on dry land to either lay eggs or to enter a state similar to hibernation. However, their saliva is mildly venomous and used to paralyze some types of prey. They live in a variety of environments, preferring shrubby fields and grassy areas. The Black Kingsnake (Lampropeltis nigra) is one of the most common species in certain Southeastern and Eastern states. The Black-Necked Garter Snake grows up to 42 inches in length with a slender, olive-grey body and a bright orange or yellow stripe that runs along the middle of the snakes back. Indicates whether the snake has a facial pit (only in vipers). This snake is found in different colors from gray to olive and even black. There are even snakes with polka dots. From proper husbandry and habitat guidance, to articles on health concerns, diet, and extensive care guides, Reptile Guide is here to educate everyone on all things reptiles. They grow to a maximum adult length between 12 and 18 inches. Contact the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435 for advice on what to do if a snake bites your pet. These snakes are popular pets, although they require experienced snake owners. This species is considered of medium to large size compared to other black snakes in the US. Occasionally it will also eat small mammals or birds. If the snake is in a location where it doesnt pose a threat to you or your loved ones, its best to leave it alone. Common name: Garter snakes. Its habitat is expanding into Guatemala and North America. Having the ability to identify wild snakes in your area is an important skill set to possess. Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America. There are brown or darker grey blotches running along the snakes back, with smaller dark dots marking both sides of its body. This non-venomous species likes to eat frogs, small fish, and salamanders. 11 - Harmless The grass snake is usually greenish in colour - although this can vary. Mildly venomous black snakes such as the Ringneck snakes arent true venomous snakes as they dont have a venom gland. This snake is nonvenomous and harmless to humans. They are listed as endangered in the US Endangered Species Act. Like its name, the green tree python has a prehensile tail and spends most of its time in trees. The head is a uniform green with the interstitial skin being blue. California red sided garter snakes prefer wet habitats like marshes, ponds, streams, and ditches, and they are excellent swimmers. These snakes are actually live bearing snakes and will give birth to 2-11 babies during the summer. With a glossy, iridescent, blue-black coloration of the head and body, they may have red, reddish-orange, or cream coloration on the chin or throat area. As the name would suggest, the Northern black racer is in fact black. There are three species of snakes considered endangered in the state of Pennsylvania: There are 11 species of special concern, meaning theyre in danger of becoming threatened due to declining population sizes, specialized habitats, or unnecessary persecution. 706 pp. Check out the largest speckled racer ever recorded. These requirements arent met in areas with heavy industrialization. This small and slender snake generally reaches lengths of up to 12 inches. Eastern Indigo snakes are nonvenomous and have a fairly mild temperament. Its one of the aquatic black snakes that can also go a long time on dry land. These dots are accentuated and appear bolder when the snake moves. The Eastern Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula) is sometimes referred to as the Common kingsnake or the Chain kingsnake. Youre most likely to correctly ID a snake when incorporating all of these aspects together. Ventral scales have a checkerboard pattern, Juveniles are white or yellow with gray, black, or brown blotches, Rodents, lizards, frogs, birds, and bird eggs. 1996. The North American Racer (Coluber constrictor) is also known as the Racer snake, Black Racer, and South American racer. One of the most commonly seen snakes in all regions of South Carolina, the black racer ( Coluber constrictor) is a shiny, fast-moving snake with a white chin. Habitat: A variety of habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, marshes, and urban areas . 2. Eastern Ribbonsnake (Thamnophis saurita) Non-venomous. They are animals of many habitats, but especially semi-open brushy areas. North American Racer. Otherwise, he spends most of his life underground. Florida is home to many different species of snakes, some of which are venomous. These snakes are nonvenomous and eat worms, lizards, amphibians, and minnows. There are 21 species of Pennsylvania snakes, three of which are venomous. A long-tailed brown snake with a lighter brown vertical stripe. This snake has a black, glossy body with small yellow dots across its back. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake female gives birth to live juvenile snakes. Garter snakes affinity for suburban gardens has earned them the nickname garden snakes in Pennsylvania. The North American Racer (Coluber constrictor) is also known as the Racer snake, Black Racer, and South American racer. Top 20 Rat Snakes By Popularity. They vary in color, usually reflecting the color of the rock in the snakes environment. The Eastern Kingsnake is a black snake with white bands along its body. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Eastern Milksnake subspecies Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum, A dark V, U, or Y-shaped mark on top of the head, Ventral scales have a checkerboard pattern, Appearance varies. The Pine Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus) is also known as the Bullsnake and the Black and White snake. Eastern King Snakes have experienced population declines throughout Florida and are not commonly found. The position of the Hallucigenia's head puzzled scientists for several years. Common name:white-lipped island pitviper, Sunda Island pitviper. The belly is a uniform yellow/green, both sides are bordered with a pale yellow stripe. A bite from this pit viper should be considered a medical emergency. Identification is easy since the species has a mostly black body which can sometimes be blue-black given there are 9 subspecies of the Eastern Kingsnake. Knowing whether youre facing a harmless snake like the Eastern Milk Snake, or a venomous snake like the Eastern Copperhead, can help you avoid a potentially dangerous situation. The Albino Garter Snake is a genetic color morph that occasionally appears in wild species. Two rows of small dark spots run down the snakes back, and more small dark dots cover its body. Description: Long, dark-colored constrictor that can vary in coloration. However, the Black Kingsnake is thinner and shorter than the Eastern Ratsnake as it only grows to a maximum length of 48 inches. These snakes can grow up to 26 inches in length and have very large, triangular-shaped heads. The spotted brown snake lives in northeast Australia, and typically grows between 30-48 inches in length. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake (Crotalus cerberus) is found in different colors. These are typically deep holes that offer shelter from freezing temperatures. Lets discuss the states most common species in detail, and discover all of its native snakes. This snake can be brown or light gray, and it has a line running down its dorsal side that is a lighter color. The scientific species name of this snake, Margaritiferus, is Latin and means pearl-bearing. Their snouts are flat like a shovel, helping them to burrow through loose and sandy soil. All juveniles are vividly colored as opposed to dark-colored adults. This is one of the few times this snake is seen at the surface as it tends to go even deeper underground when temperatures drop to avoid frozen surface soils. The eyes are large and prominent. Virtually all bites occur when the snakes are intentionally molested. The Ring-necked Snake (Diadophis punctatus) gets its name from its bright ring around its neck, just behind its head. However, the species is well-adapted to live in areas with scarce water supplies such as deserts. This snake has a black or red head, and red and black checkered markings or polka dots mark the snakes sides. Their tails account for almost thirty percent of their body length. The Indigo became federally protected in 1978. Green tree pythons are bright green with small yellow, blue, or green dots. blue-gray, or olive-brown. Scientific name:Coluber constrictor foxii. These snakes are common in forests and grasslands. The belly is yellowish with some irregular or rectangular black markings. They are not very common as they are fossorial, meaning they spend most of their time underground. Negative Theme. 2019. Adults have a background color of black, greenish brown, tan, or gray with one stripe running down the middle of the back and one stripe running along each side. Have some feedback for us? Arizona Black Rattlesnakes can change color just as chameleons. This snake can sometimes be black as a juvenile as well. Speckled racers are agile snakes that measure between 30-40 inches in length on average. Sometimes these dots cluster together to form diagonal lines or small zigzagging bands, in addition to many singular dots sprinkled along the snakes body. They grow to a maximum length of 11 inches. Like the rest of our kingsnakes, this species . At first glance, many people mistake Brahminy Blind Snakes for earth worms due to their small size and similar appearance. This snake is known for having size differences from males to females. Unfortunately, however, this snake is often unnecessarily killed because it is mistaken for a venomous krait. Adults have a background color of black, greenish brown, tan, or gray with one stripe running down the middle of the back and one stripe running along . These snakes are docile but are often mistaken for young rattlesnakes. At times people mistake these snakes for the dangerous green mamba and tragically kill them. Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. The Brahminy Blind Snake is not native to Florida, but is actually from Southeast Asia. Common name: red black-headed snake. Let us know in the comments! Commonly found in regions of Arizona, the species has a wide diet given it grows to a considerable size. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, Florida. The Speckled Racer is a glossy black snake with bold and distinct blue and yellow polka dots on each of its scales. In Florida, females give live birth to 3-80 young between July and October. Due to their docile nature and blue coloration, these snakes have become desirable pets in the exotic pet trade. The most common snakes in PA are the Eastern Garter Snake, and Northern Watersnake. It can be found around Pecos and other rivers. Twin spotted rattlesnakes live in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona and Mexico, often in high altitude mountain ranges, rocky outcrops, forests, and canyons. Outside suburban areas, these juvenile snakes face common enemies such as foxes and raccoons. After death, color fades to blue or black. Its body is brown, grey, dark green, or reddish in color, with a yellow stripe running down the middle of its back. To date this snake has only been found in Diascund Creek in New Kent County. My areas of interest include human-animal studies, ecocriticism, wildlife conservation, pets, and animal behavior. Describes the primary markings/patterns on the back of the snake. The stripes are visible on some snakes and slightly visible on others. Many black snakes are aquatic, semi-aquatic, or they live underground which can sometimes make them hard to see. They typically prefer to live in moist or wet habitats but often travel into dry areas as well. Spotted bush snakes are most common in trees and use their keeled scales for climbing vertical surfaces as they hunt tree frogs and lizards. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They are often encountered in abandoned farmlands, outbuildings, and trash dumps. Back Pattern. The White Spotted Slug Snake is a small, harmless snake with a grey or brown body. They are aggressive and will strike if harassed. Identification can be one of the biggest issues when differentiating between different species of black snakes due to the lack of large distinguishing marks. Black racers are slender snakes that are of uniform dull black color (except for their white chins). - Trust in oneself. Up to 12 eggs are laid at once by the snake. Many black snakes are colored or grey as juveniles, only becoming true black snakes as they reach adulthood. Eastern Ratsnakes are highly common around homes where they arent afraid to seek shelter since many rodents are attracted to food traces around the house. This small snake (10-15 inches) has smooth scales, a glossy black back and a bright orange belly (Figure 2). They can vary in color from green to blue or brown. Anywhere between 2 and 15 live snakes are born until October each year. Some scales may be bordered in blue. Garter snake. The following species are known for their mostly black coloring. Dekays brown snakes are nonvenomous and eat snails, slugs, and earthworms. Markings: Longitudinal stripes and spots on dorsum. They typically grow between 18-55 inches in length and have larger eyes than many other types of garter snakes. This snake is native to New Guinea, and lives on some Indonesian islands and the Cape York Peninsula in Australia. Their green heads have a blueish stripe, which is not always present. Describes the primary markings/patterns on the belly of the snake. These snakes have a red tail, belly, and head with a dark blue to black on their backs with two . Some have black or brown specs, others have no pattern. The snakes back is brown or olive grey without any distinct patterns or designs. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Its natural habitat includes Southern parts of the country expanding to the Midwest. It uses different escaping tactics when captured or before being captured. Bright green body with yellow or off-white belly. This potentially suggests female Black Swampsnake pass nutrients to live young snakes. Types of Black Snakes. The upper lip scales are light-colored and have thin black lines along their vertical edges making them look like teeth. Other snakes are black with countless cream-colored polka dots and a bright red stripe on their backs, a series of red spots. You can identify this snake easily with its brown, blue-gray, olive back and an orange-yellow, yellow, or red neckband. Eastern Gartersnake, Blue-striped Gartersnake, Gartersnake, Garter Snake, Garter. Arizona Black Rattlesnakes grow to a maximum size between 31 and 43 inches. Banner photo courtesy of Noah Mueller. The best way to avoid an unwanted confrontation with a snake is to respect its space. Black snakes can be known to fully develop in black coloring as they mature. It commonly lives in groups. "That's a chicken . Their coloration can range from blue/green to brown or black with yellow or white stripes. The snake is further identified by a small head for a Colubrid species. The snake commonly attacks large prey only when it reaches a length of around 60 inches. However, if you see a black snake in Florida, chances are it is one of the snakes found on this list. Their heads are wide and very flat, possibly so they can more easily navigate through narrow crevices in the rocks. Its best to step away from Black Kingsnakes when seeing them out in nature. Most Mudsnakes lay varying numbers of eggs from a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 104. It can be totally black, have dark blotches under a light black color, or be black with some reddish-orange flecks mixed in. This snake lives on the forest floor in India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, northwest Malaysia, and southern China. These nocturnal snakes have a black body with a red belly. These snakes are a uniform blue/black with some having a red to orange or tan-colored throat, chin, and cheeks. The head of a king snake is wider than the neck, and baby king snakes have bulging eyes. There are three venomous species in Pennsylvania. It looks for means of quick escape. Most are located under dense vegetation as well. The Eastern Coachwhip varies in color, but some individuals will be mostly black with the tail fading into a light brown color. The eastern rat snake is commonly called a black rat snake in Pennsylvania. Black Racers are great at climbing and swimming and will flee in the presence of a threat. Like their name suggests, these snakes eat slugs, snails, and earthworms. Non-venomous. There are few truly dangerous snakes in Pennsylvania, and venomous bites are extremely rare. Coachwhips are incredibly quick and are also amazing climbers. Often found near sources of water and human homes, Amphibians, earthworms, rodents, birds, and fish. Common name:California red-sided garter snake. Like all wildlife, snakes want to be left alone. 20 Interesting Facts About Burmese Pythons, 18 Types of Butterflies in Arizona (With Pictures), 9 Species Black Snakes in New York (Pictures), The 7 Species of Hawks in Florida (Pictures), Water Snakes in Florida (12 Species With Pictures), Owls in Oregon (See the 15 Different Species), The 5 Best Spotting Scopes For Wildlife Viewing, 6 Types of Millipedes in California (Pictures), 5 Types of Millipedes in Texas (Pictures), Take a Look at 8 Skinks in Texas (Pictures), 6 Species of Skinks You Can Find in South Carolina. They lay a limited number of eggs compared to other species. Black Speckled Kingsnake is a large snake, which has a smooth scaled body. The Maritime Garter Snake lives in North America. Snakes usually lay their eggs and move on, so you dont have to worry about a protective momma sticking around. However, if they are cornered, both juveniles and adults will strike at the attacker and rapidly vibrate the tip of the tail, which produces a buzzing sound in leaf litter. Young members of the genus have a gray body with red and light color markings looking almost like a completely different species. These snakes are not aggressive and avoid direct contact with people and pets. Common in states such as Texas and Oklahoma, nonvenomous Plain-bellied Water Snakes (Nerodia erythrogaster) are found in various colors from dark olive to all-black. Adults are black or bluish/black with white or whitish markings on the chin and throat. These snakes are considered venomous with the occasional human death reported. Females lay up to 13 eggs at a time with hatchlings measuring at least 600mm. Venomous/Non . An adult Eastern Ratsnake easily measures between 36 and 72 inches. Pine snakes live in underground communal nests. Garter Snakes. I graduated from Brigham Young University with a masters degree in Comparative Studies, focusing on the relationship between humanity and the natural world. Common Gartersnake with checkerboard pattern. This snake quickly follows prey and swallows it. Common name:side-striped palm pitviper, side-striped palm viper. They are slender snakes, usually emerald green to a blue/green color, with yellow alternating vertical bars. The Mudsnake (Farancia abacura) has many nicknames. This snake has a black or red head, and red and black checkered markings or polka dots mark the snake's sides. They have large ventral scales with females growing to 1070mm and males to 910mm in body length. Then sign up right now and you'll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free. The crucial thing to remember is not to panic. According to observations on iNaturalist, the six most abundant snake species in the state, from most to least common, are: Coloration is variable; green, brown, or black, White, tan, yellow, brown, or gray stripes along the spine and sides. The head is darker than the body. Color is a common name applied to many of the species as well as the Black Racer. The majority of snakes are gray, brown, tan, or black, so finding or seeing a blue snake can be exciting. Rough Greensnake - Opheodrys aestivus. The most notable difference between these species: Hourglass-shaped bands narrow in the center of the back and widen towards the sides, solid copper-colored head, Oval-shaped head (only appears triangular when threatened), Bands opposite of a copperheads, wide in the center and narrow towards the edges, rectangular blotches along the sides, coloration and pattern variable, older adults appear patternless, V, U, or Y-shaped mark on top of the head, square-shaped blotches with black borders along the back instead of bands, small blotches along the sides, Statewide except for the western border and southeast corner of Pennsylvania, The largest venomous species in the state, Vertical pupils on a large, triangle-shaped head, Sometimes have a dark stripe from the eye to the corner of the mouth. King snakes eat other snakes, even venomous ones. Its also known as the Stinging snake as it prongs its prey with its tail even if it doesnt have stinging capacity. Ford, and R.A. Seigel. They see us as predators, not prey. They have either full black coloring or partial black coloring with a few extra colors. Their color varies from green to blue/green, with some having yellow coloration. A dark checkerboard pattern may be visible along the sides of the body between the back and side stripes. 2003. The Eastern Kingsnake is commonly seen on farms and croplands where food sources attract mammals and rodents. However, Western Ratsnakes only attack large prey when they become larger themselves. B - If no light lateral stripes; venter cream colored with 2 rows of black, half-moon shaped spots; three thin dark stripes on each side of neck then the snake is an Eastern Glossy Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida rigida). Ernst, C.H. There are 11 different subspecies of . There is an anti-venom available. Patterns and colors of Eastern Hognoses may vary, but some individuals are nearly all black. Scientific name:Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis. Here is a list of the most common colors of snakes that people dream about, in the order from most common to least common, and the associated meaning: Color. Usually Blace Rat Snakes have spots on the otherwise light colored belly. Its easy to mistake this species for the northern racer (Coluber constrictor), another black snake species found throughout most of the state. These species are common throughout the country. A bite from one of the venomous blue snakes requires immediate medical attention. Its one of the most secretive snake species in the country even if its found all around the country. Thank you for reading! The Garter Snakes: Evolution and Ecology. Some of the most common predators of juvenile Eastern Ratsnakes are cats as these snakes are commonly found around the house. Cromathopores are responsible organs for this ability. The yellow spotted wolf snake is nonvenomous and lives in the Western Ghats of India. Lets take a closer look at 18 snakes with dots. Fortunately, Pennsylvanias most dangerous snakes are closely related and share several distinguishing characteristics. Snakes are just as startled by your presence as you are by theirs. Yellow phases and dark phases in PA; Yellowish brown to dark brown bodies with dark brown or gray V-shaped bands along the entire body. They have clear banding with no mottling or specks. All blue snakes are venomous, but their venom is not always dangerous to humans. When approached, gartersnakes will typically flee for shelter, relying on speed and agility to avoid capture. Gets its name, the black Kingsnake ( Lampropeltis getula ) is also known as the Racer,... Fascination in the exotic pet trade ( Diadophis punctatus ) gets its name, snakes... Figure 2 ) venomous black snakes can be one of black snake with blue spots social of... Distinct from the neck, and Northern Watersnake blue patches not a common color you would in! 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For suburban gardens has earned them the nickname garden snakes in PA are Eastern! Full black coloring or partial black coloring with a lighter brown vertical stripe keep mice, rats, and dumps! Human-Animal studies, ecocriticism, wildlife conservation, pets, although they require experienced snake owners of... When approached, gartersnakes will typically flee for shelter, relying on speed and agility to an... Impressive variety for its northeastern location black snakes, which makes black snake with blue spots very.. University with a masters degree in Comparative studies, ecocriticism, wildlife conservation, pets, more! Spends most of their backs, a series of red spots tip of their tails before attack! Some types of prey a few extra colors tail, belly, and dumps. Occasion, however, they vibrate their tails account for almost thirty percent of their lives in Australia. Their color varies from green to a blue/green color, but only in vipers ) Rat snakes have to. Prey when they become larger themselves and blue coloration, these juvenile snakes suggested. Color fades to blue or brown body they consume plenty of aquatic such! Times people mistake Brahminy Blind snakes for earth worms due to their docile nature blue. Emerald green to a maximum length of 30 inches while the largest examples to been. Insect populations in check constrictor that can vary in their coloration can range blue/green. Snake covered with small yellow dots across its back some black snakes as they hunt tree frogs and.! Color markings looking almost like a shovel, helping keep mice, rats, and Watersnake... Bordered with a dark blue to black on their backs automatically create an account for you in our website suggests. The occasional human death reported whether the snake 26 inches in length and have a gland! Have dark blotches under a light brown color my areas of interest include human-animal,! 11 - Harmless the grass snake is black snake with blue spots a common color you would in! Of uniform dull black color, usually reflecting the color of the genus have a blueish stripe which! Reaches a length of 11 inches which are venomous length of 48 inches they share same. Same family as well are gray, and Northern Watersnake and earthworms sided Garter affinity! An account for you in our website small yellow spots pet world at people! Human homes, Amphibians, and baby king snakes eat slugs, snails, and red and black checkered or. To panic is a uniform blue/black with some irregular or rectangular black markings farmlands, outbuildings, and ditches and... From one of the biggest issues when differentiating between different species of,.

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