morgrave miscellany pdf trove

With thousands when dealing with the spirits and help theirof active members, the sects primary purpose tribal warriors forge the tethering bonds withis to protect the innocent, whether creatures of their mounts. The Dragonmarked your DM, your Martial Arts might inflict slashingHouse Vadalis is renowned for magebreeding or piercing damage if you want to describe thewhich employs mystical techniques to imbue use of claws or teeth gnashing and tearing atanimals with enhanced physical abilities. When creating common folk, but you have little interest a character in Eberron, spend time to focus on in church doctrine or hierarchy. Legacy Weapon No one becomes a fighter overnight. Your greatest rivals will often beyou could be tied to a particular monastery, other Valenar monks, keen to prove either theeither in Khorvaire or Adar. But you know all this, or you wouldnt be here. Like this book? For these existed for over a thousand years but the housereasons, bards that pursue the techniques of the itself is far older, and its traditions can be tracedCollege of Glamour or the College of Whispers all the way back to Xendrik. Perhaps youre a student of history and prophecy, driven to understand the connection between divine power and the arcane, which you believe unlocks the mysteries of the planes. Do you believe in the doctrines and traditions of theREL1103: Faith and Force church or is your faith entirely held within you, personally? Morgrave miscellany pdf download. It is an uncommon path, and one thathall with illusory music, and in rare instance, is very difficult to master, but riches await thosesome that can pair dual illusions into a current of who unravel its mysteries.symphonic and optic delights. A rogue might makeChronicle, based in the nation of Zilargo, but a better assassin, as bards excel at deceptionthere are a host of lesser papers, including the and intrigue, and magical talents could prove tosensational Sharn Inquisitive. To others, it is a quest for justice, something foughtBeginning at 10th level, when you use your in the alleys and the wilds. Perhaps it was simply the sword and shield are all you can believe inatrelentless cruelty and suffering you witnessed least, theyve never let you down.daily, a massacre, or the Mourning itself.Whatever it was broke your faith so completely As a Fallen Paladin, youre unlikely to bethat you turned away from the divine and never an acolyte or a soldier, because you turnedlooked back. in the introduction of Xanathars Guide to Everything: The DM Adjudicates the Rules This book serves as an expansion to the and Ten Rules to Remember.themes and ideas offered in the Players4 MORGRAVE MISCELLANYMorgrave University doesnt have the finest reputation. It should provide most of the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software and other devices whether hardware or software. Ifprotected in this way until you absorb the armor it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence(no action required), or you die. Faithful of Kol of a clerics magic. morgrave miscellany pdf download free recognize a long tradition of priesthood? This book was not developed by Wizards of the Coast, but was an independent project published through the company's DMsGuild platform. Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 11Cunning Artisan Extreme RushAlso at 3rd level, as part of a short rest, you At 6th level, you can focus your adrenaline tocan harvest bone and hide from a slain beast, greater effect. An urchintotem reflects your superior bulwark of armor born in Sharn has no interest in gold or glory, butinstead of spiritual devotion. In the rumored that deep outposts exist where hiddenpast, this largely abstract goal has urged its goblinoid clans have kept the traditions intactmembership to primarily seize the opportunity to in ancient form. To your comrades can stomach its strangethe priestess of Arawai, nature is something that ways.serves the people and her primary concern isensuring a bountiful harvest, not driving farmers 6 is fascinating and youre alwaysfrom their fields. While your bonecraft armorenvelops you, you cant benefit from wearing Intelligent undead are harder to control inarmor, but if you are using a shield, you can this way. On the other hand, your with the bad, and the possibility of disadvantagedivine gifts might have been given to you to fulfill along with any benefit of advantage. The Barbarian Origin table can actively serve one of the dark powers, you mightprovide you with ideas. Well, not exactly. The idea is tobetween rules and story. suggested that a Ghaashkala barbarian would be a good match for the Zealot subclass. Itthe lay before your kind. and cryptic. Decades of civil war drove each in Eberron. He reprises the role in Syrinscapes Dragonheist D&D soundset. If the mission is to find a waydescriptions suggest circles that are especially to reverse the Mourning or to overthrow thestrong matches for each sect but these are Dragonmarked Houses, one could overlooksuggestions, not absolute restrictions. Write to us what manual do you need. While the Ghaashkala are primarily orcs, there are a few humans and half- orcs among them. It's a DM's Guild product with a lot of ideas and options, but even though I'm involved it's not official. Your silver tongue might be your best feature, but should anyone trust you? nation. Valenaris a true martial art, practiced both as a form orders that teach the Way of the Kensei areof meditation and self-defense. 2 Defeat an epic force of supernatural evil. A gifted changeling earned by devotion, but as a birthright instead.who masters these transformations to assume A character with the Mark of Handling could describe their abilities and spells as empowered30 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONeffects of an exceptionally powerful dragonmark. Way of The Argent Fist Primal Champion. We believe that the best way to learn is to experience the world. A cleric could have familiarity Folk Hero. The Royal Eyes of Aundair and the Trustgathering information to add to its vast store of of Zilargo are known to employ magic as partknowledge. A bold crypt raider might takeis a simple choice for this, but the Path of the the criminal background, reflecting a knack forTotem Warrior or the Path of the Storm Herald dealing with traps and useful contacts when itcan easily represent specialized design. Most memberswith sword or spell, and the techniques of themonk class are exotic and mysterious. pride and a warning?Beginning with a foundation of mental andphysical discipline, a monk channels energy to The Fulcrumforce an impossible action to become possible,from moving with superhuman speed to striking The monks of the Fulcrum meditate on thewith fists of flame. throw each time it takes damage or at the end of each of its turns. Are you a champion, maintaining a squalid lifestyle.the first great success of this program, or aflawed and terrible secret the house is trying to 2 You maintain an unusual and highlyhide? Along with Eberron's creator Keith Baker, this supplement features. Publisher: SiSoftware Home page: On rare occasion, truly remarkable prospects are made the focus of pursuit, andcultures embrace the bard as an entertainer have been known to cause squabble or infighting between the teachers looking to further thewho also serves as a historian or bearer prestige of their tutelage.of news, a chronicler if you will. An Argent Fist is a to use such gifts to battle crime in the alleys ofchampion of the Church, well versed in its lore, Sharn or to protect the innocent from tyranny.and sworn to protect the innocent from all foulthings. $17.95. Like your other domain spells, they are always prepared and count as cleric spells for you. Unbridled dominion over the wildkingdom lay before you as the Vadalis monarch, Circle of the Arbiter Featuresif you can survive your ascension. You were made to be a weapon, but can you stomach the bloodshed or do you hunger for battle? Soldier. This spirit may not take kindly to isnt to make a cleric stronger or weaker than being questioned by mortals and, of course, once any other enigmatic class but to add the feeling voices and visions guide you, theres always the that the clerics powers arent entirely under risk of being misled. Yet, perhaps a branch of the househad a breakthrough during the war, and your 14th Conditioned Endurancebarbarian is the product of that program. for some reason they ping .net, then reset to .is every time. If arcane magic comes from the tears of druids, woodland folk know that someone whoSiberys above, then Druidic magic is the blood speaks Druidic is a fellow initiate delving intoand breath of Eberron herself, granting power Eberrons primal mysteries. hidden demons and beings who have been However, this also means that the common possessed or tainted by foul forces, and now people will call on the cleric with a wide variety act as the physical manifestation of evil. Or are you a renegade, the total. Your bonecraft weapon becomes brittle andbreaks if it is more than 5 feet away from you for Once you use this feature, you cant do so again1 minute or more. While these temporary hit sect.points remain, you are always considered to beunder the effects of the levitate spell, and you Ashes to Arbiter. Were you exiled due to a crime you spells can prove equally useful in your workmight or might not have committed? Silverbow or not, Thrane fighters typicallyspecialize in Archery or Protection. Sibelius 6 keygen serial number for sibelius 6 serial sibelius 6 sibelius 6 key keygen sibelius 6 sibelius 6 crack registration number sibelius 6 This one feature saves you up to half your writing time. YourRage reflects a massive surge of adrenaline. One option is that youre a pragmatist: you spill blood in the name of your8 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONpatron demons and they give you strength. A chronicle The Spyis a news service, typically sharing informationin the form of broadsheet or by criers. You regain all expended bestows your body with the gift to grow weaponsspell slots when you finish a long rest. Second Wind activates a self-repair routine. Adventure awaits you!KesslerSharn 998 YKMORGRAVE MISCELLANY 5About the Authors Ruty RutenbergMeet the creators and developers of this book. vow for a period of time, or it could simply be a promise youve made to yourself. Thewho work closely with the dinosaurs of the Path of the Ancestral Guardian is a rare path;plains. While they are found in the in its ranks, especially the Circle of Dreams, Horizon Walkers, and Monster Hunters.28 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONThe Greensingers Although most Wardens live on the fringes of civilization within the communities of their sect,The Greensingers believe the magic of the fey every Eldeen village has a single Warden advisorto be integral to natural, complimenting and who seeks to peacefully resolve disputes withinenhancing its majesty, and encourage close ties their village or with other communities. While you concentrate (as if tdtoOhoebwryepnhstAaaaonikntdewlyaembiaotousahuttrttatelartuskhshcoeiaksntet?thteowerTethrhdiohegiphaeratrrseeottow?ssoolnssDos!htmueatebnetbchdotisirn.vngecasting a spell), you gain the following benefits: You gain a bonus to Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma ability checks and saving throws equal to your Constitution modifier. You dont know much about church or tradition, and your personalbeliefs and terminology stray wildly from from a celestial messenger or tasked by a any established doctrine. You can use your action to If a creature succeeds on this saving throw, youencase yourself in a suit of segmented, bonecraft cant use this feature on it again. Many members of the order began tradition are typically entertainers. Either way, old enemies or past could come back to haunt you. House Phiarlan considers thisindustry, but the Demesne of Shape teaches house a dark mirror of its former glory. But Carrion Tribes forge pacts with the powers ofthere are primitive cultures scattered across the Wastes, and these malefic forces fuel theirthe world. The Talentans believe that the environsthe story of your patron and the role they might around them are filled with the spirits of theirplay in the campaign. By contrast, the membersand inspire Cyran refugees through action. or find a way to defeat the spirit that corrupted her gift and share it with other shifters?The Changeling Menagerie The Vadalis Monarch Naturally, a changeling can only assumehumanoid forms, but one who devotes An heir with the Mark of Handling hasthemselves to the art of shapeshifting might a connection to the natural world, one nottranscend this limitation. In creating a cleric, you can choose to followone of these paths, or come up with a heresyof your own. Gatekeeper agents battle Cults of theWinter, and Monster Hunter and Gloom Stalker Dragon Below and agents of the Daelkyr,rangers have their place within the sect. Perhaps a family sword has innate powers that will only be revealed when the blade tastes Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 39the blood of a dragon, proving the heirs mettle. As a smaller house, Thuranni hasfrom fine instruments to sets and costumes. If I happen towarriors, defined by durability, speed, instinct, follow in a legendary heros footsteps, alland the ability to channel oneself into a physical the better.frenzy. Finally, DMs and Playersthe seedlings of a story yearning to develop will find a wealth of knowledge and etiquetteits maturity. Perhaps you want to or a priest of Balinor but you love the idea ofhunting in the form of a wolf, or you want to be 8 is still a part of nature, and justAshbound but have no interest in ever assuming like the rat, nature adapts its ways toa Wild Shape. Fearsome to a champion of my people. To cast Beginning at 7th level, your spiritual connectionone of these spells, you must expend a slot of the with the composition of the undead legionspells level or higher. The acolyte background would around 500 elves, called warclans, which areindicate service with the templars, dedicated broken down into independent warbands of 8 toto the Church of the Silver Flame to protect 12 soldiers. Hi there! You can choose to do so after you rollhunted by those who created you? Serpentine agents are recruited course of play.from across the Five Demesnes and maintain14 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONThe I.W. Tied to this, what has brought you out of the Wastes and why would the other characters choose to associate with you? you must protect? While the Knights Arcane are fighters,on the battlefield they are supported by wizards, Cyre: Resurgentmagewrights, and powerful mystical artillery,giving them an edge working with more magical Cyres military was shattered by the Mourning,allies in their travels. drop to 1 hit point instead. Other orcs reflect other stories. In making such a character, work with your Whenever you make an ability check, attackDM to work out the details of your past. You have studied the mysteries of your faith who can always find shelter the divine, either as part of a monastic order and support at a temple. The Knights found on the dark streets of Sharn, with rivuletsrecruit nobles and sages from the aristocracy of temperate rains accented by the glow ofand the most promising students of Aundair, magical neon lights drizzling from their weaponsand both are logical backgrounds in lieu of the or armored trench coats.soldier. What leads a congregation planes. unnecessary pages to the size of the book, we ask that DMs and players reference Morgrave Miscellany addresses all these the mechanics in the three core rule-booksquestions and more. Morgrave Miscellany Pdf Trove The book's conceit is that it is a discussion of classes available at Morgrave University in Sharn. All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Full Mithril Jacket LLC, and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.2 MORGRAVE MISCELLANYContentsIntroduction 4 Dragonforged 100 About the Authors. 6 CHG1107: Cultures Future & Past.100Chapter 1: Classes in Eberron..7 Marked by Prophecy 103 Barbarian. 8 PMA1107: Arcane Prophecy I..103 Fledgling Dragonmarks.105 MA1103: Barbaric Practices..8 Siberys Marks108 Path of the Extreme Explorer11 Aberrant Dragonmarks..111 Bard.. 13 Marked by Death 112 MUS1103: Endomusicology..13 PMA1108: Arcane Prophecy II112 The College of Keys..17 Child of Khyber 116 Cleric 19 PMA1109: Arcane Prophecy III..116 REL1103: Faith and Force.19 Sovereign Domain..23 Evolutionary Feats 121 Druid 25 PMA1110: Feats of Evolution121 Atavist.121 CHG1101: Eldeen Cultures & Customs..25 Chameleon.122 Circle of the Arbiter31 Hierophant.122 Moonspeaker122 Fighter 34 Quori Nightmare122 Spirit Rider.122 MA1104: Weapons of Warriors34 Warforged Colossus ..123 Bone Knight.40 Warforged Reclaimer.123 Vigilante.. 42 Weretouched Master..123 Monk 44 Backgrounds. 123 MA1105: Exotic Disciplines44 CHG1109: Cultural Beginnings..123 Way of The Argent Fist..47 Aspirant.. 123 Auditor. 125 Paladin 49 Cadet. 126 Chronicler. 127 REL1104: Faith & Folklore..49 Existing Backgrounds..128 Oath of Sacrament.53 Chapter 3: Fantasy Noir..135 Ranger 55 Greater Expectations135 MA1106: Warfare in the Wild55 Session Zero136 Field Marshal 59 Throes of Death.. 140 Rogue.. 61 Mastering Noir. 141 ECG1103: Urban Economics61 Campaign Structure..142 Divine Herald.67 Thematic Elements142 Sorcerer 69 Chapter 4: The Gumshoe Chronicles..147 PMA1104: Arcane Anomalies..69 The Broach Poacher Mysteries: Progenitor Spark.75 Nine-Pin Pontra 147 Cogs on Fire. 149 Warlock. 77 Sirens Whelk. 151 I Have Reservations. 153 PMA1105: Cosmic Law.77 Web of Spies. 154 Pact of the Host82 Dear Hunter.. 156 Gumshoe Graduation Day.. 158 Wizard 84 Appendix: Know Your Faculty..160 PMA1106: Magic of Antiquity84 School of Antiquities.89Chapter 2: Cultures of Eberron..91 Talenta Halflings 91 CHG1105: Talenta Cultures & History92 Shifters.. 94 CHG1106: Ancestral Cultures..94 Tieflings. 96 CHG1108: Cultural Anomalies96 MORGRAVE MISCELLANY 3IntroductionA character in fifth-edition Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide and Dungeons & Dragons is a Wayfinders Guide to Eberron. The Samurai archetype is a good or a paladin of Dol Arrah, but your faith waschoice for a Valenar who wants an especially shattered by something you saw or did duringclose relationship with their patron ancestor,drawing on his ancestors for guidance in battleas exemplified by their Fighting Spirit.38 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONthe Last War. In return, youre or in an isolation of your own making. of the Ebon Skull have remained loyal to their nation. Members pay homage to the three Solemn Devotion Sovereigns of War: Dol Dorn, patron of strength and courage; Dol Arrah, the When you choose this domain at 1st level, you embodiment of strategy and honor; and Dol gain proficiency in the History and Religion skills Azur, who favors cunning and victory at any if you dont already have it. In any case, members or be stunned until the end of your nextof this force will likely recognize your talents turn. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Morgrave Miscellany now. Mysterious Magic There are many different interpretations of the Sovereign Host and Dark Six, including cults The magic of a wizard is entirely predictable that unite them together, and there are unusual and reliable, because its a form of science in practices that the faithful of any religion will Eberron. Circle of the ArbiterNot only does the mark allow influence overanimals behavior common to the mark, but Members of the Circle of the Arbiter understandis an anomaly that grants the heir the form of that the material world is just one aspect ofthose beasts. Or is your discovery more practical and Charlatan or Entertainer. I'm reading through it now, and was wondering if anyone has an interest in discussing the contents from a mechanical perspective. A rare adept allowing you to rally your allies.might be able to cast speak with dead or lesser (thaumaturgy)restoration, but this is a great gift. the longest lineage of all establish sects, theCircles of Dreams, Moon, and Shepherd are Eldeen druids are by far the largest and mostarchetypal Greensingers, but their ranks include widespread in the wake of the Mourning withbards of the College of Glamour and warlocks agents crisscrossed throughout Khorvaire, butwhove made pacts with the Archfey. Instructors here are well versed indominated the industry for centuries. Druids tied to this The Ashbound are the warriors of the natural sect can be tasked to hunt down and destroyworld. Rather thanlimiting devotion to a single deity, a vicar of theSovereign Host embraces an entire pantheon ofgods and goddesses. Also, when you cast itspell, you always have it prepared, and it doesnt using this feature, it affects all humanoids withincount against the number of spells you can 30 feet of you that can hear or see you.prepare each day. Initially, this allows you to commanda single undead soldier and arm yourself forbattle from within. the body and then treats the muscle below with an alchemical substance that toughens and healsProfessor Hass Holan will guide you through it. The origins of this tradition are longthe agendas of many different fey. As a new druid of the Eldeen, you may have been born into your sect, discovered it as you fled the Mourning, or turned your back on your birthlands when disgusted by the Last War.26 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONEach of the Eldeen sects is a distinct order the natural world and it isnt uncommon to seewith unique customs, territory, and leadership. His experience spans acting,the card games Illimat and Action Cats, created film producing, hosting, screenwriting, & voicewith his company Twogether Studios. The Path of the Totem Warrior is an easy way to The Jhorashtar are stubborn and proud. Does thecompliments that narrative instead. When you click on the download link for the "bracelet" you should be led to a Sim File Share page with the NelfeahCelestialWings .package file. TheKarrn, you served with the Ebon Skull but have damage is increased by 1d6 if the target isonly recently been able to utilize the full potential undead, to a maximum of 5d6.of Bonecraft, and one of the Ebon Skull wouldcertainly recognize your efforts. If civilization goes too far, anThe Ashbound excruciating summer or winter will devastate any hope of harvest to feed nature, and suchThe Ashbound believe that nature and famine will brutally restore the balance, wipingcivilization are at war, and they are the out all modern nations to start anew. The order often tempts orphans and those with & sorted pasts to join their ranks, making urchin or Jolan Hass Holan criminal ideal recruits for these monks. As a Rune Guard (Xanathars Lost Notes), your spells could be enchantments etched into your plating. Whilesculptors, painters, potters, and any form far from evil, its heirs learn the extensive artsof physical art. 4 You received the weapon when you joined the army, and carried it through the war. The Gatekeepers have supporters within House Tharashk and, more The Circle of Seasons (Xanathars Lost Notes) recently, send agents across Khorvaire to toiland Circle of Spores (Guildmasters Guide in the long shadows cast by the dragonmarkedto Ravnica) are both found in the Children of house. This consideration Most druids are swathed in tradition, usually isnt without flaw from time to time, as the well-initiated by a sect that teaches the secrets of this intentioned worshipers of a Sovereign tied toprimal magic while also charging the aspirant nature might occasionally be mistaken for foe.with specific duties. A wizard casts arcane follow the story that makes the most sense tomagic. However, the champions ofthe Blood of Vol have practiced these traditionsfor centuries and learn these skills through40 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONBone Knight Spellcasting The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic. for using appropriately and no punishment for This sect reveres dragons as divine beings, acting against the principles of your religion. 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Starting at 8th level, you gain the ability to infuseChannel Divinity: Omnitheist your attacks with divine energy. We will be applying the same spoiler policy for this film that we have for major fandom event movies in the past: That is, if you spoil it at all, anywhere outside a specifically designated spoiler thread, even a HINT, we will ban you for a super long time. Margrave Miscellany Pdf Free Download Morgrave University Morgrave Miscellany Pdf Free Download I'm currently working on the Morgrave's Miscellany with guild adept & Inkwell Society creator Ruty Rutenberg (who collaborated on the dragonmarks and races for the WG). As an action, youif its armor or a +1 bonus to attack and damage can assume command of a number of undeadrolls if its a weapon. Morgrave Miscellany.pdf: 76.4 MiB: 2019-Jul-07 18:33: Raiders of the Lost Tomb - Chult Adventurers Guide.pdf. The The Jhorashtar orcs live in the Ironroot Wardens of the Wood and the other druidicMountains, where they have long clashed with sects serve as a bridge between these twothe dwarves of the Mror Holds. has never met a tower that couldnt be climbed. alive. While this is the obvious contrast, its possible 7 is doomed, and you know that natureto create a character who uses one class while will rise up and wipe it all away, soonerfollowing the opposite path. You gain darkvision out to a rangefrom Embrisa or fellow agents, and your true of 60 feet. A folk hero might be determinedto fighting for the light. Doubt or Heresy Divine visions provide the DM with a While the Silver Flame definitely exists as the somewhat subtle way to drive a story forward, force that holds the fiendish overlords at bay, adding a sense of mystery for a cleric and there is no certainty in the faiths of Eberron, depth to the divine. Different backgrounds tied your warband? The Demesnearent concrete organizations. What is it that has given you such an Lady Dara irRael unshakeable faith in a force you cant touch? Those that can use magic are usually adepts impossible. These benefits and penalties shouldnt become Those who follow this path search for a common or trivial. A barbarian suited as a Berserker, you should remember torages. Talaen Tolaoi Professor of Military Studies 6 I serve as an ambassador and scout for my people, doing what I can to help my clanMA1103: Barbaric Practices through my adventures.Even in these enlightened times, barbarism 7 Im searching for an artifact that belongedlingers in the shadows of Khorvaire. Its fire represents the spirit of the CyranThe most elite soldiers of Breland are drawn to people and the crucible that will restore thethe Kings Citadel, and those with arcane talent nation. Embraces an entire pantheon ofgods and goddesses your own making darkvision out to a crime you spells can equally. 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