white scars 1d4chan

Blood had been shed on many vessels, and some had been commandeered entirely by White Scars Warrior Lodge members still hoping to sway the Legion to the cause of Horus. If Magnus yet lived then everything could be salvaged. Psychneuein materialised over the Legionaries, coalescing instantly as if sucked from the atmosphere itself. Eventually the tribesmen defeated the army of the Palatine, who escaped back to his capital with a select few bodyguards. In the case of the White Scars, only one change had ever been requested of the Tech-priests and only one metric was ever improved upon -- speed. When they slammed together again the impact was bone-jarring. The Khan strode down from the platform, his Keshig following him closely. Still pursued by the forces of the Death Guard and the Emperor's Children, the White Scars discovered the location of the Dark Glass and intended to use it to instantaneously travel to the Sol System. Those companies assigned to the deepest systems of the Circle fought alone and unsupported for almost three Terran years before the remainder of the Legion secured the outer regions. In this, of course, they were entirely correct. For a moment they stared into one another's eyes -- one face white with shock, the other rigid with anger. Arvida led the surviving Keshig far through the empty city, until they found themselves within the ruins of a grand audience chamber. The Death Lord absorbed every strike that connected, sucking the power out of the Khan's blows like a leech, taking the hits and coming back for more. His sword glowed with aetheric residue, as though dipped in molten iron. Jaghatai, Horus and Mortarion knew that they had reached the centre of the xenos incursion when even they could proceed no further, so powerful were the psionic tides flooding out from the hideously pulsating wound in reality at the very centre of the city. A good example is in. Like his sister points out, he wants people to acknowledge his pain, but he doesn't want to actually talk to them. The only reason Vulkan didn't kill him the moment he got free was to disprove Curze's insistence that he was just as brutal as his maddened brother. He was proven right a year after winning this holy war, when the Emperor arrived to accept Lorgar's oaths of service. The White Scars inquired as to how the Thousand Sons Sergeant had come to be on Prospero and how long he had been there. They surged back across the heaving terrain, lumbering away from the Psychneuein attacks as best they could, trying to reach the crumbling maw of the fissure that had swallowed their Primarch. Despite their fearsome levels of discipline, leaving the site of the Khagan's fall was anathema. As a result, he was not as close to the Primarch. Khalid Hassan, Captain of the Imperial Army's 4th Clandestine Orta and an agent of Malcador the Sigillite, the Regent of Terra, arrived aboard the Lance of Heaven. The Alpha Legion formation reacted just as a blockade ought to react, maintaining a rigid web across the widest area of space, each node backed up by a second rank of warships held in reserve. Though it took enormous power, or devices of ancient and unknown origins, it could be done. Yet they valued learning and knowledge highly, many among them skilled as artificers, philosophers and artists. As for how long he had been there, he did not know, for his Power Armour's internal chronometre had been blown in battle. Afterwards, Jaghatai came to believe that the outcome of the Council of Nikaea should have never been left in the Crimson King's hands. One of Abaddon the Despoiler's first acts when he took command was to destroy the Warmaster's corpse and stop its near-worship, then rename the force the Black Legion. It is said he had a "fire in his eyes," the sign of a great warrior among the nomads. Horus, who appreciated talent above appearances, also showed some favour to the Khagan, as did Sanguinius who had ever been a statesman and diplomat among his often quarrelsome brothers. Appointments & Locations. Despite this, the proliferation of these Warrior Lodges quickly spread amongst the other Legions -- even into the White Scars Legion. Discovered early on by Rogue Traders during the Great Crusade as they opened up new regions of the galaxy for the Imperium, this device was believed to have been used in ancient times to test the technology that would later result in the construction of the Golden Throne. Once more, Kulek Senn offered his master his warning as the party moved through the streets, this time with increasingly strident concern. You will remain here and let others know of the price of pride, that we shall not have to sully our blades again.". It was a doomed attempt. In only twenty standard years Jaghatai Khan had conquered the largest empire in his world's history. A hard bang shot out, radiating across the entire bridge. The fleet mustered once more, holding position in loose formation, just as it had done at Chondax. Other Primarchs warned the Emperor of the closeness between Mortarion and Horus, fears that were justified when the Warmaster turned renegade and the Death Guard joined him. Jaghatai Khan has not been seen since, though the White Scars believe he is still alive somewhere within the Webway and will one day return to the Chapter in a time of great need. Any attempt to bring the Night Lords to justice was derailed when the Horus Heresy erupted, and Konrad Curze sided with the traitors, leading his legion on a campaign of genocide and sickening violence. The White Scars' run did not slow. The website with some good insight on lore and also just funny in general. bleaching the skin surrounding large white patches to blend them. Seven Terran years after the end of the Horus Heresy, during the period called the Time of Rebirth the Imperium was largely guided by the Ultramarines Primarch and Lord Commander of the Imperium Roboute Guilliman, the White Scars adopted Guilliman's Codex Astartes and the Vth Legion allowed itself to be grudgingly divided into several different Successor Chapters. But the numbers began to tell. As if fighting a strong headwind out on the Altak back on Chogoris, the vanguard's momentum faltered. Pulling himself free from the pile of rubble, Jaghatai found himself in a strange underground world of sink-holes and chasms that might open up into something bigger. Kicking the retros at the last moment, the voidbikes skidded around in zero-gravity then powered into the Swordstorm's inertia bubble. The moment had finally come, and so, they moved as one, silently and efficiently. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I know some pages are pretty cringe, but the Tactics pages are invaluable and one of the main sources some people (myself included) when trying to get ground-level summaries of game/faction/rules changes and summaries. Not so much good for actually learning lore, but entertaining none the less. This help content & information General Help Center experience. The seventh figure occupied a different order of power. It was an apparition of his missing brother, Magnus the Red, the Crimson King. It was known Yesugei asked after the fate of his friend Ahzek Ahriman, whom he had hoped to see again, but Arvida could give him no guidance. Manoeuvring in patterns that seemed almost random, the White Scars sought to disrupt their foes' formation and isolate them from the protection of their brethren. Where, at the beginning of the long war the maps had been blank and the enemies unknown and terrifying, they were now replete and Mankind's enemies largely known and cowed. Their only advantage was that the creatures were blind, yet they could still sense their prey. "It is not enough to take from an enemy their life -- rather take from them also their places of safety, their allies, their homes and their loved ones. They had not lost critical numbers of ships, but the sudden attack run had blown their formation wide open and destroyed the cohesion that they had so painstakingly built. A command was given, issued from the Vox-grill of one of the commanders. The Khan was driven further, only barely able to weather the explosion of fury directed at him. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Death Guard formation quickly fell back into a defensive cordon. Two of them burned through the outer system at high speed. The Emperor rejected the White Scars Librarians' compromise. Another battle honour borne with pride long after the outbreak of the Horus Heresy by Loyalist and Traitor alike was that won at Drune in 881.M30, a lonely, arid world spinward of the Morpheus Rift. Alpharius/Omegon is the least clear since no one knows what their intentions are. They valued courtesy and forthright honesty over protocol and rigid adherence to rules ill-suited for the battlefield, but did not fail to punish those who transgressed the rules they set themselves. However, the Crusade escapes thanks to the Harlequins and Cypher's Fallen, and Magnus follows Guilliman through the Webway up to Luna, where he battles his brother. Angron refused, and would have died alongside his comrades had the Emperor not taken him by force. A reckoning would come, the Khan cried, addressing the hundreds who waited for guidance. It's also said that Horus wanted this and welcomed it. Without their leader the gladiators lost all morale and were annihilated, and an embittered Angron only reluctantly took command of the XII Legion, renaming them from the War Hounds to the World Eaters. Something burned in him, dark like old embers. The Chogorians had always known of the existence of the Warp and the dangerous entities of Chaos that lurked within. When the beleaguered forces faced a breach and potential collapse of the Imperial defences, Jaghatai decided on a change of plan. After years of bloodshed in the arena, Angron led his fellow slaves in a revolt, escaping to the mountains and throwing back repeated attempts to bring them to heel. More blows came in -- hard, heavy, earth-shaking blows. Coils of oily gas spilled from the lining of his battle plate, dribbling down the skull-painted surfaces and hissing on contact with Prospero's death-dry soil. White Scars on their favoured Scimitar Pattern Jetbikes. The Khan lurched away, stumbling, and Mortarion lumbered after him. Something in the upper atmosphere -- an aetheric field, a truly massive one -- was preventing the White Scars from sending landers or Drop Pods. It's no surprise that the Imperium would like to bury all accounts of the Arch-Heretic, though it hasn't been successful. None of them let loose with the flamboyance that they were used to. The Stormseer was forced to conclude that either Ahriman had been killed by the Space Wolves or had escaped into the Warp along with his master Magnus. There was no benefit to it whatsoever, he just wanted to spite Dorn for being picked over him to build the Palace by proving he could break whatever Dorn built. Khan did not quite believe that the apparition that now stood before him was truly his brother. It was also known that the White Scars did not get along well with the Space Wolves Legion. They were pathfinders in both a tactical and strategic sense, amongst the keenest and most proficient breed of the Legiones Astartes created by the Emperor. Crush all those in their care, lay their chattels to waste and then drive them alone and naked into the darkness. The White Scars fleet was paralysed. Until he knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, who was ally and who was an enemy, who had truly betrayed the Emperor and who was still loyal, he refused to choose sides. By the time Swordstorm reached geostationary orbit over the world's capital city of Tizca, there was no longer room for doubt. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Perturabo's youth was spent on the planet Olympia as the ward of Dammekos, the Tyrant of Lochos. If such a gifted individual was properly trained in order to obtain the greatest results, like any weapon, he or she could still be used, but with respect and not indiscriminately. The White Scars coordinated to perform a standard zao (known in Low Gothic as "The Chisel") manoeuvre -- full-fleet, enacted on a single command from the Vth Legion's flagship Swordstorm. The Talaskar people dispersed back to a tribal existence and Khan ruled over them all with his generals by his side. Two were quite well known within the official historical records; Magnus of the Thousand Sons and the angelic Sanguinius of the Blood Angels. That being said, with the Fall of Cadia and the close of the 41st Millennium, it has been rumored that Lorgar has ended his retirement and is now leading armies of Word Bearers himself. The bridge fell silent. So the Khagan bargained for his loyalty and that of those he ruled, taking from the Emperor those guarantees he deemed fair regarding the treatment of the people of Chogoris and of his role in the future empire. He spoke to Stormseer Yesugei and considered rejecting the Warmaster Horus' command to leave for Chondax, for he could have done so, but both White Scars warriors believed that the campaign on Chondax would be over in a matter of solar weeks. The Khan instructed his warriors to search for the caves that he knew were under the city. When the end finally came, when Horus died at the hands of the Emperor aboard his Battle Barge Vengeful Spirit in orbit above Mankind's homeworld, the White Scars emerged from the fires of galactic civil war bloodied, but alive. Sooner or later, the Khan would have to choose between the two sides, and that the next time they met they would either be allies or enemies. Rather than fighting back, the Night Haunter seems to have accepted his fate, and is the only Primarch to have been assassinated. He made the ways of Chogoris the Truth of his Legion, a strange blend of practicality and superstition that was ill at ease with the strict tenets of the Imperial Truth which denied any and all brands of religion. White Scars Space Wolves Imperial Fists Blood Angels Iron Hands Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard Noteworthy Second Founding Chapters Black Templars Crimson Fists Flesh Tearers Noteworthy Chapters of the Dark Thirteenth Founding Exorcists Death Spectres Noteworthy Chapters of the Cursed Twenty-First Founding The Legion of the Damned Undeterred, the Brotherhood of the Storm burst out of cover and surged up the stairway, charging into the incoming torrent of bolt-shells as the hall exploded with light, sound and fury. Several White Scars Brotherhoods (companies) would often be seconded to fight alongside their cousins from the Luna Wolves. Skilled at playing people, both mortals and even his fellow Primarchs. Those few records of the two often note this friendship between two otherwise isolated Primarchs. The Khan of Khans wedded those genetic ties to the culture of Chogoris, making this the glue to unify his Legion. What could the Khan do if his fleet was of one mind? It was later revealed that the White Scars presence at the Kalium Gate was merely another diversion, as they had no intention of utilising the Warp Gate, for the Khagan's true purpose was to find the notorious senior Navigator, Novator Pieter Achelieux. Among these scholars the young Primarch quickly mastered his psyker powers, surpassing his teachers and peering into the depths of the Empyrean, growing in mental strength even as his body developed into a giant. Inspired by this success, the Loyalists also tried to seize the Eternity Wall Spaceport, but were driven back by the Chaos forces without difficulty, as they had reinforced their garrison following the loss of the Lion's Gate. Among the Primarchs, the Khan was the most reclusive, bound to the hunt and the glory of the chase rather than parade ground or strategium halls, and was oft overlooked by the eyes of history. It was an achievement to rival any of those of his brother-Primarchs in their foundling years, and the Emperor hailed him as a true son and inheritor of the legacy He had prepared for him. Legends recount that the most influential moment in Jaghatai's life was the slaying of his adopted father by the rival Kurayed tribe. He had never complained. He was master of a Legion of vagabonds, a situation that might have sat less well with others of his brethren, but was a challenge well-suited to the Great Khan's talents and history. But still, he had hoped to avoid full-scale combat with his Battle-Brothers in persuading others to the honourable course. The enemy infesting that system were only Greenskins, remnants of the Ork empire destroyed on Ullanor, the last slivers of the Warlord Urrlak Urruk's horde. She ordered Shiban to get her to the teleport platform. Alpharius bonded with Horus over the coming months, and eventually was sent back to Terra to be formally received by the Emperor, but the Great Crusade was already in full swing and the two spent little time with each other before Alpharius was deployed to lead the XX Legion. See Horus Heresy for tropes applying to that series, and the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Gaiden Game, which isn't mentioned in the main tabletop game. At the time of the Great Crusade, the Chogorian people had managed to restore their technological level in the wake of the Age of Strife to one similar to the pike-and-shot level of the late Renaissance on Old Earth. A tall figure stood on the far side of the annihilated phantasms. Atmospheric readings streamed in, adding to the visual evidence. Almost as if by silent mutual agreement, the two sides mustered outside of the clustered towers of the city, neither wishing to see it broken as they fought and, with but a brief pause, gave voice to the deep roar of cannon and the cacophony of clashing blades. The Khan turned back, and caught sight of the Thousand Sons Legionary among the others. Beyond that, he saw more heavy infantry holding position around the epicentre of the bridge itself -- the command throne. To Rogal Dorn. As of the opening of the Great Rift, all of the Daemon Primarchs have begun to mobilize. Looking at the signals, still on the edge of the system but already moving in close -- three, then four vessels allied to Horus were moving towards the Prospero System. ultraviolet light treatment in combination with topical medications. Warmaster Horus led a relief effort, only to have his command ship similarly infiltrated, but a battle for its bridge ended the minute Horus and the invaders' leader got a good look at each other. During a campaign involving the Iron Warriors, the Imperial Fists, and the Blood Angels, Dorn was widely lauded in the aftermath of the conflict and presented with a medal, while Perturabo was offered nothing. External links 1d4chan at WikiApiary.com (founded 2011 ), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites His improvements in technology and efficiency reversed Chemos' decline so that it finally produced more than it consumed, allowing a renaissance of arts and culture. Many Imperial savants now wonder how different later ages might be had only Jaghatai stayed his final strike or but delayed it long enough for the behemoth to press its assault upon his brothers. One example of such rivalry can be found in the case of the Raven Guard and the White Scars, who have harboured a mutual mistrust dating back centuries. Then suddenly, they all felt the static build-up of enormous power. Though the Warmaster had ordered the White Scars to bring judgement upon the Space Wolves, the Khan would not unleash his vengeance upon Leman Russ and his get until he had more detailed information. The knowledge gleaned from Magnus needed to be propagated swiftly, ending the long period of uncertainty that had blighted the White Scars Legion. The Chogorians, on the other hand, never stopped believing. "You have chosen the doom I could not. The Ruinous Powers waited and they watched, and they realised what the Primarchs had not -- that only the Primarchs could destroy the Primarchs. Of all his brothers, the Khan had only ever been close to two, and Horus was the first. Mortarion was cast to the world of Barbarus, a planet of high mountains swathed in clouds of poison, ruled by monstrous overlords who preyed upon the humans huddling in the livable valleys below. Alpharius was the very first Primarch recovered. White Scars vessels dropped formation, protecting their own flanks and leaving holes in the offensive wall. In every battle in which he fought, Jaghatai led the assault. Horus cracking under the weight of his position, being mortally wounded and seeing visions of a horrific future. So many of you know I'm sure about 1d4chan. The Khan visited every Battleship in person, stamping out the last traces of rebellion where he found them. He is content to contemplate the Primordial Truth from the daemon world of Sicarus, while his Word Bearers continue to preach the Word of Chaos and tear down the icons of the False Emperor. Duty could now be done, the call to war could be given. The secrets hidden within their reactor hearts were jealously guarded by the lords of the Red Planet and shared with no one outside the privileged circles of the elect. With every ounce of his posthuman strength, the Khan reached for Hasik's helm with his free hand and wrenched it from his head, casting it to the ground in contempt. Scholars of war might ponder what force might test the powers not just of one, but of three of the Emperor's gene-sons, and in the contest that ensued they might find one such possible answer. The names themselves were symbolic, and no strict pattern has ever been enforced on newly marked White Scars. He felt the old stirrings of resentment again, the chill anger of the unregarded son and the man who had bent the knee to avoid having domination forced upon him. he looked down on the Terran High Lords, being normal humans compared to the Primarchs, bring about exactly the future that he saw, He ended up demonized and erased from history because of his traitorous acts against the Emperor and the Imperium. Though Magnus was the figurehead, the most powerful and the most vocal in support of the use of psychic abilities, he was not the only voice. He ping-pongs, in a somewhat inscrutable way, between being proud of his distance from the rest of the Imperium and resentful of being "left . After a violent confrontation with Rogal Dorn, Curze fled before his brothers could render judgment, and ordered the Night Lords fleet to return to Nostramo and detonate the world's core. The Emperor preferred to keep those truths hidden from the people of the Imperium, and for all anyone knew He had tried to stamp out those who still understood them. From high up on the terraces on either side of the bridge, many metres up between the pillars and suspended platforms, massed Bolter-fire tore up the floor in a cloud of debris. Now a hundred more White Scars Legionaries stood arrayed in ranks across the outer circle of the bridge, all aiming their Bolters at the command throne. But there were those who thought that Librarians were witches, ripe for burning, and those who thought they were still-forming gods. It was then that the Alpha Legion opened fire on its former brothers. His White Scars embrace war in a way entirely their own, and he became renowned for making decisions that often clashed with the Emperor's wishes. After he managed to guide the White Scars' fleet closer to Terra, Arvida finally succumbed to the effects of the Flesh-Change and was rendered unconscious. I think everyone has the right to know about this and hopefully someone out there can help them. An ornate rebreather covered the lower half of his face. The gathering on Chogoris saw the first occurrence of a ritual that would grant the Vth Legion its new title, the White Scars, and seal its bond as a unified host. In an attempt to save Arvida's life, he was transformed in an arcane ritual conducted by Malcador the Sigillite into an amalgam of Arvida's own psyche and a psychic fragment of the personality of the Primarch Magnus the Red which had been left on the Throneworld after his ritual incursion into the Imperial extension of the Webway. The Council's rulings also created a new position amongst the Space Marine Legions, the Space Marine Chaplain, to uphold the Imperial Truth and help maintain the purity of an Astartes Legion's dedication and fidelity to the Emperor's commands. They were, every one of them, creatures of the Warp, whatever Malcador the Sigillite told the masses. Having secured orbital space, Jaghatai proceeded with a combat drop, with several squadrons of gunships and landing craft descending onto the boreal plains that marked the edge of the world's inhabited zone. A vast avalanche pushed him and his group back down the mountain, killing the normal men. He would take everyone on if he had to. That's what Lorgar called the Chaos Gods -- the Primordial Annihilator. He ordered his Apothecaries to duplicate his implants and subject his legion to the same mental mutilation, and the World Eaters soon earned a reputation as an army of remorseless berserkers. Jemulan Noyan-Khan stood at the forefront in his master-crafted Terminator battle-plate, with his retinue of Veterans at his back. He cost himself thousands of veteran fighters and demolishing morale of an already worn down legion before doing anything of value just because he didn't think they were good enough for him. He was hated by the other tribes because of his ability to see beyond the constant warfare on the steppes to a vision of unity for all the downtrodden peoples of the Empty Quarter. Hard bang shot out, radiating across the entire bridge weather the explosion of fury directed him. They were still-forming gods there can help them with shock, the voidbikes skidded in. Emperor rejected the White Scars Brotherhoods ( companies ) would often be seconded fight... For a moment they stared into one another 's eyes -- one face White with shock the. Often note this friendship between two otherwise isolated Primarchs faced a breach and potential collapse of the opening of Warp! 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